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O presente relatório de estágio desenvolve-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II, que integra o Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) e de Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no 2.ºCEB, da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa pertencente ao Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. O documento encontra-se estruturado, em duas grandes partes que se relacionam, nomeadamente, (i) caraterização, análise e reflexão das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no 1.º e 2.ºCEB; e (ii) implementação de um estudo empírico, aplicado no 1.º Ciclo. O presente estudo surgiu da necessidade de compreender De que forma a compreensão leitora, com enfoque nas redes lexicais e semânticas, potencia as aprendizagens de conceitos em História e Geografia de Portugal?. Partindo desta problemática, foram definidos três objetivos investigativos: (i) Aferir o inter-relacionamento entre a compreensão leitora e a construção de redes lexicais e semânticas entre palavras na leitura e na escrita; (ii) Compreender o papel do conhecimento lexical e semântico desenvolvido em situações de leitura e escrita na compreensão e aplicação de conceitos histórico-geográficos; e (iii), Verificar a influência de uma sequência didática centrada no enriquecimento lexical e semântico na compreensão e explicitação de conceitos histórico-geográficos. Recorrendo a uma metodologia de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, seguindo princípios de Investigação-Ação, foi possível aferir que a compreensão leitora e o desenvolvimento das relações lexicais e semânticas contribuem para a definição de conceitos em História e Geografia de Portugal.
The following internship report was developed within the scope of the Curricular Unit of Supervised Teaching Practise II, which integrates the Master´s Degree in Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CBE) and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd CBE, of the Lisbon School of Education. The document finds itself well structed, in two major parts which are connected, as the, (i) characterization, analysis and reflection on the pedagogical practices developed in the 1st and 2nd CBE; and (ii) the implementation of an empiric study, applied on the 1st Cycle. The present study emerged from the need of understanding How the reading comprehension, focused on the lexical and semantic relationship, enhances the learning of concepts in Portugal history and geography? From this problematic theme, there were defined three investigative objectives: (i) To refer the inter-relationship between the reading comprehension and the construction of lexical and semantic network between words on the reading and writing; (ii) To understand the importance of the lexical and semantic knowledge developed in reading and writing situations on the comprehension and application of historical and geographic concepts; and (iii) To verify the influence of a didactic sequence focused on the lexical and semantic enrichment on the comprehension and explanation of historical and geographic concepts. By using a natural and predominant qualitative methodology, following investigation-action principles, it was possible to verify that the reading comprehension and the developing of lexical semantics relationships contribute to the definition of Portugal history and geography concepts.
The following internship report was developed within the scope of the Curricular Unit of Supervised Teaching Practise II, which integrates the Master´s Degree in Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CBE) and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd CBE, of the Lisbon School of Education. The document finds itself well structed, in two major parts which are connected, as the, (i) characterization, analysis and reflection on the pedagogical practices developed in the 1st and 2nd CBE; and (ii) the implementation of an empiric study, applied on the 1st Cycle. The present study emerged from the need of understanding How the reading comprehension, focused on the lexical and semantic relationship, enhances the learning of concepts in Portugal history and geography? From this problematic theme, there were defined three investigative objectives: (i) To refer the inter-relationship between the reading comprehension and the construction of lexical and semantic network between words on the reading and writing; (ii) To understand the importance of the lexical and semantic knowledge developed in reading and writing situations on the comprehension and application of historical and geographic concepts; and (iii) To verify the influence of a didactic sequence focused on the lexical and semantic enrichment on the comprehension and explanation of historical and geographic concepts. By using a natural and predominant qualitative methodology, following investigation-action principles, it was possible to verify that the reading comprehension and the developing of lexical semantics relationships contribute to the definition of Portugal history and geography concepts.
Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Leitura e escrita Conhecimento lexical e semântico Integração curricular Texto Expositivo História e Geografia de Portugal 1.º ciclo do ensino básico Reading and writing Lexical and semantic knowledge Curricular integration Expository text History and Geography of Portugal 1st cycle of basic education
Patrício, S. S. (2024). De que forma a compreensão leitora, com enfoque nas redes lexicais e semânticas, potencia as aprendizagens de conceitos em História e Geografia de Portugal no 1.º CEB? (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: