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  • Generalized models from Beta(p,2) densities with strong allee effect: dynamical approach
    Publication . Aleixo, Sandra; Rocha, J. Leonel
    A dynamical approach to study the behaviour of generalized populational growth models from Bets(p, 2) densities, with strong Allee effect, is presented. The dynamical analysis of the respective unimodal maps is performed using symbolic dynamics techniques. The complexity of the correspondent discrete dynamical systems is measured in terms of topological entropy. Different populational dynamics regimes are obtained when the intrinsic growth rates are modified: extinction, bistability, chaotic semistability and essential extinction.
  • Bifurcation structures in a 2D exponential diffeomorphism with Allee effect
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Taha, Abdel-Kaddous
    An embedding of one-dimensional generic growth functions into a two-dimensional diffeomorphism is considered. This family of unimodal maps naturally incorporates a key item of ecological and biological research: the Allee effect. Consequently, the presence of this species extinction phenomenon leads us to a new definition of bifurcation for this two-dimensional exponential diffeomorphism: Allee’s effect bifurcation. The stability and the nature of the fixed points of the two-dimensional diffeomorphism are analyzed, by studying the corresponding contour lines. Fold and flip bifurcation structures of this exponential diffeomorphism are investigated, in which there are flip codimension-2 bifurcation points and cusp points, when some parameters evolve. Numerical studies are included.
  • An Extension of Gompertzian Growth Dynamics Weibull and Frechet Models
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Aleixo, Sandra
    In this work a new probabilistic and dynamical approach to an extension of the Gompertz law is proposed. A generalized family of probability density functions, designated by Beta* (p, q), which is proportional to the right hand side of the Tsoularis-Wallace model, is studied. In particular, for p = 2, the investigation is extended to the extreme value models of Weibull and Frechet type. These models, described by differential equations, are proportional to the hyper-Gompertz growth model. It is proved that the Beta* (2, q) densities are a power of betas mixture, and that its dynamics are determined by a non-linear coupling of probabilities. The dynamical analysis is performed using techniques of symbolic dynamics and the system complexity is measured using topological entropy. Generally, the natural history of a malignant tumour is reflected through bifurcation diagrams, in which are identified regions of regression, stability, bifurcation, chaos and terminus.
  • Synchronization in Von Bertalanffy’s models
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Aleixo, Sandra; Caneco, Acilina
    Many data have been useful to describe the growth of marine mammals, invertebrates and reptiles, seabirds, sea turtles and fishes, using the logistic, the Gom-pertz and von Bertalanffy's growth models. A generalized family of von Bertalanffy's maps, which is proportional to the right hand side of von Bertalanffy's growth equation, is studied and its dynamical approach is proposed. The system complexity is measured using Lyapunov exponents, which depend on two biological parameters: von Bertalanffy's growth rate constant and the asymptotic weight. Applications of synchronization in real world is of current interest. The behavior of birds ocks, schools of fish and other animals is an important phenomenon characterized by synchronized motion of individuals. In this work, we consider networks having in each node a von Bertalanffy's model and we study the synchronization interval of these networks, as a function of those two biological parameters. Numerical simulation are also presented to support our approaches.
  • Allee's effect bifurcation in generalized logistic maps
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Taha, Abdel-Kaddous
    This paper concerns the study of the Allee effect on the dynamical behavior of a new class of generalized logistic maps. The fundamentals of the dynamics of this 4-parameter family of one-dimensional maps are presented. A complete classification of the nature and stability of its fixed points is provided. The main results relate to the Allee effect bifurcation: a new type of bifurcation introduced for this class of unimodal maps. A necessary and sufficient condition so that the Allee fixed point is a snap-back repeller is established. In addition, in the parameters space is defined an Allee's effect region, which determines the existence of an essential extinction for the generalized logistic maps. Local and global bifurcations of generalized logistic maps are investigated.
  • Von Bertalanffy's dynamics under a polynomial correction: Allee effect and big bang bifurcation
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Taha, A. K.; Fournier-Prunaret, D.
