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- Contribution of Learning Statistics at Secondary School to Students’ Results at UniversityPublication . Martinho, Carla; Fonseca, JaimeThis study concentrates on the analysis of responses to a questionnaire given to a sample of University Students in Portugal that concerns the teaching/learning of Statistics and Data Analysis. We first focus on the effectiveness of teaching Quantitative Methods at secondary level as regards increasing performance in the Introductory Statistical Course (ISC) at University level. The second question is related to the students’ feelings towards Mathematics and whether these feelings imply a difference in students’ performance on statistics. Even when results cannot be generalised, since the study is limited to our context, the data analysed suggest the need to rethink the goals of teaching statistics at secondary school level, at least in our context.
- A Aprendizagem como Processo de Aquisição e Construção do Conhecimento e a Capacidade de Absorção da Organização com Base nas Novas TecnologiasPublication . Franganito, Rui Manuel FialhoA importância da capacidade de absorção do conhecimento das organizações tem sido uma matéria muito importante, mas que no campo prático não tem correspondido às expectativas devido à amplitude e cobertura da sua temática. Estudar e apresentar os principais agentes que participam no processo de capacidade de absorção da organização é o objectivo deste artigo, nomeadamente identificar a importância do capital social na sua ampla dicotomia, interno vs. externo e o papel integrador das novas tecnologias como elemento integrador do conhecimento e capacidade de aprendizagem da organização que permite uma maior capacidade de inovação.
- The Sticky Information Macro Model: Beyond Perfect ForesightPublication . Gomes, OrlandoSticky information monetary models have been used in the macroeconomic literature to explain some of the observed features regarding inflation dynamics. In this paper, we explore the consequences of relaxing the rational expectations assumption usually taken in this type of model; in particular, by considering expectations formed through adaptive learning, it is possible to arrive to results other than the trivial convergence to a fixed point long-term equilibrium. The results involve the possibility of endogenous cyclical motion (periodic and a-periodic), which emerges essentially in scenarios of hyperinflation. In low inflation settings, the introduction of learning implies a less severe impact of monetary shocks that, nevertheless, tend to last for additional time periods relative to the pure perfect foresight setup.
- Learning and Knowledge in the Context of Absorptive CapacityPublication . Franganito, Rui Manuel FialhoDevelop a new model of Absorptive Capacity taking into account two variables namely Learning and knowledge to explain how companies transform information into knowledge
- How quality affects the bottom line?: A literature reviewPublication . Texeira Fernandes Justino, Maria Do Rosário; Texeira Quirós, Joaquín; Almaça, JoséImproving quality is one of the tools that companies have to improve or maintain their market position. However, despite the large number of papers published, a clear conclusion of the impact of ISO9000 standards on business results has yet to be reached, given there are many conflicting opinions. Thus, the aim of this paper is to review the literature on some of the many published research papers, seeking some way to analyse the existing relationship between the implementation of systems of quality management, ISO9000 certification, quality costs, results, and their effect on company performance.
- Cooperação e Inovação no Processo de Criação e Gestão do Conhecimento no sector Têxtil e de Vestuário.Publication . Franganito, Rui Manuel FialhoDemonstrar que a capacidade de absorção organizacional é uma metodologia importante para desenvolver a capacidade competitiva das organizações, nomeadamente a transferência e partilha do conhecimento e identificar os principais agentes que integram o capital social da organização.
- An approach to absorptive capacity based on the Portuguese textile industryPublication . Franganito, Rui Manuel FialhoThe main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
- An approach to absorptive capacity based on the Portuguese textile industry(Final version)Publication . Franganito, Rui Manuel FialhoThe main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
- The non-for-profit banks in Portugal: specificities, social role and evolutionPublication . Barradas, Ricardo; Lagoa, Sérgio; Leão, EmanuelEste artigo procura definir as principais diferenças entre a generalidade dos bancos e os dois bancos com atitude não lucrativa que operam no mercado bancário português (Caixa Agrícola e Caixa Económica-Montepio Geral). Encontramos diferenças em termos da forma de captar fundos; em termos dos critérios de governação; do regime fiscal; da aplicação dos lucros; e da atitude em relação ao lucro. A Caixa Agrícola opera de forma mais próxima dos bancos cooperativos do que a Caixa Económica-Montepio Geral. Ambos os bancos têm vindo a modernizar-se e construir grupos financeiros modernos que oferecem uma enorme variedade de produtos e serviços financeiros, semelhantes à generalidade dos bancos. Contudo, isto não foi suficiente para evitar alguma erosão das suas posições no mercado bancário (quer em termos de crédito concedido quer em termos de depósitos recebidos). O impacto da crise financeira de 2008 na rendibilidade da Caixa Agrícola foi semelhante à média do sector bancário. No caso da Caixa Económica-Montepio Geral, o impacto foi menos grave que na média do sector.
- The Non-For-Profit Banks in Portugal: Specificities, Social Role and EvolutionPublication . Barradas, Ricardo; Lagoa, Sérgio; Leão, EmanuelThis paper establishes the main differences between standard commercial banks and the two non-for-profit banks operating in Portugal (Caixa Agrícola – CA - and Caixa Económica Montepio Geral – CE-MG). In particular, we find differences in the way funds are raised, governance criteria, tax regime, application of profits and attitude towards profit. However, CA is more similar to a typical co-operative/mutual bank than CE-MG. Both banks have modernized and transformed into modern financial groups offering a wide variety of financial products similar to any commercial bank. However, this was not enough to avoid an erosion of their market position in terms of credit and deposits. The 2008 financial crisis’ impact on the profitability of CA was similar to the impact on the industry average, whereas on CE-MG the impact was milder.