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  • XtokaxtikoX: a stochastic computing-based autonomous cyber-physical system
    Publication . Duarte, Rui Policarpo; Neto, Horácio; Véstias, Mário
    This paper presents XtokaxtikoX, a fully autonomous cyber-physical system employing only stochastic arithmetic to perform computations on its data-path. Traditional implementations of stochastic computing systems benefit from fast and compact implementation of arithmetic operators, and high tolerance to errors, but depend heavily on the conversion between stochastic bitstreams and binary to implement many parts of the system. Furthermore, if a system requires any interaction with analog electronic components it must have additional ADC/DAC conversion circuitry, which further increases the complexity of the system. Conversely, the proposed work is able to directly translate analog signals into stochastic bitstreams, process the stochastic bitstreams and finally control analog actuators relying only on the information on the stochastic bitstreams. Details on the architectures to accomplish such functionality are presented as well as other stochastic arithmetic units. This paper also presents a small stochastic computing-based autonomous cyber-physical system implemented on a Cyclone IV FPGA to carry out a proof-of-concept.
  • Stochastic theater: stochastic datapath generation framework for fault-tolerant IoT sensors
    Publication . Duarte, Rui Policarpo; Véstias, Mário; Carvalho, Carlos; Casaleiro, João
    Stochastic Computing has emerged as a competitive computing paradigm that produces fast and simple implementations of arithmetic operations, while offering high levels of parallelism, and graceful degradation of the results when in the presence of errors. IoT devices are often operate under limited power and area constraints and subjected to harsh environments, for which, traditional computing paradigms struggle to provide high availability and fault-tolerance. Stochastic Computing is based on the computation of pseudo-random sequences of bits, hence requiring only a single bit per signal, rather than a data-bus. Notwithstanding, we haven’t witnessed its inclusion in custom computing systems. In this direction, this work presents Stochastic Theater, a framework to specify, simulate, and test Stochastic Datapaths to perform computations using stochastic bitstreams targeting IoT systems. In virtue of the granularity of the bitstreams, the bit-level specification of circuits, high-performance characteristics and reconfigurable capabilities, FPGAs were adopted to implement and test such systems. The proposed framework creates Stochastic Machines from a set of user defined arithmetic expressions, and then tests them with the corresponding input values and specific fault injection patterns. Besides the support to create autonomous Stochastic Computing systems, the presented framework also provides generation of stochastic units, being able to produce estimates on performance, resources and power. A demonstration is presented targeting KLT, typical method for data compression in IoT applications.
  • A many-core co-processor for embedded parallel computing on FPGA
    Publication . José, Wilson; Neto, Horácio; Véstias, Mário
    Single processor architectures are unable to provide the required performance of high performance embedded systems. Parallel processing based on general-purpose processors can achieve these performances with a considerable increase of required resources. However, in many cases, simplified optimized parallel cores can be used instead of general-purpose processors achieving better performance at lower resource utilization. In this paper, we propose a configurable many-core architecture to serve as a co-processor for high-performance embedded computing on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. The architecture consists of an array of configurable simple cores with support for floating-point operations interconnected with a configurable interconnection network. For each core it is possible to configure the size of the internal memory, the supported operations and number of interfacing ports. The architecture was tested in a ZYNQ-7020 FPGA in the execution of several parallel algorithms. The results show that the proposed many-core architecture achieves better performance than that achieved with a parallel generalpurpose processor and that up to 32 floating-point cores can be implemented in a ZYNQ-7020 SoC FPGA.
  • FPGA-based architecture for hyperspectral endmember extraction
    Publication . Rosário, João; Nascimento, Jose; Véstias, Mário
    Hyperspectral instruments have been incorporated in satellite missions, providing data of high spectral resolution of the Earth. This data can be used in remote sensing applications, such as, target detection, hazard prevention, and monitoring oil spills, among others. In most of these applications, one of the requirements of paramount importance is the ability to give real-time or near real-time response. Recently, onboard processing systems have emerged, in order to overcome the huge amount of data to transfer from the satellite to the ground station, and thus, avoiding delays between hyperspectral image acquisition and its interpretation. For this purpose, compact reconfigurable hardware modules, such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used. This paper proposes a parallel FPGA-based architecture for endmember’s signature extraction. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral data sets collected by the NASA’s Airborne Visible Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) over the Cuprite mining district in Nevada. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems, opening new perspectives for onboard hyperspectral image processing.
  • Fast convolutional neural networks in low density FPGAs using zero-skipping and weight pruning
    Publication . Véstias, Mário; Duarte, Rui Policarpo; De Sousa, Jose; Cláudio de Campos Neto, Horácio
    Edge devices are becoming smarter with the integration of machine learning methods, such as deep learning, and are therefore used in many application domains where decisions have to be made without human intervention. Deep learning and, in particular, convolutional neural networks (CNN) are more efficient than previous algorithms for several computer vision applications such as security and surveillance, where image and video analysis are required. This better efficiency comes with a cost of high computation and memory requirements. Hence, running CNNs in embedded computing devices is a challenge for both algorithm and hardware designers. New processing devices, dedicated system architectures and optimization of the networks have been researched to deal with these computation requirements. In this paper, we improve the inference execution times of CNNs in low density FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) using fixed-point arithmetic, zero-skipping and weight pruning. The developed architecture supports the execution of large CNNs in FPGA devices with reduced on-chip memory and computing resources. With the proposed architecture, it is possible to infer an image in AlexNet in 2.9 ms in a ZYNQ7020 and 1.0 ms in a ZYNQ7045 with less than 1% accuracy degradation. These results improve previous state-of-the-art architectures for CNN inference.
