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O estágio, objeto deste relatório, foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Curso de Mestrado em
Ensino de Dança, da Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa. Foi implementado na
disciplina de Técnica de Dança Moderna durante o ano letivo de 2022/2023 na Escola
de Dança Ana Mangericão, com as alunas do 5º ano do Ensino Artístico Especializado.
A investigação-ação foi inspirada pela Teoria dos Sistemas Dinâmicos como uma
abordagem conceptual e prática, que se reflete no processo de aprendizagem das
técnicas de dança e abordagens contemporâneas. O principal objetivo foi implementar
uma abordagem dinâmica a todas as componentes do ensino-aprendizagem de dança,
com recurso a um mapeamento de conceitos de Dança Contemporânea, estruturante
da metodologia utilizada no estágio. Foram exploradas múltiplas ferramentas e
abordagens que combinaram teorias práticas e ideias exploratórias (como por exemplo,
a relação entre a linearidade e a não-linearidade do movimento) com o intuito de
potencializar a descoberta de novos caminhos neuromusculares, permitindo uma
adaptabilidade perante um meio na dança em constante mudança. Pretendeu-se
também fomentar a acuidade propriocetiva, como ferramenta que desenvolve a
autonomia, e o trabalho a pares como ferramenta que desenvolve a cooperação e a
responsabilidade de aprender com e através do outro. Foram utilizados movimentos,
ações e conceitos da Dança Contemporânea em diálogo com competências
relacionadas com a Técnica de Dança Contemporânea.
Tendo como ponto de partida a metodologia de Investigação-ação, foram produzidas
investigações teóricas de base sobre os seguintes tópicos: a Teoria dos Sistemas
Dinâmicos, a aprendizagem motora em dança perspetivada por esta teoria, conceitos
de Dança Contemporânea e sua aplicação no ensino de dança. Esta metodologia
procurou modos de efetivação dos objetivos gerais e específicos, juntamente com a
seleção de ferramentas de recolha de dados, tais como o diário de bordo, as entrevistas,
os questionários e as gravações audiovisuais.
A análise final reflete as possíveis organizações de blocos de aula através de conceitos
de dança, bem como as estratégias pedagógicas encontradas de modo que o aluno se
envolva em processos dinâmicos, como o da propriocepção. Esta investigação conclui
que o ensino da Dança Contemporânea é sempre um processo dinâmico onde os
conceitos de dança podem fazer uma fusão entre planos práticos e abstratos.
ABSTRACT - The internship, which is the subject of this report, was developed as part of the Master's Degree in Dance Teaching at the Escola Superior de Dança, part of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. It was implemented in the Modern Dance Technique subject during the 2022/2023 academic year at the AnaMangericão Dance School, with 5th year Specialized Artistic Education students. The action research was inspired by Dynamic Systems Theory as a conceptual and practical approach, which is reflected in the process of learning dance techniques and contemporary approaches. The main aim of this research was to implement a dynamic approach to all the components of dance teaching and learning, using a mapping of Contemporary Dance concepts, which structured the methodology used in the internship. Multiple tools and approaches were explored that combined practical theories and exploratory ideas (such as the relationship between the linearity and non-linearity of movement) in order to enhance the discovery of new neuromuscular pathways, allowing adaptability to a constantly changing dance environment. The aim was also to foster proprioceptive acuity, as a tool for developing autonomy, and working in pairs as a tool for developing cooperation and the responsibility of learning with and through others. Contemporary dancemovements, actions and concepts were used in dialogue with skills related to the Contemporary Dance Technique. Using the Action Research methodology as a starting point, basic theoretical research was carried out on the following topics: Dynamic Systems Theory, motor learning in dance from a Dynamic Systems Theory perspective, Contemporary Dance concepts and their application in dance teaching. This methodology sought ways of achieving the general and specific objectives, along with the selection of data collection tools, such as the logbook, interviews, questionnaires and audiovisual recordings. The final analysis reflects the possibilities of organizing class blocks through dance concepts and the interaction between them, as well as the pedagogical strategies found so that the student is involved in dynamic processes, such as proprioception. The conclusion of this research is that teaching Contemporary Dance is always a dynamic process where dance concepts can merge practical and abstract planes.
ABSTRACT - The internship, which is the subject of this report, was developed as part of the Master's Degree in Dance Teaching at the Escola Superior de Dança, part of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. It was implemented in the Modern Dance Technique subject during the 2022/2023 academic year at the AnaMangericão Dance School, with 5th year Specialized Artistic Education students. The action research was inspired by Dynamic Systems Theory as a conceptual and practical approach, which is reflected in the process of learning dance techniques and contemporary approaches. The main aim of this research was to implement a dynamic approach to all the components of dance teaching and learning, using a mapping of Contemporary Dance concepts, which structured the methodology used in the internship. Multiple tools and approaches were explored that combined practical theories and exploratory ideas (such as the relationship between the linearity and non-linearity of movement) in order to enhance the discovery of new neuromuscular pathways, allowing adaptability to a constantly changing dance environment. The aim was also to foster proprioceptive acuity, as a tool for developing autonomy, and working in pairs as a tool for developing cooperation and the responsibility of learning with and through others. Contemporary dancemovements, actions and concepts were used in dialogue with skills related to the Contemporary Dance Technique. Using the Action Research methodology as a starting point, basic theoretical research was carried out on the following topics: Dynamic Systems Theory, motor learning in dance from a Dynamic Systems Theory perspective, Contemporary Dance concepts and their application in dance teaching. This methodology sought ways of achieving the general and specific objectives, along with the selection of data collection tools, such as the logbook, interviews, questionnaires and audiovisual recordings. The final analysis reflects the possibilities of organizing class blocks through dance concepts and the interaction between them, as well as the pedagogical strategies found so that the student is involved in dynamic processes, such as proprioception. The conclusion of this research is that teaching Contemporary Dance is always a dynamic process where dance concepts can merge practical and abstract planes.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Dança contemporânea Abordagem contemporânea Processos dinâmicos Contemporary dance Contemporary approach Dynamic processes
Paiva, M. (2023). O corpo em movimento como um sistema dinâmico: a integração de uma perspetiva contemporânea na disciplina de técnica de dança moderna no 5º ano do ensino artístico especializado da Escola de Dança Ana Mangericão [ Dissertação de Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa].Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Dança