ISEL - Eng. Mecan. - Livros
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- 5th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS 2024): theory and applications (abstract book)Publication . Morgado, Teresa; Galvão, Ivan; Abreu, António; Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Sá, JoséThe conference themes, which address novel and advanced topics on Sustainability, Quality, and Innovation, focused on eight Special Sessions, namely, "Circular Economy and Waste Management – New Approaches, Innovative Technologies, and Business Models", "Failure Prevents: Reliability, Proactivity and Practice, "Lean, TRIZ methodologies Applied to Sustainability Management", "Modelling and Simulation: A way to promote system resilience and sustainability management", "Quality 4.0 and innovations in the digital era", "Recent Advances in Manufacturing", "Sustainability energy" and "Lean Sustainability". The conference also included the workshop "Brick by Brick: Exploring the Future of Quality Management through Serious Gaming" and an Open Forum on "Quality, Innovation and Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities" where an expert panel of many years of collective and active researchers and managers addressed the issue of balancing the activities of businesses, management, and engineering within the enterprises and institutions. The ICQIS2024 organizers believe that the meeting offered our delegates a forum for discussion and dissemination of their recent work in assessing the Sustainability, Quality, and Innovation of engineering and business services and promoting the exchange of ideas and international cooperation among scientists, managers, and engineers in this vital field of engineering and business.
- Multi-agent Approach to Fault Tolerant Control Systems – A Conceptual Model to the Industrial Internet of ThingsPublication . Mendes, Mário J. G. C.A general concern in industrial world is related to process maintenance, safety and functionality problems in the presence of faults. Most industrial processes are very large, complex and with communication networks. Because of size and complexity, it is very dificult to conceive a diagnostic system and ensure the availability of the entire process. Sometimes, malfunctions or simple performance deterioration of equipments or processes occur, forcing to production interruptions. Thus, it is fundamental in the industrial world of the 21st century - Industry 4.0 - to have Fault Tolerant Control systems that provides faults information to some kind of control reconfiguration system that will try to accommodate the faults, maintaining the process operation with a minimal degradation in the production or allowing a controlled plant shut down. This work presents a conceptual model to be applied in the Industrial Internet of Things world.
- Inovação e Desenvolvimento de Novos ProdutosPublication . Dias, AnaNeste livro dedicado à inovação apresenta-se um conjunto considerável de ferramentas disponíveis para concepção e desenvolvimento de novos produtos, classificados conforme a especificidade da sua utilização na indústria e serviços. Aqui se propõe um modelo holístico de conjugação das ferramentas, base da organização dos capítulos do livro e roteiro de avaliação do grau de maturidade das organizações inovadoras. Aborda-se com o detalhe possível, o que concerne aos múltiplos aspectos operacionais e estratégicos das empresas que competem no mercado global dos novos produtos, contribuindo-se assim para uma nova capacidade empresarial. Pretende-se que o contributo do livro se estenda ainda ao refrescamento de programas de algumas unidades curriculares de cursos superiores de gestão e de engenharia, nomeadamente na engenharia industrial.
- Development of unmanned aerial vehicles maintenance strategy under an asset management frameworkPublication . Gonçalves, P.; Sobral, José; Ferreira, L. A.Many organizations in a large number of countries all around the world are now awaking for a new reality concerning potential applications for the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or unmanned aerial systems (UAS). What was initially strictly applied for military purposes or pure private entertainment has now widespread for other purposes as for example for book or pizza delivery to customers. In manned commercial and military aircraft the MSG (Maintenance Steering Group) philosophy is usually followed and is the root of all inspection schedules in a process starting before an aircraft enters service. However, for the UAV (or UAS), as a system, there are not yet such procedures and each operator establishes the needed requirements on the development stage. The question is how to integrate this type of equipment in an asset management framework as presented in the PAS 55 or the recent ISO 55000. The objective of this paper is to show an exemple of the development of a UAV where these issues are discussed and some proposals to integrate them on an asset management framework regarding the design for effectiveness and design for safety are made on an early stage of an asset engineering process.
- Repairable items inventory optimization based on maintenance data and risk criteriaPublication . Sobral, José; Guedes Soares, CarlosThe performance of organizations has a strong dependence on the successful operation of their physical assets and this is based on a large scale in the way how assets are managed, where spare parts play an important role. Repairable items, while units that can run an unlimited number of times between the asset (equipment) in which they are installed, the maintenance shop where they are submitted to maintenance activities (preventive or corrective) and the warehouse where they will wait for a demand, are very important elements once they represent a huge part of the inventory. This paper presents a methodology, initially developed in the aeronautics field to determine the optimum quantity of individual repairable items to exist in the warehouse to face their necessity. In the methodology it is taken into account the scheduled maintenance (hard time maintenance) as well as the unscheduled removals and the time of recovery in the maintenance shop. All these elements are gathered from maintenance historic data. The methodology also takes into account the risk by introducing the concept of Service Level. This work also presents a real case study, showing the applicability of the methodology presented and demonstrating its valuable contribution to the maintenance management decision making process.
- Prototyping and wave tank testing of a floating platform with point absorbersPublication . Kamarlouei, Mojtaba; Gaspar, José F.; Calvário, M.; Hallak, Thiago S.; Soares, Carlos Guedes; Mendes, Mário J. G. C.; Thiebaut, FlorentThe main aim of this paper is to present the experimental results of a concept of a platform, with several point energy absorbers. A floating circular array of point absorbers, in 1-27 scale, was tested in the wave tank. The hydrodynamic behavior of the platform was studied in different configurations. Moreover, the performance of the platform was assessed in different sea states with and without point absorbers attached to the platform.
- A review of fault tolerant design in wave energy convertersPublication . Kamarlouei, Mojtaba; Gaspar, José F.; Guedes, Carlos; Cruz, B. F.; Mendes, Mário J. G. C.The main objective of this pape is to presente a review on typical faults including the actual development and application of the fault tolerant design techniques in WEC systems and subsystems. Also, various WEC devices are studied and categorized in three diferente maintenance levels based on the defined criteria in maintenance standard. In this paper, the oscillating body and structure, power take-off system and transmission units, control,safety and survivability units are considered as the essencial componentes of the WEC for fault and failure study. Moreover, several faults are identified and fault tolerant design techniques are proposed for these systems. Moreover, several faults are identified and fault tolerant design techniques are proposed for these systems.