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- Beyond the like button: how European Public health institutions use social media in 2024?Publication . Brito, Duarte Vital; Garcia, AndreiaIn 2024, 62% of world’s population actively use social media (SM), with people aged 16 to 64 spending an average of 2 hours and 23 minutes daily across 6,7 SM platforms - most people use Facebook but spend more time on TikTok. While these platforms are essential for disseminating public health information, this study aims to explore their use by public health institutions in European countries.
- Ensino a distância com recurso a MOOC para a capacitação ambientalPublication . Miranda, Sandra; Almeida-Silva, M.; Sarreira, Pedro; Camus, Cristina Inês; Monteiro, Ana; David, Alexandra; Manteigas, Vítor; Abreu, RenatoO contínuo desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) reorganizaram o modo como vivemos, comunicamos e aprendemos. Para as instituições de ensino superior, as TIC potenciaram o crescimento das modalidades do ensino a distância e a abertura de novos ambientes de aprendizagem, com recurso à educação digital. Como exemplo, os MOOC ganharam protagonismo a partir do movimento da educação aberta, do software livre e da disponibilização de conteúdos abertos e representam ainda uma inovação educativa, que combina e difunde os recursos tecnológicos. O Politécnico de Lisboa, naquela que foi uma iniciativa pioneira, conjunta e multidisciplinar, mobilizou quatro das suas unidades orgânicas (ESCS, ESELx, ESTeSL e ISEL), como o apoio do EaD@IPL – Grupo de Ensino a Distâncias do Politécnico de Lisboa, para a criação do MOOC “Sustentabilidade Ambiental: Mobilizar, Observar e Operacionalizar”, alojado na plataforma NAU – Ensino e Formação Online para Grandes Audiências”.
- Smart cities through urban short supply chains of foodPublication . Mata, F.; Dos Santos, Maria José Palma Lampreia; Baptista, Nuno; Jesus Silva, NatachaThe cities around the world in general and in the Mediterranean area in particular are facing tremendous challenges at the environmental, social, economic and institutional levels (Fernandez-Anez et al., 2020). Currently, cities need to be sustainable and smart (Silva et al., 2018). An economically important and innovative sector in urban areas is food security. To the best of our knowledge, the majority of the literature explores the concept of smart cities from the point of view of information and communications technology, and the connection with sustainability aspects remains unsolved. This study tries to overcome this gap in the literature. The main aim is to analyse the contribution of urban short-supply chains of foods in terms of sustainability of smart cities. The study reports the conclusions of a revision of the literature and the preliminary results of four research projects in this area, including the SGDsCONSUM project. The results confirm positive impacts of short supply chains of food in urban areas in the four dimensions of sustainable development and smart and sustainable cities. The conclusions of this study will be helpful for producers, consumers, traders, importers, exporters, tourists, financial institutions, and particularly for government sectors related to agricultural economic activities, projects, and programs in policy development.
- Sustainable consumption in urban short supply chainsPublication . Mata, F.; Dos Santos, Maria José Palma Lampreia; Baptista, Nuno; Jesus Silva, NatachaThe United Nations, national and regional public decision-makers, and the academy are increasingly paying attention to sustainable development. They are debating the main institutional ways and the respective restrictions to achieve a compromise solution among the economic, social, environmental, and institutional dimensions of sustainable development (Kumar, 2022). Sustainable food production and sustainable consumption in urban short-supply chains are dependent on the links between various stakeholders, including companies, consumers and public decision-makers (Govindan, 2018). Previous literature lacks a systematic and holistic view of these actors and corresponding dependencies, limiting our understanding of how to leverage sustainable innovation and design sustainable strategies and policies for food production and consumption. Based on a systematic literature review of a large sample of representative publications included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, this study tries to overcome this gap in the literature by exploring the relationship between ethical and sustainable consumption and production in short supply chains and offers an agenda for future research. This study, which was developed under the SDGsConsum project, proposes a holistic model of integrative development. The main results confirm that, despite the huge development in SDGs literature, and sustainable development of consumption, the focus on urban shortly supply chains of production in the literature is modest in general, and in particular in food sectorial activities. Moreover, the motivations and constraints that drive and restrain consumers and companies toward sustaina- ble consumption and how these two dimensions complement each other or overlap remain a topic that needs to be further investigated. The results of this study can help shape policies that are adequate to promote a better adjustment of sustainable food supply and demand. Moreover, it might also bring new approaches to integrate and promote short supply chains of foods in urban areas for a more sustainable development of the world.
- Os desafios do jornalismo de dadosPublication . Silvestre, Cláudia; Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Araújo, SusanaNuma sociedade orientada por dados, é cada vez mais premente saber extrair conhecimento a partir de bases de dados de grande dimensão, em particular de informação numérica. Daí a importância do ensino da estatística (Spiegelhalter, 2010). Contudo, ensinar estatística pode ser um desafio principalmente quando se lida com pessoas que não se sentem confortáveis em trabalhar com números (Kashyap & Bhaskaran, 2020), como acontece com grande parte dos estudantes da área da comunicação. Com os exemplos que apresentamos, que mostram como a Estatística tem sido usada na área do jornalismo, por professores e alunos, esperamos contribuir para ajudar a vencer este desafio.
