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- A Fuzzy Logic model to enhance quality management on R&D unitsPublication . Abreu, António; Santos, Ricardo; Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, JoséNowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), are becoming even more competitive, with the public ones, facing at the same time a greater restriction on public funding. Therefore, HEIs, have to be more effective and more efficient as well, on pursuing their own goals, which includes Research and Development (R&D) units as well. Such demands can be achieved, by enhancing R&D`s global performance. Therefore, the use of a framework such as European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), can bring value to an organization with the characteristics of a R&D unit. This work presents a new integrated method based on EFQM model, by using Fuzzy Logic, to enhance the organizations overall performance. The applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a case study in a R&D unit, where an initial performance evaluation takes place, by using RADAR`s Logic approach. The proposed method, based on Fuzzy Logic, is then applied, followed by the identification of the strength points as well as the improvement areas, according to the EFQM framework. Then, the improvement actions with high priority are determined, followed by the correspondent action measures.
- Aplicação do six sigma business scorecard na gestão de ecossistemas de inovaçãoPublication . Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, José; Abreu, AntónioNo atual contexto, as empresas para serem competitivas têm de desenvolver capacidades de inovação de elevado desempenho que lhes permitam responder rapidamente às necessidades do mercado. No entanto, a ausência de ferramentas e metodologias que permitam avaliar o desempenho dos projetos de inovação de uma forma integrada continua a ser um obstáculo. O artigo começa por discutir os princípios do Six Sigma e do Balanced Scorecard para a avaliação do desempenho. Em seguida, são discutidas as vantagens do Six Sigma Business Scorecard como instrumento de suporte à avaliação do desempenho em projetos de inovação. Por último, são discutidas as vantagens do desenvolvimento no contexto de um ecossistema colaborativo. In the present context, companies to be competitive must develop high-performance innovation capabilities that enable them to respond quickly to market needs. However, the lack of tools and methodologies to assess the performance of innovation projects in an integrated way remains an obstacle. The article begins by discussing the principles of Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard for performance evaluation. Next, the advantages of the Six Sigma Business Scorecard are discussed as a tool to support the evaluation of performance in innovation projects. Finally, the advantages of development in the context of a collaborative ecosystem are discussed.
- Management of innovation ecosystems based on six sigma business scorecardPublication . Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, José; Abreu, António; Dias, AnaIn the present context, companies to be competitive must develop high-performance innovation capabilities that enable them to respond quickly to market needs. However, the lack of tools and methodologies to assess the performance of innovation projects in an integrated way remains an obstacle. The paper begins by discussing the principles of Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard for performance evaluation. Next, the advantages of the Six Sigma Business Scorecard are discussed as a tool to support the evaluation of performance in innovation projects. Finally, the advantages of their application in the context of a collaborative ecosystem are discussed. It is illustrated that the BSC ensures that top management pays attention at any time to the specific elements of the Six Sigma implementation that are not working as planned, providing a link between strategy and quality initiatives assuring customers satisfaction in innovation projects.
- Buildings lean maintenance implementation modelPublication . Abreu, António; Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, JoséNowadays, companies in global markets have to achieve high levels of performance and competitiveness to stay "alive".Within this assumption, the building maintenance cannot be done in a casual and improvised way due to the costs related. Starting with some discussion about lean management and building maintenance, this paper introduces a model to support the Lean Building Maintenance (LBM) approach. Finally based on a real case study from a Portuguese company, the benefits, challenges and difficulties are presented and discussed.
- Vantagens da aplicação da filosofia six sigma business scorecard em projectos de manutençãoPublication . Requeijo, José; Abreu, António; Calado, João Manuel FerreiraDe acordo com a perspectiva tradicional a função manutenção é conotada como uma atividade secundária consumidora de recursos humanos e financeiros, razão pela qual muitas empresas utilização como estratégia de manutenção há já vários anos, a subcontratação dos serviços de manutenção a empresas especializadas. No entanto, as estratégias de gestão da manutenção herdadas do passado estão cada vez menos adaptadas às necessidades e exigências dos processos modernos de produção. A necessidade em efetuar operações de manutenção em sistemas cada vez mais complexos requer acesso a vários tipos distintos de competências que as pequenas e médias empresas especializadas em serviços de manutenção geralmente não possuem. Como resultado, as empresas prestadoras de serviços de manutenção são confrontadas com o seguinte dilema: desenvolver as competências em falta, por meio de seus próprios ativos, fazendo investimentos por vezes elevados, ou em alternativa capitalizar as competências que podem ser disponibilizadas por outras empresas de manutenção no contexto de um ecossistema colaborativo. Entende-se por ecossistema colaborativo uma qualquer coligação entre um conjunto de várias entidades (especialistas e empresas) autónomas, geograficamente distribuídas e heterogéneas do ponto de vista operacional, que decidem estabelecer relações de colaboração entre si, como processo, para atingir objetivos comuns ou compatíveis de forma mais eficiente. Este artigo tem como objetivo ilustrar o papel da abordagem Six Sigma Scorecard como instrumento de gestão para a melhoria da qualidade no serviço prestado num contexto colaborativo. O artigo começa por discutir os princípios da filosofia Six Sigma e do Balanced Scorecard. Em seguida, é discutido de que modo se pode fazer a associação das duas metodologias como instrumento de gestão. Por último, é discutido como é que esta abordagem pode ser aplicada na avaliação das atividades de manutenção no contexto de um ecossistema colaborativo.
- Robust design and statistical process control in a collaborative environmentPublication . Navas, Helena V. G.; Requeijo, José; Abreu, AntónioNowadays, enterprises in global markets have to achieve high levels of performance and competitiveness to stay “alive". In order to be competitive enterprises must develop capabilities that will enable them to respond quickly to market needs. According to several authors and as frequently mentioned by reports from practical case studies, one of the most relevant sources of competitive advantage is the involvement of enterprises in collaborative networks. However, in spite of this assumption, it is also frequently mentioned that the lack of operational tools tailored to collaborative networks is not available yet and might be an obstacle for a wider acceptance of this paradigm. In this context, the collaborative networks need new statistical tools, new approaches and concepts of quality improvement. Starting with a brief discussion about the nature and the role of some tools in order to support the development of robust design, this paper introduces some discussion about the application advantages of product design in a collaborative environment as a contribution to a future identification of methodologies, approaches that are suitable for collaborative contexts.
- Implementação do controlo estatístico do processo para um número reduzido de dados numa indústria vinícolaPublication . Abreu, Rúben Daniel Martins de; Requeijo, José; Abreu, AntónioA grande exigência dos mercados tem conduzido a situações em que os sistemas produtivos são caracterizados pela produção de diversos lotes mas de reduzida dimensão. Este novo paradigma exige que sejam desenvolvidas técnicas adequadas, tanto em termos de planeamento como em termos de Controlo Estatístico do Processo (SPC), uma vez que podem existir situações em que não é possível proceder à recolha de dados suficientes para se estimar convenientemente os parâmetros do processo (média e variância). A abordagem sugerida para contornar esta situação consiste em adotar os desenvolvimentos propostos por Charles Quesenberry, em que a estatística da amostra no instante i é transformada através das estimativas dos parâmetros do processo recorrendo à informação obtida (dados) até ao instante (i-1). O estudo univariado da capacidade do processo é realizada através dos índices de capacidade QI e QS. Assim, no presente artigo, são abordadas duas situações de controlo estatístico, uma em que é feito um estudo univariado, com base em cartas Q, e outra em que é feito o estudo multivariado, com base nas cartas MQ, numa indústria do setor vinícola. The ever-growing market demands have altered the productive systems with a change in the paradigm, from producing fewer but bigger batches of products to smaller batches of a more diverse range of products. With this new paradigm it is required to develop new techniques, not only the Production Planning but also in the Statistical Process Control (SPC), since there can be scenarios where it is not viable to gather enough data to properly estimate the process parameters (mean and variance). An adequate solution to this problem is to implement some of the techniques developed by Charles Quesenberry, in which there is a transformation of the sample statistic from a moment in time (i) through the estimation of the parameters of the process from gathered data in a previous moment in time (i-1). In terms of process capability analysis there are two indexes (Qi and Qs), that give real time information regarding the process capability. In the present article, it is presented two situations of statistical process control, one in which was made an univariable study using Q-Charts, and the other that is based on a multivariable study using MQ-Charts in a wine industry.
- Implementation of statistical process control in a bottling line in winery industryPublication . Abreu, António; Requeijo, José; Calado, João Manuel FerreiraIntroduction: The great demand of the markets has led to situations in which the production systems are characterized by the production of several batches but of small size. This new paradigm requires that adequate techniques be developed, both in terms of planning and in terms of Statistical Process Control (SPC), since there may be situations where it is not possible to collect enough data to properly estimate the parameters of the process (mean and variance). Objectives: Implementation of Statistical Process Control techniques in a wine industry in order to improve its final product. Methods: Whenever there is not enough data to properly estimate the parameters of the process, the suggested approach, is to adopt the developments proposed by Charles Quesenberry. In this case, the statistic of the sample at time i is transformed through the estimations of the process parameters using the information obtained (data) until the instant (i-1). The univariate study of process capability is performed through the capability indices QL and QU. Thus, in this paper, two situations of statistical control are addressed, one in which a univariate study is done, based on Q charts, and another in which the multivariate study is made, based on the MQ charts. Results: This study comprised the implementation of the SPC) of a wine brand that has low production volumes, in the process of bottling wine, which is considered a critical step since some care is needed, such as avoiding the occurrence of microbiological contaminations or oxidation of the wine. Conclusions: Whenever it is not possible to apply traditional control charts the use of the control Q charts (univariate analysis) and the control MQ charts (multivariate analysis) are the most appropriate choice not only for the control of one or more products but also for several sets of quality characteristics.
- Controlo Estatístico do Processo para Número Reduzido de DadosPublication . Requeijo, José; Matos, Ana Sofia; Abreu, AntónioEm alguns sistemas produtivos pretende-se controlar várias características da qualidade com um número restrito de dados, não sendo possível estimar convenientemente os parâmetros do processo (média e variância), impossibilitando a implementação do Controle Estatístico do Processo tradicional (SPC). Como resposta, sugere-se a adoção dos desenvolvimentos de Quesenberry, que consiste na transformação das estatísticas no instante i através dos parâmetros estimados no instante ( ) considerando-se todos os dados ocorridos até este instante. Este artigo aborda duas situações, o SPC univariado e multivariado, com a aplicação de estatísticas Q. Tanto a estatística Q univariada como a MQ multivariada são distribuídas segundo a distribuição Normal reduzida e assim, o controlo de cada característica pode ser representado num mesmo documento (carta de controlo). É sugerido a aplicação dos índices QI e QS para o estudo univariado da capacidade do processo, que são representados na respetiva carta de controlo Q. Assim é possível em tempo real avaliar o desempenho dos processos e prever a possibilidade de produzir produtos não conformes, aumentando a satisfação do cliente. A metodologia proposta é aplicável a diferentes sistemas produtivos (indústria e serviços). É apresentado um estudo de caso com recurso à metodologia proposta Some production systems control many quality characteristics with a restricted amount of data, not allowing a conveniente estimation of the process parameters (mean and variance), thereby creating a difficulty in implementing the traditional Statistical Process Control (SPC). In order to address this question, the approach suggested is to adopt the developments proposed by by Charles Quesenberry, which consists in the statistics sample transformation at time i. This transformation is based on parameter estimation at time (i – 1). This paper addresses two situations, the univariate and multivariate SPC, with the use of Q dimensionless statistics. Both univariate (Q) and multivariate (MQ) statistics are distributed according to standard Normal distribution. It is also suggested the application of new capability indices QL and QU to study the univariate process capability, which are represented in the mean Q control chart to evaluate in real time the performance of the various processes and predict the possibility of production of nonconforming product, which will increase customer satisfaction. The methodology is applicable to different production systems, both for industry and services. Based on a methodology developed, a case study is presented and discussed.
- Definition of strategies based on simulation and design of experimentsPublication . Abreu, António; Requeijo, José; J. M. F. Calado; Dias, AnaNowadays, even fairly small companies have to use more and more efficient working methodologies such as the "transnational" ones. The market may still be local or regional, but the competition is global. Companies, to be competitive, need to market their products at acceptable prices, in the right time and with a higher level of quality. According to some authors, the company's survival strategy involves the development of methodologies that are capable of designing, developing and / or improving the processes so that they are more efficient, with a low cost and in a shorter time. This article begins by discussing the relevance of the theme to the competitiveness of companies. Next, it is discussed how the Design of Experiments associated with simulation tools can contribute to the definition of operational strategies. Finally, an illustrative example is presented, and the main conclusions are drawn.