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A dinamização do património histórico com o
auxílio das novas tecnologias é, na atualidade, uma prática a ter
em conta por parte dos futuros profissionais de animação
sociocultural. No 2.º ano da licenciatura em Animação
Sociocultural da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, a
unidade curricular Património Histórico, Artístico e Cultural
propõe, como elemento avaliativo, a construção de um projeto de
intervenção a partir do património edificado português,
mobilizando-o o e reconhecendo-o como um importante recurso
educativo, cultural e identitário. Esta comunicação tem como
objetivo apresentar um desses projetos, realizado por estudantes
no ano letivo de 2016/2017, tendo em conta i) a utilização de
novas tecnologias na animação sociocultural; ii) a relação entre a
animação sociocultural, o património e as novas tecnologias; e iii)
a criação de uma aplicação informática no âmbito daquela
unidade curricular para a dinamização do património. O
trabalho realizado pelo grupo de estudantes permite afirmar que
as novas tecnologias constituem um recurso privilegiado para a
dinamização do património por parte do animador sociocultural.
Abstract— The dynamization of historical heritage with the aid of new technologies is currently a practice to be taken into account by future professionals of socio-cultural animation. In the 2nd year of the degree in Sociocultural Animation of the Superior School of Education of Lisbon, the curricular unit Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage proposes, as an evaluation element, the construction of an intervention project from the Portuguese heritage, mobilizing it and recognizing it as an important educational, cultural and identity resource. This communication aims to present an intervention project carried out by students in the academic year 2016/2017, taking into account i) the use of new technologies in socio-cultural animation; Ii) the relationship between socio-cultural animation, heritage and new technologies; and iii) the creation of a computer application within the scope of that curricular unit for the dynamization of the patrimony. The work carried out by the group of students allows to affirm that, the new technologies constitute a privileged resource for the dynamization of the heritage by the socio-cultural animator.
Abstract— The dynamization of historical heritage with the aid of new technologies is currently a practice to be taken into account by future professionals of socio-cultural animation. In the 2nd year of the degree in Sociocultural Animation of the Superior School of Education of Lisbon, the curricular unit Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage proposes, as an evaluation element, the construction of an intervention project from the Portuguese heritage, mobilizing it and recognizing it as an important educational, cultural and identity resource. This communication aims to present an intervention project carried out by students in the academic year 2016/2017, taking into account i) the use of new technologies in socio-cultural animation; Ii) the relationship between socio-cultural animation, heritage and new technologies; and iii) the creation of a computer application within the scope of that curricular unit for the dynamization of the patrimony. The work carried out by the group of students allows to affirm that, the new technologies constitute a privileged resource for the dynamization of the heritage by the socio-cultural animator.
Animação sociocultural Património Tecnologias da informação Tecnologias da comunicação Projeto de intervenção Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa Sociocultural animation Heritage Information technologies Communication technologies Intervention project Superior School of Education of Lisbon
Ribeiro, R., Fernandes, C., Santos, R., Ferreira, N., Jackson, I., Matos, J. (2017) A dinamização do património na animação sociocultural com recurso a uma aplicação informática in Ponte, C., Dodero, J. M., Silva, M. J. (2017) Atas do XIX Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa e VIII Encontro do CIED – III Encontro Internacional. (29-34) Lisboa: CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais
CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais