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  • Sampling protocol to assess Aspergillus section Fumigati in woodworking environments
    Publication . Dias, Marta; Gomes, Bianca; Pena, Pedro; Cervantes, Renata; Rodriguez, Margarida; Riesenberger, Bruna; Marques, Liliana; Ribeiro, Edna; Viegas, Carla
    Portugal’s wood industry employs over 80,000 people and comprises about 16,600 enterprises in 2021. Sawmill workers are exposed to several occupational hazards, including microorganisms. Health problems have been documented by workers exposed to wood dust infected with fungi. A fungal priority pathogens list (WHO FPPL) was recently released by the WHO. It prioritizes fungal pathogens based on their perceived public health importance and unmet research and development needs. Some of the species on this list are frequently found in sawmills. Azole fungicides are commonly used by sawmills to protect wood. Aspergillus section Fumigati azole antifungal resistance has previously been observed in this environment. This study aimed to establish a sampling protocol to effectively isolate Aspergillus section Fumigati in woodworking environments.
  • Drug resistance and epigenetic modulatory potential of epigallocatechin-3-gallate against Staphylococcus aureus
    Publication . Zeferino, Ana Sofia; Mira, Ana Rita; Delgadinho, Mariana; Brito, Miguel; Ponte, Tomás; Ribeiro, Edna
    Antimicrobial resistance of human pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is described by the World Health Organization as a health global challenge and efforts must be made for the discovery of new effective and safe compounds. This work aims to evaluate epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) epigenetic and modulatory drug potential against S. aureus in vitro and in vivo. S. aureus strains were isolated from the commensal flora of healthy volunteers. Antibiotic susceptibility and synergistic assay were assessed through disk diffusion accordingly to EUCAST guidelines with and without co-exposure to EGCG at final concentrations of 250 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml, and 25 µg/ml. Transcriptional expression of orfx, spdC, and WalKR was performed through qRT-PCR. A 90-day interventional study was performed with daily consumption of 225 mg of EGCG. Obtained data revealed a high prevalence of S. aureus colonization in healthcare workers and clearly demonstrated the antimicrobial and synergistic potential of EGCG as well as divergent resistant phenotypes associated with altered transcriptional expression of epigenetic and drug response modulators genes. Here, we demonstrate the potential of EGCG for antimicrobial treatment and/or therapeutic adjuvant against antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and report divergent patterns of epigenetic modulators expression associated with phenotypic resistance profiles.
  • Assessment of staphylococcus aureus colonization in bakery workers: a case study
    Publication . Ribeiro, Edna; Clérigo, Anália
    Introduction - The World Health Organization (WHO) describes antimicrobial resistance in human pathogens as a global health challenge. In the context of food handlers, although human colonization with bacteria such as s. aureus is associated high risk to transfer the infection to others, or contaminate foods and food surfaces during handling, information regarding bacteria bioburden is still scarce. Considering that s. aureus is a cause of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP), resultant from ingestion of staphylococcal enterotoxins present in food, is one of the most prevalent foodborne intoxications in the world, with fatality rates particularly concerning for children and the elderly and that foodstuff contamination by colonized food handlers represent a major risk for SFP, the assessment of colonization of these workers is crucial. Aim of study - Considering that food contamination by colonized food handlers represent a major risk for SFP, here we aim to assess s. aureus colonization prevalence of both sensible and resistant strains in a bakery as a case study.
  • Serão os departamentos de radiologia hospitalar potenciais fontes de transmissão de infeções nosocomiais?
    Publication . Ribeiro, Edna; Neves, Ana; Pereiro, Madalena; Estopa, Rita
    Introdução – As infeções nosocomiais são um problema atual de saúde pública no mundo inteiro. A relação entre estas infeções e os departamentos de radiologia está pouco explorada, mas merece uma especial atenção devido à crescente afluência às salas de exames deste serviço. Existe uma grande pertinência em examinar os equipamentos e materiais de apoio usados em radiologia para determinar a sua colonização por agentes patogénicos. A presença destes microorganismos é grave e deve refletir-se na melhoria das práticas de desinfeção levadas a cabo pelos serviços de radiologia. Este trabalho pretende verificar se os equipamentos do departamento de radiologia são potenciais fontes de transmissão de infeções nosocomiais. Métodos – Foram recolhidas 41 amostras de quatro departamentos de radiologia de diferentes hospitais de Lisboa com zaragatoas estéreis. As amostras foram incubadas durante 18h-24h em meio de BHI e, de seguida, semeadas em MacConkey, Cetrimide e Plate Count Agar. Resultados – Nenhuma das amostras apresentou contaminação por bactérias Gram-negativas; no entanto, observou-se contaminação por bactérias Gram-positivas em 78% das culturas. Discussão – A presença de bactérias Gram-positivas demonstra que as práticas de prevenção e controlo de infeção devem ser aprimoradas. Contudo, existe uma eliminação total da contaminação por bactérias Gram-negativas, incluindo patógenos fortemente associados a infeções nosocomiais, como a Pseudomonas aeruginosa e bactérias da família das Enterobactereacea. Conclusões – Não pode ser excluída a hipótese das superfícies dos departamentos de radiologia serem consideradas potenciais fontes de transmissão de infeções nosocomiais, sendo pertinente melhorar as práticas de controlo de infeção de modo a colmatar esta problemática.
