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A presente Trabalho Final de Mestrado teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento e implementação de um método analítico para determinação de enxofre total em amostras de gás de petróleo liquefeito (GPL), provenientes da refinaria de Sines, as quais foram transportadas até à Companhia Logística de Combustíveis (CLC) através de um oleoduto multiproduto.
Neste âmbito, foi efetuado o estudo do método de ensaio a implementar e realizados vários ensaios para aceitação do equipamento. Após a análise e tratamento dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se por intermédio de estudos de validação, segundo a norma ASTM D6667 que o método estava validado.
Numa segunda fase, verificou-se que a calibração analítica do equipamento poderá ser efetuada tanto com padrões gasosos, como com padrões líquidos, uma vez que os resultados obtidos são os mesmos utilizando ambas as retas de calibração.
Como complemento, foi estudada a influência do odorizante na concentração de enxofre total. O odorizante é adicionado em linha no processo de enchimento, tanto das garrafas como dos camiões cisterna, tendo-se verificado que a injeção de odorizante incrementava a concentração de enxofre total.
Abstract: This Master Thesis aimed to the development and implementation of an analytical method for the determination of total sulfur in liquefied petroleum gas samples (LPG), from the Sines refinery, which were transported to the Companhia Logística de Combustíveis (CLC) through a multiproduct pipeline. In this context, a study was carried out on the test method to be implemented, and carried out numerous trials for acceptance of the equipment. After analyzing and processing the obtained results, it was found, with validation studies, following standard ASTM D6667, that the method was validated. In the second phase, it was found that, the analytical equipment calibration may be effected with either gaseous or fluid patterns, since the results are the same using both the calibration lines. As a complement to the study carried out, it was studied the influence of odorant ontotal sulfur concentration. The odorant is added in line at the filling process for both the bottles as the tankers, and it was found that the odorant injection incremented the total sulfur concentration.
Abstract: This Master Thesis aimed to the development and implementation of an analytical method for the determination of total sulfur in liquefied petroleum gas samples (LPG), from the Sines refinery, which were transported to the Companhia Logística de Combustíveis (CLC) through a multiproduct pipeline. In this context, a study was carried out on the test method to be implemented, and carried out numerous trials for acceptance of the equipment. After analyzing and processing the obtained results, it was found, with validation studies, following standard ASTM D6667, that the method was validated. In the second phase, it was found that, the analytical equipment calibration may be effected with either gaseous or fluid patterns, since the results are the same using both the calibration lines. As a complement to the study carried out, it was studied the influence of odorant ontotal sulfur concentration. The odorant is added in line at the filling process for both the bottles as the tankers, and it was found that the odorant injection incremented the total sulfur concentration.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Enxofre Sulfur Gás de petróleo liquefeito Liquefied petroleum gases Validação Validation Calibração Calibration Odorizante Odorant
ALEXANDRE, Beatriz Rodrigues - Análise elementar aplicada ao estudo do enxofre total em gás de petróleo liquefeito. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2016. Dissertação de mestrado.
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa