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- Design and (im)materiality: designing for a regenerative and socially ethical food systemPublication . Duarte, Verónica; Félix, Maria João; Viegas, Cláudia; Borges, Miguel de AboimFood systems are facing serious challenges in the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. This article aims to revitalise the role of design in the transition to a regenerative food system, adopting ethical principles. A literature review was carried out that crossed different themes, to stimulate reflection on the involvement of design in the food system. Next, four evolutionary stages were planned and presented, complemented by conceptual models that resulted from the research carried out and related to the different theoretical subjects, to generate new perspectives on the topic addressed. The effective contribution of this study lies in demonstrating that designers, together with other stakeholders, can design useful solutions and generate interdisciplinary knowledge related to the food system. Furthermore, it is understood that a greater contribution from social design and inclusive design is needed to address several of the problems of the food system, and, consequently, significant and mutually beneficial changes occur. The expected results focus on the need to carry out additional research to deepen the relationship between design and the food system, to minimise adverse impacts on the environment, human health, and future generations.
- Alterations of the abdominal wall during pregnancyPublication . Mota, PatríciaPregnancy and becoming a mother is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. Besides all the hormonal and physiological changes affecting women during this period, probably the most obvious morphological alteration during pregnancy is the increasing weight and dimensions of the uterus, influencing maternal trunk musculoskeletal morphology, particularly the abdominal musculature. Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA), or increased inter rectus distance (IRD), is characterized by the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles. It has its onset during pregnancy and the first weeks following childbirth. The lack of evidence for the consequences of this condition and the effect of abdominal strengthening exercises in the reduction of DRA indicates a need for identification of the prevalence and risk factors of DRA. This chapter will cover the anatomy and reliability of the methods for the assessment of the morphology of the abdominal wall, describe DRA prevalence, and risk factors, and provide an overview of the response on the IRD induced by two typical strengthening exercises: the drawing in and abdominal crunch exercises.
- LIS postsecondary and undergraduate educationPublication . Sanches, Tatiana; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Lopes, CarlosAn overview of the evolution, challenges, and future trends in Library and Information Science (LIS) education is presented. Traces the historical development of LIS worldwide, emphasizing the shift from practical training to academic recognition. The LIS programs’ structure is discussed, fundamentally covering undergraduate courses. Essential skills for LIS professionals include knowledge organization, use of technology, management, and customer service. Future trends highlight the importance of aligning curriculum with global changes in digital literacy, emerging technologies, and diversity. The profession׳s commitment to ethical values and user-centered services is emphasized, ensuring graduates are well-equipped for the complexities of the information age.
- Literacia alimentar e nutricional ao serviço da literacia e saúdePublication . Costa, VâniaA alimentação é reconhecida, nas várias fases do ciclo de vida, como um determinante da saúde dos indivíduos, com elevado impacto na redução do risco de doença e no tratamento de doença. Atualmente, em Portugal, está demonstrado que a alimentação inadequada é uma das principais causas evitáveis de doenças crónicas não transmissíveis (p. ex., obesidade, diabetes, cancro, hipertensão, entre outras), perda da qualidade de vida e mortalidade prematura. De um modo transversal às populações, a insuficiente compreensão, as competências limitadas e a dificuldade na utilização da informação sobre a alimentação e a nutrição podem ser importantes contributos para a alimentação inadequada. Este capítulo aborda- rá a importância do investimento das organizações, das escolas e da sociedade na literacia relacionada com a alimentação e nutrição como um domínio específico da literacia em saúde.
- A influência da alimentaçãoPublication . Costa, VâniaO que comemos tem um grande impacto na forma como nos sentimos. Comer todos os dias os alimentos que protegem o nosso corpo pode ajudar a melhorar os níveis de energia, o sistema imunitário e os níveis de dor. A alimentação é um dos componenteschave do estilo de vida que pode melhorar ou contrariar os vários efeitos da dor, principalmente da dor crónica. A investigação científica tem demonstrado que a alimentação saudável fortalece o sistema imunitário, pode ajudar a reduzir e combater a inflamação e, por isso, ajuda também no combate à dor crónica. Quais são algumas das situações em que a alimentação pode ajudar no combate da dor?
- Exploring ethical principles amongst practicing community pharmacists in Portugal: any reasons for concern?Publication . Cavaco, Afonso Miguel; Grilo, Ana; Barros, LuisaPharmacists facing ethical dilemmas have shown weaknesses in principled reasoning and disclosure. The chapter describes research on Portuguese community pharmacists' moral reasoning and narrative ethics. A cross-sectional survey comprising vignettes with practice ethical dilemmas, their possible justifications, and an open box for textual accounts was used as the research tool. More than 270 pharmacists replied, primarily young (<35 years old) female practitioners and 75% were involved in direct contact with patients. At least 50% of the sample showed compliance with the expected ethical-based decisions, except for the non-maleficence principle (10.9%); although receiving the highest proportion of the corresponding justification (30.3%), no open accounts or narratives were registered. The present findings suggest ethical passivity associated with decision-making in practice and a potential conflict between the clinical and the business roles. Explicit ethical norms for practice guidance and additional moral reasoning and narrative training are suggested.