  • HBM4EU chromates study: determinants of exposure to hexavalent chromium in plating, welding and other occupational settings
    Publication . Viegas, Susana; Martins, Carla; Bocca, Beatrice; Bousoumah, Radia; Duca, Radu Corneliu; Galea, Karen S.; Godderis, Lode; Iavicoli, Ivo; Janasik, Beata; Jones, Kate; Leese, Elizabeth; Leso, Veruscka; Ndaw, Sophie; van Nieuwenhuyse, An; Poels, Katrien; Porras, Simo P.; Ruggieri, Flavia; Silva, Maria João; Verdonck, Jelle; Wasowicz, Wojciech; Scheepers, Paul T. J.; Santonen, Tiina; Ladeira, Carina; Ribeiro, Edna
    Work-related exposures in industrial processing of chromate (chrome plating, surface treatment, and welding) raise concerns regarding the health risk of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). In this study, performed under the HBM4EU project, we focused on better understanding the determinants of exposure and recognising how risk management measures (RMMs) contribute to a reduction in exposure. HBM and occupational hygiene data were collected from 399 workers and 203 controls recruited in nine European countries. Urinary total chromium (U-Cr), personal inhalable and respirable dust of Cr and Cr(VI), and Cr from hand wipes were collected. Data on the RMMs were collected by questionnaires. We studied the association between different exposure parameters and the use of RMMs. The relationship between exposure by inhalation and U-Cr in different worker groups was analysed using regression analysis and found a strong association. Automatisation of Cr electroplating dipping explained lower exposure levels in platers. The use of personal protective equipment resulted in lower U-Cr levels in welding, bath plating, and painting. An effect of wearing gloves was observed in machining. An effect of local exhaust ventilation and training was observed in welding. Regression analyses showed that in platers, exposure to an air level of 5 µg/m3 corresponds to a U-Cr level of 7 µg/g of creatinine. In welders, the same inhalation exposure resulted in lower U-Cr levels reflecting toxicokinetic differences of different chromium species.
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): an alternative to extenuate occupational risk factors outcomes? An interventional study
    Publication . Ladeira, Carina; Pádua, Mário; Ribeiro, Edna
    Introduction: Occupational risk factors are major players in the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Studies support a protective role of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in disease onset, with associated antioxidant properties and reactive oxygen species production. We aimed to evaluate the in vivo effects of EGCG intake on cardiovascular risk factors, DNA damage, and oxidative DNA damage. Methods: Voluntaries were enrolled in this interventional study with the safeguard of all ethical considerations. Peripheral blood was collected at the beginning and after 90 days of 225 mg EGCG ingestion per day. Lipid profile and liver function parameters were assessed using colorimetric methods. Vitamins A and E in serum were quantified by HPLC–DAD. DNA damage and oxidative DNA damage were assessed through comet assay. Results: Vitamin A, as well as the lipid profile and liver function parameters, were not affected by EGCG intake, whereas serum levels of vitamin E, DNA damage, and DNA oxidative damage increased after EGCG consumption. Discussion/Conclusions: EGCG induces low-level oxidative stress which may trigger protective antioxidant systems associated with vitamin E. Further research is crucial to understand the extent of EGCG effects and its potential as an alternative to extenuate occupational risk factors outcomes.
