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- Attitudes of european citizens towards climate change: a gender analysisPublication . Dos Santos, Maria José Palma Lampreia; Mata, F.The present paper analyses attitudes and perceptions regarding climate change (CC) among European citizens, emphasizing their pivotal role in fostering public engagement and endorsement towards the advancement of mitigatory measures and sustainable lifestyles in accordance with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This study delves into the degree of concern among European citizens regarding CC and their inclination towards assuming personal accountability in its alleviation, scrutinizing these facets through the lens of gender attitudes. Utilizing data from the European Social Survey and information on attitudes and perceptions pertaining to CC, the analysis incorporates various variables encompassing socio-economic status, demographics, individual perceptions of societal dynamics, and governmental policies. Employing econometric methodologies, the results confirm that individuals exhibiting trust in scientific authority manifest heightened concerns towards CC. Moreover, those expressing contentment with national governance display augmented levels of concern regarding CC. Gender differentials are also discernible, with females exhibiting greater apprehension towards CC compared to males. Furthermore, advanced age and higher educational attainment correlate with heightened levels of CC concern. Additional findings indicate that females tend to exhibit greater proclivity towards assuming self-responsibility, while individuals harbouring trust in scientific authority evince heightened levels of personal accountability, particularly when content with economic stability and the efficacy of the country's healthcare system. Additionally, older individuals displaying trust in scientific expertise tend to exhibit greater proclivity towards assuming personal responsibility. The findings underscore the imperative of comprehending the gendered ramifications of climate change and advocating for collective endeavours to combat this pervasive global challenge.
- The hard way to tell the story: literacy challenges for media and news narrativesPublication . Bonacho, FernandaFor a long time already, we have been searching for the best ways to promote critical thought, bearing in mind, for example, the phenomenon of disinformation. Additionally, scholars and journalists have also long hoped that media education could positively tackle this challenge and enhance social goals such as political and civic engagement, particularly among youngsters. There is a consensus in the literature that the purpose of education, and specifically media literacy education, is to provide people with the habits of inquiry and skills of expression they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in the world. The goal of this paper is to introduce the way the “Academy for Reading the World: Journalism, Communication and I” promotes critical thinking, self-regulation, and communication as key competencies to develop information narratives, whilst selecting an interdisciplinary approach to media literacy in an immersive experience for young participants (14y-21y). We propose to show that knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values can be mobilized together with a reflexive approach to the learning process, to be able to deal with contemporary media-challenging contexts that insist on hindering reality readings.
- Jornalismo e investigação histórica: um cruzamento de saberesPublication . Gomes, Pedro MarquesA investigação histórica talvez não seja uma especialidade jornalística, mas escrever sobre o passado, sobretudo o mais distante, não é o mesmo que escrever sobre o presente. Um jornalista que investiga o passado enfrenta desafios que se somam aos de qualquer outra investigação. Desafios que têm que ver com as práticas, mas que se relacionam também com o domínio teórico, com um outro modo de olhar (ou outros modos de olhar), de interpretar, contextualizar e, portanto, de questionar e compreender o mundo.
- Fotojornalismo: o equilíbrio entre o mundo interior e exteriorPublication . Cardoso Lopes, FátimaExercer fotojornalismo corresponde à atividade de contar uma história ou representar visualmente um acontecimento, com todas as especificardes e complexidades que comunicar com imagem comporta. Não se trata, naturalmente, de uma especialidade, mas sim de uma linguagem orientada pelos princípios de objetividade e rigor, pelas convenções do jornalismo, sem prescindir do olhar subjetivo do fotógrafo, da sua capacidade de interpretar e seleccionar.
- Introduction: on the importance of studying and learning about the Abril 25, 1974 revolutionPublication . Rezola, Maria InáciaThe portuguese do not usually celebrate historical watershed events with great enthusiasm. The October 5 celebrations (recalling the proclamation of the Portuguese First Republic in 1910) or the (Restoration of Independence holiday, celebrating the end of the Spanish King Philip IV’s reign over Portugal on December 1, 1640) are scarcely attended by participants, an evident sign that historical memory plays a secondary role in the daily lives of the Portuguese. Surveys recently carried out reveal the same tendency, showing that other important milestones in Portuguese history (such as the epic Discoveries era) are seen as remote realities. The publishing industry has, however, sought to reverse this trend, skilfully taking advantage of key historical moments to boosts its activity. The commemorations of the centenary of the Portuguese First Republic (1910-1926) are paradigmatic in this regard, mediating the publication of a multitude of studies and the reprinting of others that were inaccessible through commercial channels for a long time.
- Igreja e Revolução: da "santa prudência" à "santa irreverência"Publication . Rezola, Maria InáciaNa noite do dia 10 de junho de 1974 a RTP transmitiu em direto, do Mercado do Povo em Belém, a peça “Ceia II”, cegada teatral integrada na festa de homenagem ao MFA promovida pelo Movimento Democrático dos Artistas Plásticos. Em cena personagens políticas do Estado Novo, elementos da PIDE e a figura de um bispo que o público rapidamente identificou como caricaturando o Cardeal Cerejeira. Em suma, pouco mais de um mês depois da queda da ditadura, a Igreja Católica era ridicularizada em público. A 25 de Abril de 1974 a Igreja carregava uma pesada herança, dadas as acusações que sobre ela pendiam de ter pactuado com a ditadura. Qual o seu lugar num país que se libertava de 48 anos de ditadura? Como se iria relacionar com o novo poder político que, de imediato, anunciou o fim de todos os símbolos e instituições do antigo regime? As imagens terríficas de perseguições anticlericais, alimentadas pela propaganda salazarista durante décadas, ressurgiam na mente de muitos.
- Combatendo o fascismo e a opressão feminina: a jornalista e escritora Maria Lamas e a foto-reportagem As mulheres do meu paísPublication . Subtil, Filipa Mónica de Brito GonçalvesEste capítulo tem como propósito principal apresentar a jornalista, escritora, tradutora e feminista portuguesa Maria Lamas enquanto autora da fotorreportagem As mulheres do meu país assim como a estratégia editorial alternativa que a possibilitou, baseada na publicação em fascículos. Esta opção, num quadro de censura e ditadura, permitiu viabilizar um projeto que, de outra forma, poderia ter sido gorado. Na primeira secção, enquadra-se Maria Lamas no contexto político da sua época e expõem-se os principais dados biográficos. Na segunda, revela-se o seu papel como promotora cultural e ativista. A terceira secção está centrada no processo de construção de As mulheres do meu país e nos aspetos centrais do seu conteúdo em prol da valorização da mulher.
- La fuerza de las palabrasPublication . Shumskaya, Daria; Eiró-Gomes, Mafalda; Ferreira, João PedroPara este trabajo, se definió la siguiente pregunta de partida: “¿Contienen, o no, los discursos pronunciados por el partido Chega en las comemoraciones del Día de la Libertad falacias argumentativas?” Hace 35 años, Jean-François Ravel (1988, p. 11) cuestionaba la severidad con la que la opinión pública tendía entonces a considerar que los periodistas y los hombres (y, diríamos nosotros hoy, mujeres) políticos no eran confiables. En esta investigación, partimos de la idea de que las estrategias discursivas populistas se basan esencialmente en persuasiones que no ofrecen buenas razones para sus argumentos y que hacen, sobre todo, uso de las emociones.A este respecto se analizam los cuatro discursos de Chega (2020, 2021, 2022 y 2023) tal como están transcritos por los servicios de la Asamblea de la República.
- La fuerza de las palabrasPublication . Shumskaya, Daria; Eiró-Gomes, Mafalda; Ferreira, João PedroIntroducción: Hace 35 años, Jean-François Ravel (1988, p. 11) cuestionaba la severidad con la que la opinión pública tendía entonces a considerar que los periodistas y los hombres (y, diríamos nosotros hoy, mujeres) políticos no eran confiables. Es muy interesante la expresión que utiliza cuando afirma que muchos ciudadanos consideraban a estos dos grupos como teniendo mala fe. Aunque nos interese muchísimo cómo los medios cubren los discursos de los políticos, esta investigación pretende solamente rever el discurso de los principales partidos políticos en el momento institucional de conmemoración de la libertad y la democracia en Portugal. El próximo año se cumplirán cincuenta años desde la Revolución de los Claveles que puso fin a 40 años de dictadura en el país. La investigación analiza los discursos de los partidos en las conmemoraciones del 25 de abril de 1974 en la Asamblea de la República Portuguesa, en las dos últimas legislaturas (2019-2021 y 2022 – momento actual). Teniendo en consideración las palabras de Innerarity, que señala que “la razón y la libertad son las principales facultades de las que disponemos para entender y gestionar ese contexto limitante en que nos movemos” (Innerarity, 2021, p.141), el objetivo con esta investigación – que es un trabajo más amplio todavía en curso – es comprender la racionalidad (o su ausencia) en el discurso del partido Chega, por lo que presentaremos en este artículo sólo la parte de la investigación referente a este partido que la prensa tiende a considerar como populista de derecha. Objetivo: Entender si los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones del Día de la Libertad por el partido Chega contienen, o no, falacias argumentativas. El análisis comparativo de los discursos también permitirá una lectura más precisa de la evolución del discurso del partido desde que obtuvo representación en la Asamblea de la República. Según la bibliografía, las falacias argumentativas representan claramente la persuasión no argumentativa, un elemento al que recurren los movimientos populistas de forma global. Diseño de la investigación: Desde una perspectiva general, en el marco de uno paradigma interpretativo y utilizando un método de investigación de cariz cualitativo, se empleó la técnica más común de análisis en comunicación pública: el análisis textual. Se explorarán las falacias clásicas, algunas de las cuales son más habituales en la retórica política, como las generalizaciones excesivas, las maniobras de distracción, las falacias non sequitur, ad populum, ad misericordiam, así como la petitio principii. Además, se incorporarán otras falacias que emergieron del análisis de los propios discursos. Presentación y discusión de los resultados: Si bien muchas de las falacias encontradas se pueden categorizar en el cuadro de las que formaron la base previa para el análisis, es también interesante observar que otras, como la equivalencia falsa o la apelación a la emoción, son significativamente recurrentes en el discurso del partido Chega. Así, a partir de esta investigación, parece resultar evidente que el discurso del partido de extrema derecha en Portugal ha estado caracterizado, en los últimos años, por un uso considerable de falacias argumentativas.
- Europe: an invisible princess?Publication . Ferreira, João Pedro; Eiró-Gomes, Mafalda; Shumskaya, DariaIntroduction: For 75 years, Europe has been a land of freedom, democracy and hope. However, as Steiner (2004) has put it, Europe is above all an idea that many Europeans tend to not acknowledge. According to the author, memory, culture, or the landscape are some of the elements of a European identity always in need of reinventing itself. Riemen (2016) has even called Europe a princess and many of those that try to reach our continent – sometimes, in very tragic ways – tend to highlight another one of its features: human solidarity. Nevertheless, the lack of understanding of and interest in ”Europe” has come to light in recent years. In the same vein, the European Union has been inherently perceived as a mere ”political” or ”economic” forum that is very distant from the citizens. More than echoing the pessimism in this research, the authors have tried to understand the role of the press as a medium to bring these two groups – the citizens and the institution — closer. Even in the social media era, the Portuguese population tends to turn to the press (we will consider here only the digital press) to understand what is going on in the world and they refer to it as the main source of credible information (Reuters Institute, 2023). The main purpose of the research as being introduced here is to understand how present the European Union was in the Portuguese press during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union – PPEU (first semester of 2021). Which of the Portuguese Presidency’s priorities (e.g., Resilient Europe, Green Europe, Digital, Global, Social), were brought up in the press? Are there significant differences among newspapers and/or topics? These are some of the questions that guide this research. Research design: To address these research questions, a content analysis of the five main digital newspapers (on the basis of the number of its readers) was developed. In each newspaper, a search with keywords or cronyms as “EU”, “European Union”, “Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union” was done. Following this kind of classical procedure in content analysis, traditionally a quantitative method to organize a great volume of data, a second procedure was applied concerning the five themes acknowledged as priorities by the PPEU. In a second moment, formal analysis and textual analysis enabled some other findings concerning the importance given by the newspaper to the theme or what kind of article we are analyzing. Results and interpretation: Almost four hundred pieces related to the European Union during the Portuguese Presidency were found in the Correio da Manhã, Diária de Notícias/Jornal de Notícias, Expresso, Observador e Público newspapers. Two journals emerged as having dealt with the subject in a much more detailed way. It can also be asserted that two of the subjects were prioritized: resilience and global Europe. From an interpretative point of view, it is quite interesting to note that many of the articles were clearly from the Portuguese news agency, LUSA, and replicated in many of the newspapers.