  • Parallel dot-products for deep learning on FPGA
    Publication . Véstias, Mário; Duarte, Rui; De Sousa, Jose; Cláudio de Campos Neto, Horácio
    Deep neural networks have recently shown great results in a vast set of image applications. The associated deep learning models are computationally very demanding and, therefore, several hardware solutions have been proposed to accelerate their computation. FPGAs have recently shown very good performances for these kind of applications and so it is considered a promising platform to accelerate the execution of deep learning algorithms. A common operation in these algorithms is multiply-accumulate (MACC) that is used to calculate dot-products. Since many dot products can be calculated in parallel, as long as memory bandwidth is available, it is very important to implement this operation very efficiently to increase the density of MACC units in an FPGA. In this paper, we propose an implementation of parallel MACC units in FPGA for dot-product operations with very high performance/area ratios using a mix of DSP blocks and LUTs. We consider fixed-point representations with 8 bits of size, but the method can be applied to other bit widths. The method allows us to achieve TOPs performances, even for low cost FPGAs.
  • Faster convolutional neural networks in low density FPGAs using block pruning
    Publication . Peres, Tiago; Gonçalves, Ana; Véstias, Mário
    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are achieving promising results in several computer vision applications. Running these models is computationally very intensive and needs a large amount of memory to store weights and activations. Therefore, CNN typically run on high performance platforms. However, the classification capabilities of CNNs are very useful in many applications running in embedded platforms close to data production since it avoids data communication for cloud processing and permits real-time decisions turning these systems into smart embedded systems. In this paper, we improve the inference of large CNN in low density FPGAs using pruning. We propose block pruning and apply it to LiteCNN, an architecture for CNN inference that achieves high performance in low density FPGAs. With the proposed LiteCNN optimizations, we have an architecture for CNN inference with an average performance of 275 GOPs for 8-bit data in a XC7Z020 FPGA. With our proposal, it is possible to infer an image in AlexNet in 5.1 ms in a ZYNQ7020 and in 13.2 ms in a ZYNQ7010 with only 2.4% accuracy degradation.
  • Smart embedded system for skin cancer classification
    Publication . Durães, Pedro F. F.; Véstias, Mário
    The very good results achieved with recent algorithms for image classification based on deep learning have enabled new applications in many domains. The medical field is one that can greatly benefit from these algorithms in order to help the medical professional elaborate on his/her diagnostic. In particular, portable devices for medical image classification are useful in scenarios where a full analysis system is not an option or is difficult to obtain. Algorithms based on deep learning models are computationally demanding; therefore, it is difficult to run them in low-cost devices with a low energy consumption and high efficiency. In this paper, a low-cost system is proposed to classify skin cancer images. Two approaches were followed to achieve a fast and accurate system. At the algorithmic level, a cascade inference technique was considered, where two models were used for inference. At the architectural level, the deep learning processing unit from Vitis-AI was considered in order to design very efficient accelerators in FPGA. The dual model was trained and implemented for skin cancer detection in a ZYNQ UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 evaluation kit with a ZU7EV device. The core was integrated in a full system-on-chip solution and tested with the HAM10000 dataset. It achieves a performance of 13.5 FPS with an accuracy of 87%, with only 33k LUTs, 80 DSPs, 70 BRAMs and 1 URAM.
  • Sparse matrix multiplication on a reconfigurable many-core architecture
    Publication . Pinhão, João; José, Wilson; Neto, Horácio; Véstias, Mário
    Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SMVM) is a fundamental operation in many scientific and engineering applications. In many cases sparse matrices have thousands of rows and columns where most of the entries are zero, while non-zero data is spread over the matrix. This sparsity of data locality reduces the effectiveness of data cache in general-purpose processors quite reducing their performance efficiency when compared to what is achieved with dense matrix multiplication. In this paper, we propose a parallel processing solution for SMVM in a many-core architecture. The architecture is tested with known benchmarks using a ZYNQ-7020 FPGA. The architecture is scalable in the number of core elements and limited only by the available memory bandwidth. It achieves performance efficiencies up to almost 70% and better performances than previous FPGA designs.
  • Exploring data size to run convolutional neural networks in low density FPGAs
    Publication . Gonçalves, Ana; Peres, Tiago; Véstias, Mário
    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) obtain very good results in several computer vision applications at the cost of high computational and memory requirements. Therefore, CNN typically run on high performance platforms. However, CNNs can be very useful in embedded systems and its execution right next to the source of data has many advantages, like avoiding the need for data communication and real-time decisions turning these systems into smart sensors. In this paper, we explore data quantization for fast CNN inference in low density FPGAs. We redesign LiteCNN, an architecture for real-time inference of large CNN in low density FPGAs, to support hybrid quantization. We study the impact of quantization over the area, performance and accuracy of LiteCNN. LiteCNN with improved quantization of activations and weights improves the best state of the art results for CNN inference in low density FPGAs. With our proposal, it is possible to infer an image in AlexNet in 7.4 ms in a ZYNQ7020 and in 14.8 ms in a ZYNQ7010 with 3% accuracy degradation. Other delay versus accuracy ratios were identified permitting the designer to choose the most appropriate.