    In this work we consider new one-dimensional populational discrete dynamical systems in which the growth of the population is described by a family of von Bertalanffy's functions, as a dynamical approach to von Bertalanffy's growth equation. The purpose of introducing Allee effect in those models is satisfied under a correction factor of polynomial type. We study classes of von Bertalanffy's functions with different types of Allee effect: strong and weak Allee's functions. Dependent on the variation of four parameters, von Bertalanffy's functions also includes another class of important functions: functions with no Allee effect. The complex bifurcation structures of these von Bertalanffy's functions is investigated in detail. We verified that this family of functions has particular bifurcation structures: the big bang bifurcation of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type. The big bang bifurcation is associated to the asymptotic weight or carrying capacity. This work is a contribution to the study of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps and their relationship with explosion birth and extinction phenomena.
  • Allee's dynamics and bifurcation structures in von Bertalanffy's population size functions
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Taha, Abdel-Kaddous; Fournier-Prunaret, D.
    The interest and the relevance of the study of the population dynamics and the extinction phenomenon are our main motivation to investigate the induction of Allee Effect in von Bertalanffy's population size functions. The adjustment or correction factor of rational type introduced allows us to analyze simultaneously strong and weak Allee's functions and functions with no Allee effect, whose classification is dependent on the stability of the fixed point x = 0. This classification is founded on the concepts of strong and weak Allee's effects to the population growth rates associated. The transition from strong Allee effect to no Allee effect, passing through the weak Allee effect, is verified with the evolution of the rarefaction critical density or Allee's limit. The existence of cusp points on a fold bifurcation curve is related to this phenomenon of transition on Allee's dynamics. Moreover, the "foliated" structure of the parameter plane considered is also explained, with respect to the evolution of the Allee limit. The bifurcation analysis is based on the configurations of fold and flip bifurcation curves. The chaotic semistability and the nonadmissibility bifurcation curves are proposed to this family of 1D maps, which allow us to define and characterize the corresponding Allee effect region.
  • Homoclinic and big bang bifurcations of an embedding of 1D Allee's functions into a 2D diffeomorphism
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Taha, Abdel-Kaddous; Fournier-Prunaret, D.
    In this work a thorough study is presented of the bifurcation structure of an embedding of one-dimensional Allee's functions into a two-dimensional diffeomorphism. A complete classification of the nature and stability of the fixed points, on the contour lines of the two-dimensional diffeomorphism, is provided. A necessary and sufficient condition so that the Allee fixed point is a snapback repeller is established. Sufficient conditions for the occurrence of homoclinic tangencies of a saddle fixed point of the two-dimensional diffeomorphism are also established, associated to the snapback repeller bifurcation of the endomorphism defined by the Allee functions. The main results concern homoclinic and big bang bifurcations of the diffeomorphism as "germinal" bifurcations of the Allee functions. Our results confirm previous predictions of structures of homoclinic and big bang bifurcation curves in dimension one and extend these studies to "local" concepts of Allee effect and big bang bifurcations to this two-dimensional exponential diffeomorphism.
  • Information measures and synchronization in complete networks
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Carvalho, Sonia
    The main purpose of this talk is to present information measures and synchronization of complete networks with local identical chaotic dynamical systems. The networks topologies are characterized by circulant matrices and the conditional Lyapunov exponents are explicitly determined. For different types of local dynamics, necessary and sufficient conditions for the occurrence of synchronization with or without the negativity of the conditional Lyapunov exponents are presented. Some properties of the mutual information rate and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy are established, depending on the topological entropy of the individual chaotic nodes and on the synchronization interval. Numerical studies are included.
  • Dynamical analysis in growth models: Blumberg’s equation
    Publication . Rocha, J. Leonel; Aleixo, Sandra
    We present a new dynamical approach to the Blumberg's equation, a family of unimodal maps. These maps are proportional to Beta(p, q) probability densities functions. Using the symmetry of the Beta(p, q) distribution and symbolic dynamics techniques, a new concept of mirror symmetry is defined for this family of maps. The kneading theory is used to analyze the effect of such symmetry in the presented models. The main result proves that two mirror symmetric unimodal maps have the same topological entropy. Different population dynamics regimes are identified, when the intrinsic growth rate is modified: extinctions, stabilities, bifurcations, chaos and Allee effect. To illustrate our results, we present a numerical analysis, where are demonstrated: monotonicity of the topological entropy with the variation of the intrinsic growth rate, existence of isentropic sets in the parameters space and mirror symmetry.