  • Ocular repercussions in COVID-19 patients: structural changes of the retina and choroid
    Publication . Poças, Ilda Maria; Cunha, João Paulo; Camacho, Pedro; Silva, Carina; Ribeiro, Edna; Brito, Miguel; Mendonça, Paula; Barroqueiro, Olga; Lino, Pedro Miguel; Condado, Patrícia; Nicho, Inês; Carmo, Rita; Castelhano, Mariana; Carvalho, Francisca; Almeida, Júlio Costa; Prieto, Isabel
    Purpose: In March 2022, after 1 year of the emergence of the pandemic by Covid-10 in Portugal, 3413013 positive cases were recorded. The eye can be not only the gateway for coronaviruses (CoV) but also one of their target organs. Conjunctivitis, uveitis, vasculitis, retinitis, and optic neuritis have been documented in animal models. Although most studies focus on respiratory tract involvement, ocular surface involvement such as tears are also reported in other CoVs and their relationship should be valued and studied as a form of treatment, contagion, and transmission. Also, the neurotropism of CoVs, not only through hematogenous dissemination but also through the retrograde neuronal route, associated or not with vascular/ischemic compromise of COVID-19 and its brain sequela may justify the use of non-invasive methodologies to characterize the retina and choroid of patients infected with COVID-19. The possible neurodegeneration associated with the coronavirus will be important to assess the thickness of the innermost layers of the upper hemiretin, with involvement described in other neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Organic dust exposure in veterinary clinics: a case study of a small-animal practice in Portugal
    Publication . Viegas, Carla; Monteiro, Ana; Ribeiro, Edna; Caetano, Liliana Aranha; Carolino, Elisabete; Assunção, Ricardo; Viegas, Susana
    Literature about occupational health in small-animal veterinary practices is scarce, but most of it has recognised a number of risks to be considered, including organic dust exposure. The aim of this pilot study was to assess organic dust, bacterial, and fungal contamination in the indoor environment of a typical Portuguese veterinary clinic but also to screen for azoleresistant fungi. To complement these findings we also analysed workers’ nasal exudates for resistant bacteriota. Particles measurements included mass concentrations (PMC) of five particle sizes (PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5, PM10) and their counts (PNC). Indoor air samples were obtained from six locations as well as before and during cat dental cleaning and cultured on four media for bacterial and fungal assessment. An outdoor sample was also collected for reference Surface samples were taken from the same indoor locations using swabs and we also use electrostatic dust cloths as passive methods. PM10 showed the highest concentrations across the locations. Indoor air fungal loads ranged from 88 to 504 CFU m−3. The azole-resistant Aspergillus section Nigri was identified in one sample. Indoor air bacterial loads ranged from 84 to 328 CFU m-3. Nasopharyngeal findings in the 14 veterinary clinic workers showed a remarkably low prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (7.1 %). Our results point to contamination with organic dusts above the WHO limits and to the need for better ventilation. Future studies should combine the same sampling protocol (active and passive methods) with molecular tools to obtain more accurate risk characterisation. In terms of prevention, animals should be caged in rooms separate from where procedures take place, and worker protection should be observed at all times.
  • Atividade antagonista do leite fermentado por kefir contra Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA)
    Publication . Bento, Alice; Oliveira, Ketlyn; Vasques, Margarida; Ribeiro, Edna
    A crescente resistência microbiana aos antibióticos é considerada uma das maiores ameaças à saúde pública a nível mundial e promove uma necessidade urgente de desenvolvimento de novas opções terapêuticas. O probiótico kefir tem vindo a ser apontado como um potencial agente antimicrobiano contra bactérias com capacidade de aquisição de multirresistências como Staphylococcus aureus. S. aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) é definido como prioridade de saúde pública, associado a infeções da comunidade e nosocomiais com elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a capacidade antagonista do probiótico kefir contra MRSA. Neste estudo foram utilizadas três variantes biológicas de grãos de kefir para testar a suscetibilidade de MRSA segundo os métodos de spot-on-lawn para avaliação de inibição de crescimento e de diluição para contagem estimada de UFC/mL. O leite fermentado por kefir após 24 horas de fermentação foi utilizado de forma integral, isto é, sem extração dos seus componentes. A análise de resultados obtidos demonstrou que a capacidade de inibição do MRSA pelo leite fermentado por kefir é dependente da dose e das variantes biológicas dos grãos. Estes resultados apontam o kefir como um potencial agente natural possível de ser utilizado como adjuvante para fins terapêuticos ou de descolonização contra o MRSA.
  • Analyses approaches for bacteria
    Publication . Ribeiro, Edna; Faria, Isabel
    Bacterial bioburden assessments, particularly in the context of human environmental/occupational exposure, have major implications for public health risk assessment. Several sampling methods, which must be adapted to the studied environmental context, are currently available. Culture-dependent and culture-independent methodologies have been utilized for the analysis of bacterial communities in various environments. Culture-dependent techniques drove extraordinary advances in microbiology and allow the enhancement of bacterial material to be utilized in a supplementary analysis; however, these approaches may underestimate the bacterial bioburden of the studied samples. On the other hand, culture-independent approaches are considered more sensible and efficient with the capacity to provide valuable information regarding bacterial diversity and quantity; nevertheless, preferential amplification and poor primers specificity can account for major limitations. In order to perform valuable and efficient assessments of bacterial bioburden booth approaches should be utilized simultaneously.