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- Focus on food instead of nutrients improves consumers’ understanding of meals’ nutrition qualityPublication . Viegas, Cláudia; Lamy, E.; Prada, M.; Rocha, AdaBackground: Nowadays, most of the information directed to consumers focuses on nutrients, ignoring the impact of the interactions between different foods, origin, or degree of processing. The methodologies currently applied have led consumers to confuse foods with nutrients, meat, and fish are often referred to as “proteins”, and grains and potatoes are referred to as “carbohydrates, forgetting that these foods are sources of other nutrients, such as fat, proteins, or fiber. Furthermore, its efficacy is compromised by the difficulties of reading labels among consumers. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the understanding of food and nutritional information presented in menus to consumers, comparing the nutrient-focused approach (Nutrition Declaration) and the new food-focused approach (infographic - based on the Portuguese food Guide, from previous research). Methods: 4 different meals were created, 2 balanced and complete in terms of food and nutrient content and 2 unbalanced and incomplete. A questionnaire was applied, evaluating the understanding of the balance and healthiness of the meals, using the two approaches (nutrient-focused and food-focused). The order of presentation of the approaches and the meals was randomized for all participants. The questionnaire was distributed online through snowball sampling. Results: 221 individuals participated, mostly female (67%), aged 25 to 54 years old. Evaluation of meals (“how balanced” and “how to complete” the meal is) using the Nutrition Declaration did not allow to distinguish the quality of meals (Mb ¼ 3,8; Mc¼4,0), in opposite the Infographic returned significant differences between M1/M2 (Mb ¼ 4,3; Mc¼4,4) and M3/M4 (Mb ¼ 2,5; Mc¼2,6) (p < 0.01) allowing consumers to perceive differences between meals. The percentage of consumers that responded “I don’t know” to these questions decreased using the food-focused tool (13% vs 2%). Conclusions: The food-focused approach allows for a better understanding of meals’ nutritional balance.
- Total sugar intake significantly associated with systolic blood pressure in small sample populationPublication . Pessoa, L.; Viegas, Cláudia; Rodrigues, P. O.; Bandarra, N. M.; Bispo, P.Background: Hypertension contributes to 45% of all deaths from heart disease and up to 51% of deaths from strokes. Dietary factors, such as sodium (Naþ) and potassium (Kþ) can play a role, but recent studies have also highlighted the importance of sugar intake on blood pressure. Very few studies have evaluated the impact of these factors and their ratio on cardiometabolic biomarkers. This study aims to assess the impact of dietary sugar intake, Naþ, Kþ, and NAþ/Kþ ratio on hypertension, and cardiometabolic biomarkers. Methods: Fasting venous blood was collected to measure glucose, triacylglycerols (TAG), total cholesterol, HDL-c, ApoA1, ApoB, or hs-CRP, with enzymatic and turbidimetric techniques, and oxidized LDL by ELISA, and IL-6 and TNFa by Luminex system, the latter’s in a subset sample. Blood pressure (SBP, DBP, and HR) was measured at least twice with an automatic recorder. Dietary intake was obtained using semi-quantitative FFQ, comprising 82 items, and reported to the previous year. Data was analysed using R software through descriptive analysis and partial correlations adjusted to the participant’s BMI. A significant level of 0.05 was used. Results: 78 participants, aged from 19 to 80 years old (M¼48,5±13,5) were evaluated, with 47% taking hypertensive medication. BMI ranged from 19,7 to 41,1 Kg/m2 (M¼29,2±5,4). The average intake of Naþ, Kþ, and NAþ/Kþ ratio were 3805±1397 mg, 3980±1300 mg, and 1.65±0,38, respectively. Total mean sugar intake (% energy) represents 21,4%. No significant correlation was found between Naþ or Kþ with SBP, HR, and the cardiometabolic biomarkers (p>0.05). A positive correlation was found between % sugar intake and SBP (rs¼0,29, p<0,05), which remains significant after adjusting for BMI, and a positive correlation, in the borderline of significance, with TAG (rs¼0,23, p¼0,0561). Conclusions: Nþ, Kþ and their ratio do not associate with SBP, HR and cardiometabolic biomarkers. However, % of sugar intake is positively associated with SBP.
- Impact of ultrasound settings on B-lines: observational study in IMV patientsPublication . Gonçalves, A.; Fonseca, J.; Leote, João; Loução, R.; Dias, Hermínia Brites; Ribeiro, I.; Meireles, R.; Varudo, R.; Bacariza, J.; Gonzalez, F.; EchoCrit GroupCurrently, there are no lung ultrasound (LUS) established guidelines for the identification of B-lines. This study aimed to evaluate if the US settings have an impact on the number of B-lines in invasively ventilated patients.
- Prevalência de apneia obstrutiva do sono em doentes com história de acidente vascular cerebral: dados de uma amostra de doentes seguidos numa consulta de fisiatria AVCPublication . Faria, Frederica; Cardoso, Érica; Belo, Joana; Fonseca, VirgíniaA Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS) é subdiagnosticada e subtratada em indivíduos com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) dados os sintomas característicos serem subvalorizados e pela dificuldade no acesso aos métodos complementares de diagnóstico específicos. Objetivo do estudo: descrever a prevalência de AOS em doentes com AVC numa amostra de doentes seguidos na consulta de Fisiatria da Unidade Local de Saúde do Algarve - Unidade de Faro.
- Screening cardiovascular em estudantes da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL)Publication . Cruz, Inês; Blau, Maria; Freire, Mariana; Diop, Yaye; Cunha, Gilda; Fonseca, VirgíniaA transição para a vida universitária é geralmente acompanhada de alterações na rotina dos indivíduos, resultando em elevados níveis de stress e na adoção de comportamentos de risco que favorecem o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs). O screening cardiovascular constitui uma ferramenta essencial na avaliação preventiva destas doenças fornecendo informações acerca da atividade funcional, elétrica e estrutural do sistema cardiovascular. Objetivo geral: descrever os padrões eletrocardiográficos e ecocardiográficos nos estudantes da ESTeSL. Objetivos específicos: descrever os antecedentes pessoais e familiares cardiovasculares; descrever os fatores de risco modificáveis associáveis às DCVs; avaliar os valores da pressão arterial.
- A ultrassonografia diafragmática na predição da função diafragmática: revisão sistemática da literaturaPublication . Monteiro, Margarida; Rocha, Cláudia; Rodrigues, Carolina; Dias, Hermínia Brites; Pereira, Marco; Antunes, Maria Da LuzO diafragma é o principal músculo inspiratório do corpo humano, a sua disfunção traduz-se na perda da capacidade de gerar força muscular. A Ultrassonografia Diafragmática (UD) tem vindo a ser explorada para a avaliação da função do diafragma por ser uma técnica não-invasiva, bem tolerada, simples e rápida. Objetivo do estudo: Compreender se a UD prediz a função diafragmática, através da comparação desta técnica com as mais convencionais.
- Portuguese gym-goers versus performance enhancing substances: what do we know?Publication . Tavares, Ana Sofia; Carolino, Elisabete; Teques, Pedro; Calmeiro, Luís; Serpa, SidónioThe use of prohibited performance-enhancing substances (PES) in gyms is a public health concern due to emerging adverse health effects. While psychological and social factors (intentions, attitudes, and beliefs) influencing PES use are known, understanding reasons for non-use is crucial. Demographic factors like being male, having less education, being unemployed, training frequently, and bodybuilding are linked to PES use. The study aims to identify the profile of gym-goers who do not use PES to distinguish risk characteristics from preventive ones.
- Impact of supraphysiological doses of anabolic steroids on glucose and insulin levels in male bodybuilders: a systematic reviewPublication . Tavares, Ana Sofia; Bellém, Fernando; Ferreira, Bárbara; Leite, Beatriz; Calixto, CarolinaTestosterone (TE) is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) that promotes muscle growth and the maintenance of secondary sexual characteristics. Due to its aesthetic benefits, AASs have become popular in sports, typically administered orally or intramuscularly, with doses up to 100 times higher than the therapeutic dose. A therapeutic dose is safe and sufficient for the desired effect, while a supraphysiological dose is significantly greater than what is needed for normal body functions. Insulin regulates blood glucose levels and metabolic processes. Insulin resistance occurs when cells do not respond well to this hormone, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. It is believed that TE disrupts the secretion of adipocytokines, increases the amount of circulating fatty acids, and may negatively affect insulin signaling in muscle and fat cells. This systematic review aims to understand the influence of administering supraphysiological doses of AASs on blood glucose and insulin levels in male bodybuilding athletes.
- Impact of high-performance sport on serum potassium values in athletes: a systematic reviewPublication . Tavares, Ana Sofia; Bellém, Fernando; Vieira, Daniela; Miranda, Vasco; Pires, MarianaPotassium (K+) is a critical alkali metal and the most abundant cation in the body, primarily found inside cells. It's measurable in serum, plasma, whole blood, and urine. During intense exercise, potassium is released from muscles into the bloodstream, with levels related to exercise intensity. Potassium is essential for cell polarization and transmitting electrical impulses in the heart, so fluctuations in serum potassium (hypokalemia or hyperkalemia) can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias and myocardial issues in athletes. Hypokalemia, or low potassium, can cause muscle issues and, in severe cases, cardiorespiratory arrest due to losses through urine, sweat, or the gastrointestinal tract. Hyperkalemia, or high potassium, may result from excessive intake or kidney problems, causing muscle cramps and reduced excitability, affecting athletic performance. Athletes balance fatigue and recovery, with potassium fluctuations being crucial to their limits. The line between beneficial and harmful effects is fine, and maintaining a diet rich in potassium-regulating foods is vital to prevent imbalances. Understanding potassium's role in intense physical activity helps optimize performance and avoid health risks. The main goal of this systematic review is to compare the blood potassium levels obtained before and after training in athletes.
- O microscópio virtual como estratégia de estudo e aprendizagem da prática em histologiaPublication . Maia-Matos, Mário; Ladeira, Carina; Mendonça, PaulaO ensino da Histologia assenta na utilização e manuseamento do microscópio ótico para identificação de estruturas celulares e tecidulares. A pandemia de COVID-19 levou à necessidade de adaptação da estratégia de ensino usando um microscópio virtual online e open access de modo a não se perder as aprendizagens por completo. As vantagens de utilização de um microscópio virtual como ferramenta de estudo e aprendizagem levaram à sua implementação como estratégia pedagógica pós pandemia, havendo já reporte de alguns autores com sucesso da implementação deste sistema. Foi objetivo deste estudo avaliar as vantagens da implementação de um sistema de aprendizagem em Histologia usando um microscópio virtual, em comparação com o uso tradicional do microscópio ótico.