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- O uso de uma ferramenta web 2.0 para um ensino-aprendizagem colaborativoPublication . Valente, Bianor; Maurício, Paulo; Teodoro, AnaEm educação, os wikis têm ganho uma crescente popularidade. A presente investigação pretende analisar o uso de cadernos de laboratório virtuais, realizados com recurso a um wiki, numa instituição de ensino superior em Portugal. Neste artigo, foca-se a atenção no tipo de interação que se desenvolveu entre os estudantes, em grupos de trabalho de 2 ou 3 elementos, aquando da elaboração do caderno de laboratório virtual. Com esse objetivo, analisou-se o tipo de edição e compararam-se versões sucessivas de páginas do caderno, de uma amostra de grupos que frequentaram uma unidade curricular de biologia, no âmbito da formação inicial de educadores e professores dos 1.º e 2.ºciclos. Procedeu-se à categorização de contribuições individuais para o wiki e os dados obtidos foram analisados usando uma combinação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Os resultados contribuem para enriquecer a compreensão acerca do uso dos wikis em projetos educacionais de cariz colaborativo.
- Enhancing primary teacher education: research-based development of a pedagogical content knowledg rubricPublication . Valente, Bianor; Maurício, Paulo; Silva, Maria João; Melo, Nuno; Sarreira, PedroPedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), introduced by Shulman [1], is crucial for teaching quality and student outcomes [2]. Shulman [1], [3] highlighted PCK as the key difference between a subject matter expert and an effective teacher, requiring both deep content understanding and the ability to implement effective teaching strategies. Since its introduction, PCK has been further reconceptualized and developed by several authors [4]. However, its elusive nature [5] makes it necessary to develop instruments that make it visible. Developing robust tools to measure PCK is essential for improving teacher education programs. This study details the development and validation of a rubric designed to measure the PCK of preservice primary teachers. The development of the PCK rubric followed a systematic process involving several key steps. First, a comprehensive review of existing literature on PCK and related assessment tools was conducted. This review provided a foundation for identifying the key dimensions of PCK relevant to preservice primary teachers. Based on the literature review, the critical components of PCK were identified, including curricular knowledge, knowledge about students, knowledge about teaching strategies, and knowledge about assessment. For each dimension, specific performance criteria were established to capture the range of preservice teacher capabilities. The rubric's validation involved several phases to ensure its reliability and validity. An initial version of the rubric was reviewed by a panel of education experts, whose feedback guided the refinement of criteria and descriptors. The revised rubric was subsequently pilot tested with a sample of preservice teachers, using two different instruments for assessment: i) CoRe (Content Representation) [6], which requires preservice teachers to select and justify key ideas essential for teaching a specific topic; and ii) lesson plans, specifically for a one-and-a-half-hour lesson on the respiratory system for third-grade students. The topic was chosen based on its familiarity to students, its abstract nature, and its inclusion in the Portuguese curriculum [7]. Inter-rater reliability was assessed by having multiple evaluators use the rubric to score the same set of teaching artifacts. The consistency of scores across different raters was analysed to ensure the rubric's reliability. The validation process indicated that the PCK rubric requires further refinement to serve as a valid tool for assessing PCK.
- IntroduçãoPublication . Coelho, Ricardo; Faria, Cláudia; Valente, Bianor; Maurício, PauloThe volume now presented, with texts in English and Portuguese, has a double purpose: to frame the use of History and Philosophy of Science in science teaching; and to provide Portuguese teachers with materials from which to enrich their science classes.
- Formation en animation socioculturelle à l’ESELx : quelle place aux sciences physiques et naturelles?Publication . Vohlgemuth, Laurence; Maurício, Paulo; Campos, Joana; West, Diana; Cruz, Cristina Barroso; Charréu, LeonardoDès la première version du programme de formation de la licence en animation socioculturelle de l´École Supérieure d´Éducation de Lisbonne en 2006, léquipe enseignante a jugé bon d$y intégrer une composante de sciences physiques et naturelles. En e%et, dans les sociétés contemporaines comprises comme des sociétés du risque, la ré!exivité est centrale et la science et les scienti"ques deviennent de plus en plus nécessaires, mais sans qu$on les sépare des populations, au contraire. Ce besoin de ré!exivité sur les risques apporte des dé"s supplémentaires à la formation et à l$intervention des professionnels en animation socioculturelle. Une enquête auprès des étudiants nous montre quelles sont leurs représentations de sciences physiques et naturelles et quelle importance ils a&ribuent à ces connaissances en tant que citoyens et animateurs socioculturels. Une approche transdisciplinaire, incluant les sciences physiques et naturelles, semble o%rir des outils utiles pour la di'- cile tâche des animateurs qui est de trouver des moyens pour faire face à une réalité pleine de complexités et d$ambiguïtés.
- História da Ciência nos Manuais de Ciências Naturais do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Física e Química do 3º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoPublication . Maurício, Paulo; Baptista, Mónica; Valente, Bianor; Chagas, Isabel; Faria, Cláudia; Amador, Filomena; Bolacha, Edite; Lopes Coelho, RicardoDesde há vários anos, a investigação em didática da ciência faz uso...
- A teaching-learning sequence of colour informed by history and philosophy of sciencePublication . Maurício, Paulo; Valente, Bianor; Chagas, IsabelIn this work, we present a teaching-learning sequence on colour intended to a pre-service elementary teacher programme informed by History and Philosophy of Science. Working in a socio-constructivist framework, we made an excursion on the history of colour. Our excursion through history of colour, as well as the reported misconception on colour helps us to inform the constructions of the teaching-learning sequence. We apply a questionnaire both before and after each of the two cycles of action-research in order to assess students’ knowledge evolution on colour and to evaluate our teaching-learning sequence. Finally, we present a discussion on the persistence of deep-rooted alternative conceptions.
- A didactic sequence of elementary geometric optics Informed by history and philosophy of sciencePublication . Maurício, Paulo; Valente, Bianor; Chagas, IsabelThe concepts and instruments required for the teaching and learning of geometric optics are introduced in the didactic processwithout a proper didactic transposition. This claim is secured by the ample evidence of both wide- and deep-rooted alternative concepts on the topic. Didactic transposition is a theory that comes from a reflection on the teaching and learning process in mathematics but has been used in other disciplinary fields. It will be used in this work in order to clear up the main obstacles in the teachinglearning process of geometric optics. We proceed to argue that since Newton’s approach to optics, in his Book I of Opticks, is independent of the corpuscular or undulatory nature of light, it is the most suitable for a constructivist learning environment. However, Newton’s theory must be subject to a proper didactic transposition to help overcome the referred alternative concepts. Then is described our didactic transposition in order to create knowledge to be taught using a dialogical process between students’ previous knowledge, history of optics and the desired outcomes on geometrical optics in an elementary pre-service teacher training course. Finally, we use the scheme-facet structure of knowledge both to analyse and discuss our results as well as to illuminate shortcomings that must be addressed in our next stage of the inquiry.
- Pre-service teachers ideas of collaborative work when using a wiki to construct a lab notebookPublication . Valente, Bianor; Maurício, Paulo; Teodoro, AnaDue to the potential benefits of the wikis, they are increasingly gaining popularity in educational settings. In the educational context they have been used for various purposes such as managing research projects, publishing course materials and completing writing assignments. This type of Web 2.0 tool provides a number of useful functions, such as creation of content by multiple users, tracking history of users’ actions, comparison between different editions and roll-back to earlier versions of the wiki, allowing teachers to monitor learners’ co-authoring process. Because of these functions, wikis have been claimed as facilitators of collaborative writing, group discussion and interaction. However, wikis are not inherently collaborative. After a brief review of the relevant literature on the importance of interaction in the learning process this communication presents some preliminary results on the use of wikis by pre-service elementary school teachers. The implementation of virtual lab notebooks hosted within a wiki environment in the scope of a course on biology is described. Students´ perceptions regarding the implementation of the wiki are explored, namely its challenges and potential benefits. In order to achieve this goal, participants were asked to write a reflexive essay about their use of the wiki. A content analysis on this data followed. An additional goal is to understand the kind of interaction promoted by the wiki. For this purpose, the individual contributions to the wiki that occurred during the learning process were analyzed and categorized. Follow-up interviews were conducted to gain insight into students’ decisionmaking process. The results are discussed in view of identifying factors that may lead to a more successful integration of the wikis in science lessons and to improve pre-service teachers’ confidence in using Web 2.0 tools for pedagogical purposes.
