Facebook brand pages have become a major channel through which consumers are able to interact with brands in a direct way by liking, sharing and/or commenting on brands’ posts and messages. In fact, these liking, sharing and commenting functions of Facebook enable anyone to respond to a brand post easily. Thus, one brand post can receive thousands of comments from Facebook users interacting with the brand and other commenters, providing a platform for dialogue on social media from which it is easy to solicit information, gain feedback and better understand the consumer. Customers can increasingly integrate and act as co-creators and multipliers of brand messages and are now empowered to get in contact with each other, as well as engage and participate actively in brand communication on Facebook brand pages. These activities strengthen the bonds that consumers have with companies by turning them into engaged fans. It is vital for brands to understand this engagement to successfully develop their social media strategies, and thus achieve their desired outcomes. It is our purpose to address some of these issues. Brand fans can comment either positively, neutral, or negatively on brand posts and we postulate that the valence of comments have an impact on the Consumer Engagement with Facebook brand pages. For the purpose of our study we selected the Facebook pages of Cubanas, Paez, Havaianas and Fly London, four fashion brand shoes with high levels of awareness that ranked on the top position RankUPT, a statistics website aimed at the analysis and measurement of Facebook’s Pages in Portugal. Postings and respective data were collect automatically from the 1st of March 2015 until the 31st of December 2017. Results indicate that positive comments are predictors of sharing and commenting activities on Facebook brand pages while negative comments did not prove to be a statically valid antecedent of those variables. The academic and business implications of the study are examined, in particular for branding and relationship marketing.
Artigo baseado na comunicação proferida 5th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), realizado no Limerick Institute of Technology , Limerick, Ireland, 21-22 jun, 2018.
Branding Consumer engagement E-Word-of-mouth Facebook pages Social dialogue Relationship marketing
Machado, A. T., Antunes, A.C. & Miranda, S.M. (2018). Consumer engagement: The amplifying effect of comments. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), Limerick Institute of Technology , Limerick, Ireland, 21-22 jun, 2018 (pp. 147-153). Disponível em: [Acedido em outubro, 26, 2019]
Academic Conferences and Publishing International