- Alterações climáticas e impacto na qualidade da águaPublication . Viegas, CarlaA frase de Johan Rockstrom parece cada vez mais aplicável em Portugal. Para além das situações de seca (um problema de disponibilidade de água que decorre de um défice anormal de precipitação), Portugal é candidato a país de elevado risco para escassez ou ‘stress hídrico’ a médio prazo [segundo projecções do World Resources Institute para 2040], ou seja, de poder vir a ter uma procura que exceda a oferta de água acessível e com a qualidade necessária para a sua utilização. Apesar da situação no país não ser homogénea (a região abaixo do Tejo é a mais vulnerável), nos últimos anos as secas em Portugal tornaram-se mais frequentes, mais prolongadas e mais abrangentes. Devido ao aumento da frequência de fenómenos climáticos extremos, as alterações climáticas têm interferência não só na quantidade, como na qualidade dos recursos hídricos. Embora a água permaneça no seu ciclo, não está disponível na quantidade e qualidade necessárias.
- Towards an integrated approach on occupational health to tackle COVID-19 pandemicPublication . Ribeiro, Edna; Oliveira, Ketlyn; Dias, Marta; Gomes, Bianca; Pimenta, Raquel; Delgadinho, Mariana; Ginete, Catarina; Abreu, Renato; Almeida-Silva, Marina; Almeida, Ana; Gomes, Anita Q.; Brito, Miguel; Viegas, CarlaBackground: Serological screening is crucial for the prevention of infection, ensuring the maintenance of the worker’s health, and thus promoting occupational health. It was reported that SARS-CoV-2 can survive in aerosols and on dry surfaces for several days to weeks. Objectives: We aimed to apply an integrated approach to Occupational Health to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: We performed a rapid immunoglobulin IgM-IgG immunoassay, ELISA, and hematologic profile among workers (N = 740), in a Public Higher Education Institution from Portugal and an environmental assessment by two sampling methods (Air N = 49; Surfaces N = 101) and RT-PCR. Results: Regarding workers' serologic surveillance, 1.89% of rapid test positivity was observed for SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibodies and a low prevalence of positivity for IgG (1.21%) in which only 33.3% were confirmed by ELISA. Hematologic surveillance data revealed the presence of 10.44% of abnormal hematological profiles, being anemia (3.78%) being the most relevant. All the environmental samples analyzed were negative regarding SARS-CoV-2 detection. Discussion: Low SARS-CoV-2 immunization and the negative environmental samples strongly indicate the effectiveness of the preventive measures. Nevertheless, COVID-19 disease alters hematologic parameters. Conclusion: In this study, it was possible to implement an integrated approach to Occupational Health combining efforts with the Occupational Health Services.
- Effectiveness of strategies to delay sexual activity onset to prevent pregnancy in the adolescence: a systematic reviewPublication . Rotta, Inajara; Rodrigues, Alice Teotonio; Fernandes, Brígida Dias; Komoda, Dênis Satoshi; Tonin, Fernanda; Fernandez-Llimos, FernandoAdolescent pregnancy is associated with health, social, and economic burdens. Different strategies have been implemented to prevent this outcome, yet few updated data on their effectiveness exist. We aim to synthetize the available evidence on the impact of interventions to delay sexual activity onset in adolescents by means of a broader systematic review. A literature search to gather interventional and observational analytical studies published since 2010 was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, CINAHL Plus, ERIC, and LILACS, being complemented by grey literature and manual searches. A total of 57 studies were identified reporting data on 60 comprehensive and 9 abstinence-only interventions. The interventions were predominantly provided in schools (69.6%), in person (82.6%), and in groups (66.7%), by trained facilitators or educators (43.5%). The recipient of the intervention was exclusively the adolescent in 85.5% of the studies. Five out of 9 abstinence-only interventions presented a statistically favorable result towards the use of the intervention for any of the evaluated outcomes (delay/intention to delay sexual intercourse and pregnancy; this rate was 22 from the 60 comprehensive interventions. Most intervention components had similar effects as the comparator group (no statistical differences) or data was limited to reach any conclusion. This review showed a scarcity and low-quality evidence on the effectiveness of abstinence-only interventions, and the absence of robust evidence for comprehensive strategies aiming at delaying sexual practice by adolescents to avoid early pregnancy. Further well-designed and well-reported studies are needed to help stakeholders understand this scenario and enable the decision-making process within public policies for this population.
- Simulation for breast cancerPublication . Mast, Mirjam; Moura, Filipe Cidade deOne of the important steps in radiation planning is the treatment simulation procedure. During this process, patient positioning, planning references, and the field of view are defined. Based on this CT scan the target volumes can be delineated. In this chapter we discuss key issues in the simulation procedure for breast cancer radiation planning.