- Experiências de prática de ensino remoto de emergência de futuros/as professores/as de matemática e ciências naturais no 2.º cicloPublication . Branco, Neusa; Rodrigues, Margarida; Maurício, Paulo; Carvalho, Renata; Colaço, Susana; Cavadas, BentoOs anos letivos de 2019-20 e 2020-21 foram marcados, nas escolas dos ensinos básico e secundário e, nas instituições de ensino superior, por períodos de Ensino Remoto causados pela Pandemia COVID-19. As escolas do ensino básico e as instituições de ensino superior que colaboraram no processo de Formação Inicial de Professores/as, tiveram de adotar estratégias diversificadas para adaptar os estágios dos/as futuros/as professores/as e educadores/as ao contexto de Ensino Remoto de Emergência. Este capítulo descreve e analisa as experiências de formação proporcionadas pela Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém e pela Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) em Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) que decorreram em momentos de Ensino Remoto de Emergência. As duas instituições apresentam e discutem os contextos de PES em Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º CEB em que quatro estudantes de cada uma das Escolas Superiores de Educação, organizados/as em pares, realizaram a sua prática no contexto de Ensino Remoto de Emergência. Os dados foram recolhidos a partir dos dossiês ou portefólios de estágio que integram as reflexões escritas pelos/as Estagiários/as sobre a sua prática, entrevistas realizadas a estes/as e aos/às Professores/as Cooperantes que acompanharam os estágios e notas de campo dos/as Professores/as Supervisores/as da respetiva Instituição de Ensino Superior. A análise dos dados incide sobre a experiência de Ensino Remoto de Emergência dos/as estagiários/as, com foco nas estratégias de ensino concretizadas em Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º CEB e nos recursos educativos usados pelos/as futuros/as Professores/as para promover a aprendizagem dos alunos nestas duas disciplinas. São discutidos os principais aspetos da Formação Inicial que foram mobilizados pelos/as estudantes no contexto de Ensino Remoto de Emergência e apresentam-se novas abordagens que podem ser integradas na formação de futuros/as professores/as, na sequência das experiências de formação que decorreram deste contexto particular.
- Preservice elementary teachers understandings about scientific models and modellingPublication . Valente, Bianor; Sarreira, Pedro; Maurício, PauloScientific models are important thinking tools, which are used to generate explanations and predications. Despite the relevance of scientific models and modelling in science education, several studies reveal that students and teachers do not possess adequate views regarding these topics. This study investigated prospective elementary teachers’ views about scientific models and modeling. Research questions included: (1) what do prospective elementary teachers understand about models and modelling in science? (2) which factors may explain prospective elementary teachers’ understandings of models and the modeling process in science? A questionnaire adopted form the literature was applied to a sample of preservice elementary teachers of one Portuguese institution of higher education at 1st, 2nd and 3th years of the course. This questionnaire comprised five aspects of students’ understanding of models and modeling: nature of models, multiple models, purpose of models, testing models, and changing models. Descriptive analysis showed that a high percentage of preservice elementary teachers hold naive or uninformed understandings of models and modeling. From this we can infer that this lack of understanding would hamper their pedagogical practice related to scientific issues in a fundamental way as well their teaching and learning in their initial formation. Moreover, students’ understanding of models and modeling didn’t became more elaborated with increasing university years and no difference was found taking in account the area chosen in high school.
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