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- Que opinião sobre a Europa? As eleições para o Parlamento Europeu na imprensa PortuguesaPublication . Gomes, Pedro Marques; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Centeno, Maria JoãoNum momento em que nos vimos confrontados com uma onda de euroceticismo crescente e com a emergência de partidos populistas transnacionais, o inquérito mais recente do Eurobarómetro (2018) revelou que apenas 41% dos eleitores portugueses consideravam de “importância elevada” votar nas eleições para o Parlamento Europeu (PE) em 2019. Quanto às razões para não votar, 46% dos inquiridos em Portugal disseram que “não sabem o suficiente sobre o papel do Parlamento Europeu”, um valor superior à média da UE28 (34%). Neste contexto, as últimas eleições para o Parlamento Europeu (com uma taxa de abstenção de 69,3%) merecem uma reflexão aprofundada, designadamente no que respeita ao contributo dos média para a construção de uma esfera pública europeia. Ao analisarmos, nesta comunicação, os artigos predominantemente opinativos – crónicas, editoriais (a posição da empresa jornalística sobre o tema) e outros artigos de opinião da imprensa nacional –, procuramos interpretar quer a estrutura interna dessas unidades de análise e respetivos objetivos ilocutórios, quer a orientação global dos jornais, em termos opinativos, no contexto de política nacional e construção europeia. Considerando-se que o discurso é “linguagem como prática social” (van Dijk, 1988; Fairclough, 1998, 2003), que incorpora visões específicas do “real”, em estreita articulação com processos de poder e de governamentalidade, pretende-se, do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, cruzar o conteúdo dos artigos de opinião com as práticas discursivas utilizadas, através de uma Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD). A análise será realizada na imprensa nacional – nas versões impressas dos jornais Correio da Manhã, Público, Jornal de Notícias, Diário de Notícias, i, Sol e Expresso – nos quinze dias anteriores ao ato eleitoral, o período de campanha eleitoral, e no próprio dia 26 de maio de 2019.
- The virtual museum as the activation and rewriting of the urban landscapePublication . Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Centeno, Maria João; Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Simões-Ferreira, IsabelThe city as a virtual museum addresses a diffuse conception of patrimony and an experience of a digital “hybrid space” (Kluitenberg, 2010). Such a museum is marked by a conflation of presence and distance and a nexus of blurred boundaries between intimacy and publicness, thus contributing to re - imagine our experience in the contemporary networked spatiality. The city’s material culture enhanced by people’s perceptions and memories is now empowered by digital networks giving rise to a “locational humanism” (Holmes, 2003) and a collective activation of urban landscapes. Bearing in mind the importance of place and locality within the context of a digital age, this paper focuses on the city as a virtual museum, a relational space which creates an urban allegori zation and an immersion effect on the digital networks.
- Democracy and the European construction: The role of the Portuguese newspapers in the latest electoral campaign to the European parliament (2019)Publication . Centeno, Maria João; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Gomes, Pedro MarquesThe 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections were held against a ‘rising tide’ of euroscepticism that seems to jeopardise the very process of European construction. When asked about the reasons for not voting in the forthcoming elections for the EP, 46% of Portuguese citizens, according to data provided by the Eurobarometer (2018), answered that “they didn’t know enough about the role of the EU”, a percentage clearly above from the average of other European Union (EU) Member States (34%). Discussing the process of people’s engagement or disengagement with the EU also entails, apart from taking into account a whole range of material aspects, analysing the crucial role news media have to play in this process. They can either help citizens understand Europe and enhance grassroots democratic participation across EU Member States or use EU elections as a pretext to speak about their own nation and politics. As maintained by Norman Fairclough, social and material structures are shaped by discourse, which not only reflects or represents society but also “helps to constitute (and change) knowledge and its objects, social relations and social identity” (1992: 8). Thus the aim of this paper, following the lens of critical discourse analysis, is to investigate the Portuguese press coverage of the latest European elections made both by dailies (Correio da Manhã, Público, Jornal de Notícias and Jornal I) and weeklies (Expresso, Diário de Notícias and Sol) between 13-27 May 2019 (the period that covers the electoral campaign and its immediate aftermath). The focus will be mainly put upon the main issues and topics of the electoral campaign, their degrees of salience, visibility of European and national leaders / actors, news framings and pragmatics so as to assess the degree of europeanization of the press coverage and its wider implications for the process of European integration and democratic participation.
- One more story: um projeto de comunicação para a valorização da cultura imaterial dos territóriosPublication . Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Abreu, João; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Centeno, Maria João; Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira; Neves, Rúben de AlmeidaDesde 2016, está a ser desenvolvida, por uma equipa multidisciplinar sediada em Lisboa na Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, uma plataforma de mediação digital denominada “Museu da Paisagem”, que se configura como uma solução artística e cultural para a valorização dos territórios. Uma das etapas de concretização da plataforma passa pelo desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de conteúdos multimédia para dispositivos móveis em que se colocam as tecnologias de informação e comunicação ao serviço da inovação na intervenção nos territórios. A partir da construção de histórias e narrativas potencia-se a experiência do lugar.
- Portuguese press coverage of the 2019 european electionsPublication . Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Centeno, Maria João; Gomes, Pedro MarquesEmpirical knowledge about the media coverage of European Parliament elections is a prerequisite for assessing the wellbeing of democratic processes in Europe. It has been argued that the EU democratic deficit can only be overcome with the establishment of a European public sphere, in which the European topics become visible and discussed in national media, thus promoting citizens' knowledge and engagement with EU policies. As maintained by Wodak and Wright (2006: 253), constant communication between the demos and its representatives is key to guaranteeing the representation and participation of citizens in the EU polity. Thus the aim of this paper, following the lens of critical discourse analysis, is to investigate the Portuguese press coverage of the latest European elections made both by dailies and weeklies between 13-27 May 2019. The focus will put upon the main topics of the electoral campaign, their degrees of salience, the visibility of political actors, the way the EU is described and framed so as to assess the degree of europeanization of the Portuguese press coverage and its wider implications for the process of European construction/deconstruction.
- One more story: a media project to add value to the intangible culture of territoriesPublication . Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Centeno, Maria João; Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Neves, Rúben de AlmeidaABSTRACT: This article aims to provide knowledge of a project that by using construction of stories and narratives enhances the experience of a place. Since 2016, a multidisciplinary team based at the School of Communication and Media Studies of the Lisbon Polytechnic has been developing a digital mediation platform called «Landscape Museum» that is configured as an artistic and cultural solution to increase the value of territories. One of the stages to produce the platform involves developing an application (app) with multimedia content for mobile devices in which information and communication technologies are used as an innovative means to intervene in territories. One More Story is the project responsible for producing multimedia content for this application. It has been developed by cataloguing and documenting «landscape points» together with a written and audiovisual record of them. The first phase consisted of creating written, photographic, audio and video contents about the selected places. This content then provides the user with information relevant to a reading of the landscape, highlighting elements of its ‘narrative’. The aim is to provide support for the visit and reading of sites with landscape value, crossing information about the landscape, its location and the user’s own experience. The content that has been produced so far will also be used in other types of format, thereby allowing different narratives and different languages that are complementary. These can enable interlinking and symbiosis between digital and analogue environments in a transmedia communication system.
- Democracia e construção europeia: a cobertura da imprensa portuguesa das eleições europeias de 2019Publication . Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Centeno, Maria João; Gomes, Pedro MarquesIsabel Simões-Ferreira, Maria João Centeno e Pedro Marques Gomes assinam o artigo "Democracia e Construção Europeia: a Cobertura da Imprensa Portuguesa das Eleições Europeias de 2019". Estudam a cobertura realizada pela imprensa diária e semanal portuguesa destas eleições, seguindo os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da análise crítica do discurso, designadamente no que diz respeito à importância da transitividade e ao papel que esta desempenha nos domínios das metafunções ideacional e interpessoal que enformam os textos jornalísticos. Assim, o estudo das peças jornalísticas levado a cabo neste trabalho foi realizado sob uma ótica triádica, analisando-se a forma como se escreveu acerca da Europa, nomeadamente o impacto da UE nos vários Estados-membros, a relação entre os cidadãos e a UE, e o projeto europeu em si.
- Narratives and place experience(s): basis for a landscape museumPublication . Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Centeno, Maria João; Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Reis, Matilde; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Simões-Ferreira, IsabelLandscape is a heritage that concerns everyone. Economic development, efficient sustainability and an inclusive social and territorial growth require a cultural transformation based on knowledge, innovation and a reinforced articulation of synergies. The project proposes the creation of a culturally mediated digital platform between landscape and the people of a specific territory. The project is practice-oriented, flexible, open and "alive" in its very essence as it results from the interaction over time of natural and human factors that shape our landscape.
- The virtual museum as the activation and rewriting of the urban landscapePublication . Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Centeno, Maria João; Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Simões-Ferreira, IsabelThe city as a virtual museum addresses a diffuse conception of patrimony and an experience of a digital “hybrid space” (Kluitenberg, 2010). Such a museum is marked by a conflation of presence and distance and a nexus of blurred boundaries between intimacy and publicness, thus contributing to re-imagine our experience in the contemporary networked spatiality. The city’s material culture enhanced by people’s perceptions and memories is now empowered by digital networks giving rise to a “locational humanism” (Holmes, 2003) and a collective activation of urban landscapes. Bearing in mind the importance of place and locality within the context of a digital age, this paper focuses on the city as a virtual museum, a relational space which creates an urban allegorization and an immersion effect on the digital networks.