- Consumption of honey in Portugal: consumers’ attitudes, perceptions and trendsPublication . Mata, F.; Dos Santos, Maria José Palma LampreiaConsumers’ attitudes about reveal important information about the production and supply chain of food and the commercialisation process (Unnevehr et al., 2010). To fully understand a consumption market, it is important to study the symbolic representations of consumption habits (Bekker et al., 2017). The consumer perceives consumption accordingly to social norms and values, and consumption habits cannot be analyzed as individual phenomena. Choices are under the influence of norms, values, taboos, permissions, prohibitions, and beliefs (Andorfer & Liebe, 2013). The consumers’ attitudes have been considered important determinants of their behaviour. The Ajzen’s Planned Behaviour Theory (APBT) (Ajzen, 1991) is based in the presumption that people behave in a sensible way, consider the information available, and consider the implications of their actions. The theory postulates that a person’s interest to perform or not a certain behaviour is a direct function of individually and socially related variables. The individual component is based in the individual attitude or mood to react favourably or unfavourably to an object, individual, institution, or event (Kim and Hunter, 1993). The social component includes the subjective norms determined by the perception of the social pressures acting on the individual, to perform or not a certain behaviour (Ajzen 1991
- Aquaponics as a sustainable and healthy food production system for PortugalPublication . Mata, F.; Dos Santos, Maria José Palma LampreiaThe aquaponics biological cycle Aquaponics has enormous potential in the regulation and recycling of valuable nutrients, otherwise lost to the environment with pollution potential. Aquaponics integrates freshwater aquaculture and hydroponics in a mini ecosystem. It uses the water of a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) in soilless plant farming. The process includes a biofilter where nitrifying bacteria oxidize ammonia, resulting from fish excreta or uneaten feed, into nitrates and nitrites. While fish are extremely sensitive to ammonia, they are more tolerant to nitrates and nitrites. Nevertheless, these need also to be removed from the fish environment before accumulation to toxic levels. This is where hydroponics may come in as a useful manner of disposing nitrogen off the RAS. Nitrogen is the main macronutrient for plant growth, therefore an indispensable element in fertilization. The advantages of combining a RAS with hydroponics becomes therefore evident as a win-win solution for the problematic nitrates of the RAS and the expensive nitrogen fertilizers of plant production.
- Figure follow: A step by step liberating devicePublication . Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Dias, Tiago; Silva, CatarinaThe use of ICT has proven to have great results enhancing performance and motivation among sport athletes, and we are exploring the same potential in Compulsory Figures of Artistic Roller Skating. In this poster we present the idea, the technology under development and the impact we expect to obtain when feeding the athletes with information about what their bodies can do, and what they need to learn to become better in Compulsory Figures practice.
- The path of anthelmintic control face to the new CAP 2020-2027Publication . Dos Santos, Maria José Palma LampreiaThe European Parliament following the Treaty of Lisbon finally approve the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) based on the proposed Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2021-2027. Therefore, the final negotiations can now be started with the Council of the European Union (EU) to reach a final understanding new CAP. The present CAP agreements until reached reinforce the main principle of subsidiarity among the Member States (MS) of European Union (EU) and, on the other hand, they reducing the main general CAP policies and MFF 2021-2027 due the Brexit and correspondent reducing of expenses to financing the European budget. In addition, in line with the new MFF architecture for a more flexible and agile financing framework, food chain measures will be integrated in other budget priorities such as research, innovation and digital policies (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe). Those instruments, as well as, the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), will also cover health-related actions, such as measures against antimicrobial resistance, in the context of the 'One Health' approach. Moreover, food safety, animal welfare, fight against food waste or sustainable use of pesticides are part of the new Common Agricultural Policy objectives. Nowadays the antihelminth control due the resistance phenomena require an increase in costs to fight this problem among the MS, due the resistance phenomena. The main aim of the paper is analyzing the main challenges of combat the antihelminth due the restrictions of European budget. The methodology is based on a systematic literature review. The main results outline confirms the need of increasing research and strong network efficiency as occurs with COMBAR.
- A utilização do Facebook pelos Agrupamentos de Centros de SaúdePublication . Garcia, Andreia; Eiró-Gomes, MafaldaOs Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde (ACES), instituições públicas inseridas no SNS, têm como missão o desenvolvimento de atividades de promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença. Com o crescimento das redes sociais, e em particular do Facebook, surgem novas plataformas de comunicação. O potencial desta rede social na comunicação para a saúde tem sido reconhecido por diversos estudos académicos No entanto, até à data deste trabalho, não existiam ainda estudos sobre a utilização do Facebook pelos ACES.
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