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A emergĂȘncia da leitura e da escrita no jardim-de-infĂąncia compreende determinados comportamentos adotados pelas crianças, derivados das estratĂ©gias do educador e dos estĂmulos do contexto.
No presente relatĂłrio, A Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto na EmergĂȘncia da Escrita e da Leitura, Ă© desenvolvido um estudo que pretende demonstrar que de facto a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto Ă© uma estratĂ©gia potenciadora de aprendizagens no Ăąmbito da linguagem escrita, considerando o seu caracter holĂstico e enfatizando os instrumentos utilizados pelas crianças e pelo educador ao longo das vĂĄrias fases de um projeto.
Primeiramente Ă© realizada uma avaliação do espaço fĂsico e dos materiais com os quais as crianças contactavam diariamente, compreendendo de que forma Ă© que os mesmos podem despertar aprendizagens no domĂnio da linguagem oral e abordagem Ă escrita. De seguida foram adotadas estratĂ©gias que vĂŁo ao encontro das aprendizagens a promover, de acordo com aquilo que jĂĄ era praticado numa fase prĂ©via Ă PPS. Por fim, Ă© dinamizado um projeto, como forma de reconhecer que a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto promove aprendizagens no Ăąmbito da leitura e da escrita. Com o surgimento de alguns comportamentos das crianças que demonstravam interesse em interagir com os diferentes materiais de escrita, foram realizadas algumas alteraçÔes no espaço da sala.
No final da PPS foi possĂvel evidenciar aprendizagens por parte das crianças, considerando que se revelou um aumento do interesse pela linguagem escrita, compreendendo este estudo como benĂ©fico para o grupo de crianças. Foi possĂvel clarificar que a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto Ă© uma evidente estratĂ©gia, potenciadora das aprendizagens, permitindo que as crianças compreendam a funcionalidade da escrita e se vĂŁo apropriando das suas convençÔes.
ABSTRACT The emergence of reading and writing in kindergarten comprises certain behaviors adopted by children, derived from educator strategies and context stimuli. In this report, A Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto na EmergĂȘncia da Escrita e da Leitura, a study is developed that aims to demonstrate that, in fact, project based learning is a strategy that enhances learning within the written language, considering its holistic character and emphasizing the instruments used by children and the educator throughout the various phases of a project. First, an evaluation of the physical space and materials with which children contact each day is carried out, understanding how they can awaken learning in the field of oral language and approach to writing. Next, strategies were adopted to meet the apprenticeship that was being promoted, according to what was already practiced prior to the PPS. Finally, a project is carried out, as a way of recognizing that project based learning promotes learning in reading and writing. With some children showing behaviors which showed interest in interacting with the different writing materials, some changes were made to the room space. At the end of PPS, there was evidence that children were learning, once there was an increase in interest towards written language. As a result there was evidence that this intervention was beneficial for the group of children. It was possible to understand that project based learning is a strategy, which enhances learning, allowing children to understand the functionality of writing and giving them the chance to adapt to writting conventions.
ABSTRACT The emergence of reading and writing in kindergarten comprises certain behaviors adopted by children, derived from educator strategies and context stimuli. In this report, A Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto na EmergĂȘncia da Escrita e da Leitura, a study is developed that aims to demonstrate that, in fact, project based learning is a strategy that enhances learning within the written language, considering its holistic character and emphasizing the instruments used by children and the educator throughout the various phases of a project. First, an evaluation of the physical space and materials with which children contact each day is carried out, understanding how they can awaken learning in the field of oral language and approach to writing. Next, strategies were adopted to meet the apprenticeship that was being promoted, according to what was already practiced prior to the PPS. Finally, a project is carried out, as a way of recognizing that project based learning promotes learning in reading and writing. With some children showing behaviors which showed interest in interacting with the different writing materials, some changes were made to the room space. At the end of PPS, there was evidence that children were learning, once there was an increase in interest towards written language. As a result there was evidence that this intervention was beneficial for the group of children. It was possible to understand that project based learning is a strategy, which enhances learning, allowing children to understand the functionality of writing and giving them the chance to adapt to writting conventions.
Relatório de Estågio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Metodologia de trabalho de projeto EmergĂȘncia da leitura e da escrita Funcionalidade da escrita ConvençÔes de escrita Jardim de infĂąncia Project base learning Emergence of reading and writing Writing functions Wrinting conventions Kindergarten
Ferreira, J. S. C. (2019). Metodologia de trabalho de projeto na emergĂȘncia da escrita e da leitura (Dissertação de mestrado nĂŁo publicada). Instituto PolitĂ©cnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa DisponĂvel em: