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A principal finalidade dos descarregadores de cheias de barragens consiste em dar passagem adequada ao excesso de água que aflui às albufeiras. Para tal os descarregadores deverão ser dimensionados de forma a garantir a adequada restituição ao leito do rio dos caudais descarregados.
O estudo em modelo reduzido de descarregadores de cheia de barragens é fundamental no apoio ao projecto destas obras, por permitir a análise de fenómenos hidráulicos de difícil caracterização analítica, associada à complexidade das formas das próprias estruturas bem como as da topografia do terreno em que elas se inserem. No caso das obras hidráulicas associadas a barragens é comum o estudo em modelo reduzido de descarregadores de cheias, tomadas de água e circuitos hidráulicos.
O objectivo principal do presente estudo é a análise do funcionamento hidráulico de dois tipos de conchas de rolo na dissipação de energia do escoamento. Esta análise é baseada nos resultados experimentais obtidos num modelo físico de um caso real.
Com base nos ensaios de dois tipos de conchas de rolo, com e sem blocos, analisaram-se as condições de escoamento e as diferenças induzidas nas erosões do leito a jusante do descarregador, tendo sido escolhida a solução mais adequada, em termos de condições de escoamento tranquilas na zona de restituição e às menores erosões do leito.
Abstract: The main purpose of dam’s spillways is to provide a suitable passage of the water in excess that arrives to the reservoirs. Therefore, spillways should be designed to ensure adequate restitution to the riverbed of the flows discharged. A scale model studyof a dam spillway is essential in supporting the project of these works, allowing the analysis of hydraulic phenomena of difficult analytical characterization, associated with the complexity regarding shapes of the structures, as well as the topography of the land on which they are inserted. In the case of hydraulic works associated with dams it is common the study, with reduced model of flood spillways, inlets and hydraulic circuits. The main objective of the present study is the analysis of the hydraulic behavior of two types of roller buckets in the energy dissipation of the flow. This analysis is based on experimental results obtained in a physical model of a real case. Based on the tests of two types of roller buckets, with and without blocks, the flow conditions and the differences induced on erosions of the riverbed downstream of the discharger were analyzed, and the best solution in terms of quiet flow conditions in therestitution zone and lower riverbed erosion was chosen.
Abstract: The main purpose of dam’s spillways is to provide a suitable passage of the water in excess that arrives to the reservoirs. Therefore, spillways should be designed to ensure adequate restitution to the riverbed of the flows discharged. A scale model studyof a dam spillway is essential in supporting the project of these works, allowing the analysis of hydraulic phenomena of difficult analytical characterization, associated with the complexity regarding shapes of the structures, as well as the topography of the land on which they are inserted. In the case of hydraulic works associated with dams it is common the study, with reduced model of flood spillways, inlets and hydraulic circuits. The main objective of the present study is the analysis of the hydraulic behavior of two types of roller buckets in the energy dissipation of the flow. This analysis is based on experimental results obtained in a physical model of a real case. Based on the tests of two types of roller buckets, with and without blocks, the flow conditions and the differences induced on erosions of the riverbed downstream of the discharger were analyzed, and the best solution in terms of quiet flow conditions in therestitution zone and lower riverbed erosion was chosen.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Hidráulica
Modelos físicos Reduced physical models Barragens Dams Descarregadores de cheias Spillway Conchas de rolo Roller buckets Erosões no leito do rio Erosion on the riverbed
MENDONÇA, Mateus - Estudo hidráulico em modelo reduzido de descarregadores de cheias: utilização de conchas de rolo na dissipação de energia do escoamento. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2013. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa