14 results
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- Perceptions of information literacy competencies among future psychology professionals: a comparative study in Spain and PortugalPublication . Pinto, María; Fernández-Pascual, Rosaura; Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Sanches, TatianaPurpose: The aim of the study is to analyze the perceptions of belief-in-importance (BI), self-efficacy (SE), and preferred source of learning (SL) of information literacy (IL) competencies among psychology students in Spain and Portugal. Design/methodology/approach: Unified protocol was based on the questionnaire IL-HUMASS (26 items). A quantitative diagnostic-comparative study was carried out, including factor and variance analysis. Findings: By country, there are no significant differences in students' perceptions, although the scores in BI are higher than in SE. By category, there are some significant differences, and the least valued is that of processing. By individual competency, seven of them show differences between countries. Learning preferences are for a mix of classroom and autonomous learning. Students barely realize the value of libraries. Within factor structures, which share the same components in each dimension, some emerging factors do appear. Practical implications: Motivation (BI and SE) with respect to IL competencies is a key asset for future psychologists. Interest should focus on some emerging motivational factors. Students' appreciation of the library should enhance through the corresponding initiatives for improvement. This method could be complemented by qualitative studies. Originality/value: This is probably the first diagnostic-comparative study on perceptions of IL competencies among future psychology professionals.
- Bibliotecas do ensino superior e o Covid-19: avaliação da satisfação dos estudantesPublication . Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Lopes, Carlos; Sanches, TatianaAs bibliotecas do ensino superior visam proporcionar o acesso à informação a estudantes, professores e investigadores, garantindo a sua satisfação. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a satisfação dos estudantes de três instituições do ensino superior em Portugal sobre a resposta das suas bibliotecas em período de pandemia Covid-19; e avaliar se estes se consideraram preparados para pesquisar, avaliar e gerir a informação recuperada, quando trabalharam de forma autónoma e dependeram exclusivamente de conteúdos digitais. Foi realizado um questionário online, sobre o grau de satisfação face às bibliotecas e aos recursos eletrónicos disponibilizados e a auto-percepção das suas competências de informação. A maioria dos estudantes está satisfeita com o acesso aos recursos eletrónicos remotamente; os maiores níveis de insatisfação estão associados à B-ON; a maioria desconhece a disponibilidade de algumas bases de dados, como as subscritas pela instituição; parece existir uma perceção favorável face a pesquisar, citar e referenciar, mas constata-se o contrário na análise qualitativa dos dados; os mestrandos revelam maior segurança de conhecimentos comparativamente aos estudantes de licenciatura. É necessário aumentar a cobertura, a divulgação e a formação nos recursos eletrónicos das instituições de ensino superior enquanto estratégia formativa e pedagógica e formalmente concretizá-la em política educativa.
- Public libraries fighting disinformation: an analysis of knowledge, resources, and actions of Portuguese librariansPublication . Sanches, Tatiana; Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da LuzThe disinformation fight is global and urgent, making it relevant to train librarians from all walks of life so that they can use its multiplier effect in training strategies for users. In the case of public libraries in Portugal, the actions developed in this regard are unknown. This exploratory study aims to better understand the level of knowledge, practices, and resources available in Portuguese public libraries to combat misinformation. To this end, a questionnaire was created and launched at public libraries in Portugal. The results show a consistent knowledge of librarians on the subject, but still incipient actions to combat disinformation, which anticipates the pressing need to carry out more targeted training for these professionals, as well as to provide pedagogical resources and strategies to encourage learning among populations, which can contribute to achieving a culture of more attentive, integrated and critical citizens.
- Perceptions of LIS professionals on ACRL framework: understanding and fostering concepts, skills and attitudes in academic studentsPublication . Sanches, Tatiana; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Lopes, CarlosThe recently translated Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education is generating considerable interest among Portuguese professionals. As pedagogical approaches and constructivist learning gain prominence, librarians are recognizing the crucial role they play in facilitating research skills, employing diverse pedagogical methods, and fostering information literacy as essential elements of education. This study, conducted as part of a national project focused on information literacy for academic students, aims to analyze Portuguese librarians' perceptions regarding the translated Framework. Through an extensive literature review and an online survey, the initial findings indicate that librarians possess a basic understanding of the topic while demonstrating a strong commitment to acting. Building upon the translated Framework, pedagogical materials and training opportunities have been introduced. As information literacy programs continue to be integrated, implemented, and evaluated in libraries and academic curricula, the Framework serves as a valuable reference document for information professionals and educators, offering inspiration and guidance.
- Open Science and information literacy: case study at a research centerPublication . Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Lopes, Carlos; Sanches, TatianaIntroduction – The Recommendations for Higher Education Libraries in Portugal are published in 2016. To build a relationship of trust and partnership between libraries, their professionals and researchers were one of their prerogatives. Both have acquired skills in supporting research, publication, and dissemination. In the same year, the Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities & Inclusion Research Unit (APPsyCI) decided to incorporate, in all its areas of activity, a research line within Open Science articulated with information literacy. Methods – The APPsyCI has implemented the Open Science assumptions through several actions: repository management, teacher and researcher training, support for choosing the journals where to publish, dissemination, and promotion of scientific knowledge within FAIR principles. Results – Investment in main areas: Open Science and innovation in research; civic engagement and educational development; information literacy in higher education, where the study and application of academic and information skills based on the Open Science principles translate into a collaborative and transparent dissemination strategy, enhancing knowledge transfer and its practical use for the benefit of people and society. The social impact of the research line provides some light on the national landscape for research innovation and broadens horizons and sheds when combining information literacy with Open Science. The cross-sectional nature of this has resulted in a set of national networks and working groups; a postgraduate course in Health Literacy; the first Portuguese-language ebook published in Portugal on information literacy in higher education; workshops, seminars, and webinars were carried out in information literacy; collaboration on the Open Science Training Handbook translation to the Portuguese language; participation of the team members in national (APBAD, APDIS) and international scientific committees (ConfOA, EAHIL, ECIL, TEEM). Similarly, this work already has main outcomes: articles, book chapters, proceedings paper, among others. In the near future, the research line aims to: encourage researchers to join the Open Science movement; increase effective partnerships between researchers, information professionals, librarians, science managers, institutions, and funding agencies; invest in information professionals skills development, data management, and creativity (postgraduate course in information literacy – work in progress); play special attention to specific projects and specific social implementations of information literacy and Open Science. Conclusions – The creation of this research line within APPsyCI shows that the association of Open Science with information literacy can be considered as the path and objective (middle and end) of applied research. This is, therefore, a civic and scientific commitment to educational and investigative development; this embraces the challenges that have reconfigured the teaching/learning and science dynamics in higher education.
- International standards for information literacy: the inspiration for national practicesPublication . Sanches, Tatiana; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Lopes, CarlosLibrarians working in higher education want to support students in the pursuit of their academic work, based on the good use of information. To this end, they need to know the emerging pedagogical changes that they can take advantage of when designing their courses, integrating this knowledge into a more segmented, clear, and objective training offer, based on international references, published in the last decades, since the ACRL Standards, until the ACRL Framework. The attention given to these documents can prepare librarians for the necessary updating of skills, supporting innovation, and best practice achievement. This paper aims to systematize the evolution of concepts and practices of information literacy guidelines in higher education and identify their inspiration for the creation of Portuguese guidelines. An exploratory inventory of international information associations was carried out to identify information literacy guidelines. The content analysis of these guidelines allowed the identification of pedagogical trends in the performance of libraries and their professionals. The analyzed contents show an interpretative evolution of the guidelines, converging in the ACRL Framework and the contents of the Portuguese recommendations for academic libraries for the period 2020-2022. It is evident that updating skills for librarians requires not only an awareness of sector trends but also transforming them into good practice and recommendations appropriate for the national context.
- Experiências dos estudantes de ciencias sociais portugueses e espanhóis sobre a literacia da informação e o uso de tecnologias móveis no ensino superior: análise qualitativa pós COVID-19Publication . Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Caballero Mariscal, David; Sanches, TatianaObjetivo: Analisar comparativamente as experiências e perceções dos estudantes de Ciências Sociais portugueses e espanhóis sobre a utilização e inclusão das tecnologias móveis nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem e refletir sobre o papel das bibliotecas de ensino superior e dos seus profissionais neste contexto. Método: Metodologia socio-construtiva exploratória de grupos focais, baseada numa amostra de dezoito estudantes finalistas de Psicologia e Educação. Resultados: Os estudantes experimentam lacunas significativas nas suas competências no uso de tecnologias móveis. Percebem limitações atitudinais e tecnológicas nos seus professores. Também existem algumas diferenças de atitudes relativamente à inclusão das tecnologias móveis nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Os estudantes espanhóis mostraram melhores competências e os estudantes portugueses um nível mais elevado de autoperceção. Discussão/Conclusões: Decorrente da pandemia destaca-se a necessidade de aproximação estudante-professor e as limitações técnicas de alguns professores, sendo necessária uma mentalidade de abertura a novos dispositivos e ferramentas tecnológicas nos processos de ensino. As instituições académicas, e os bibliotecários em particular, devem esforçar-se por compreender o âmbito e as possibilidades das tecnologias móveis para aumentar a motivação dos estudantes e para adquirir competências de informação. Esta reflexão é uma prioridade na otimização dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem.
- Public libraries fighting disinformation: an analysis of knowledge, resources, and actions of Portuguese librariansPublication . Sanches, Tatiana; Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da LuzThe disinformation fight is global and urgent, making it relevant to train librarians from all walks of life so that they can use its multiplier effect in training strategies for users. In the case of public libraries in Portugal, the actions developed in this regard are unknown. This exploratory study aims to better understand the level of knowledge, practices, and resources available in Portuguese public libraries to combat misinformation. To this end, a questionnaire was created and launched at public libraries in Portugal. The results show a consistent knowledge of librarians on the subject, but still incipient actions to combat disinformation, which anticipates the pressing need to carry out more targeted training for these professionals, as well as to provide pedagogical resources and strategies to encourage learning among populations, which can contribute to achieving a culture of more attentive, integrated and critical citizens.
- O impacto da pandemia no uso das tecnologias móveis em estudantes das Ciências Sociais portugueses e espanhóis: análise qualitativaPublication . Lopes, Carlos; Caballero-Mariscal, David; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Sanches, TatianaIntrodução: O desenvolvimento das tecnologias móveis tem ocupado um espaço fundamental no ensino superior nos últimos anos. Na atualidade, o acesso à informação, a comunicação e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem não podem ser concebidos sem os dispositivos móveis. Esta realidade conheceu um aceleramento no período durante e pós-pandemia devido à adaptação forçada ao ensino virtual e à necessidade de adotar novas estratégias. Contudo, apesar desta transição irrevogável, existem discrepâncias entre o ritmo social no processo de adaptação a novas realidades e a efetiva adaptação por parte das instituições de ensino superior na passagem da “pesquisa de informação fixa” para a “pesquisa de informação móvel” e suas implicações na acessibilidade, ubiquidade e imediatismo. Estes elementos têm um impacto significativo na forma como os bibliotecários disponibilizam informação e como os professores implementam as suas metodologias e se relacionam com a informação. As tecnologias móveis têm vindo a ser progressivamente integradas nas aprendizagens no ensino superior e com um nível de aceitação muito significativo, não só devido à sua utilidade, mas também porque tornam o ambiente de aprendizagem mais atrativo e motivador. Neste sentido, estudantes, professores e bibliotecários podem beneficiar grandemente das possibilidades que os dispositivos móveis e suas aplicações podem oferecer. Objetivo: Analisar comparativamente as perceções dos estudantes de ciências sociais portugueses e espanhóis sobre o impacto da pandemia no uso e na inclusão das tecnologias móveis no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
- Perceptions on mobile information among undergraduates before and after Covid-19: some comparisonsPublication . Caballero Mariscal, David; Lopes, Carlos; Antunes, Maria Da Luz; Sanches, Tatiana; Segura, AliciaA comparative analysis of Social Sciences undergraduates’ perceptions of information literacy (IL) and the use/inclusion of mobile technologies (MT) at the universities of Granada (Spain) and ISPA (Lisboa) before and after the Covid-19 pandemics. An exploratory socio-constructive focus group methodology was carried out based on a sample of eighteen Psychology and Education undergraduates, in the final year of their studies (May 2022). We implemented two focus groups, one in each country. Undergraduates experienced significant gaps, especially in IL knowledge and MT skills. They also perceived attitudinal and technological limitations in their teachers. Moreover, there are some differences in attitudes towards MT inclusion in the teaching and learning processes, according to the context. In this regard, Spanish undergraduates showed better skills, and Portuguese ones a higher level of self-perception. Some shortages derived from the Covid-19 pandemic emerge, since there is a growing body of evidence on both the need for student-teacher closeness and the technical limitations of some teachers. After this critical situation, an open-to-experience mentality on the part of all the stakeholders is necessary. Due to the qualitative methodology, we have implemented, the research is limited to a specific sector to be analyzed (Social Sciences undergraduates belonging to the last pregraduate year). Academic, educational institutions and teachers (responsible for the training of future generations) must strive to understand the scope of mobile teaching and the possibilities of mobile devices to increase students’ motivation and to acquire basic skills too. Reflect on this situation turns into a priority to optimize the teaching-learning processes.