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A sociedade em que vivemos está profundamente marcada pela
integração das tecnologias digitais no nosso quotidiano. Assim, as
crianças nascem em lares onde proliferam o computador, os smartphones
e os tablets, tendo contacto com estes dispositivos desde cada vez mais
cedo, utilizando-os nas suas rotinas diárias, procurando estar entretidas
Estes dispositivos são as “varinhas mágicas” contemporâneas, capazes de
apoiar as crianças na obtenção de entretenimento, na exploração dos
seus interesses e curiosidades, em simulações, e mesmo na socialização.
Por outro lado, as crianças estão expostas a riscos online, tais como o
contacto com conteúdos que não são apropriados para a sua idade, a
recolha de dados para exploração comercial, os riscos de segurança e
invasão de privacidade e contacto com estranhos.
A “digitalização” da infância e o ritmo acelerado, sem precedentes,
do desenvolvimento tecnológico, colocam novos desafios aos vários
intervenientes na proteção dos direitos das crianças, nomeadamente aos
pais e à escola.
Os pais são desafiados a mediar esta apropriação e utilização digital dos
filhos navegando nesse ambiente digital sem qualquer roteiro definido
pelas gerações anteriores. Por isso, por vezes, o caminho pode mostrar-se
duvidoso e pleno de paradoxos e dilemas, nomeadamente em questões
sobre proteção de privacidade e acesso a oportunidades, aprendizagens e
atividades lúdicas, experiências virtuais e atividades ao ar livre, conexões
mediadas e competências sociais, co-utilização e definição de r gras.
A escola não se pode alhear da evolução das tecnologias na sociedade,
do seu potencial nas aprendizagens das crianças, assim como do seu
papel em promover competências que serão necessárias no futuro das
crianças. No entanto, alguns docentes encaram-nas ainda como uma
barreira, faltando-lhes confiança nesta utilização para e om as crianças.
Pretende-se com este ebook refletir sobre a utilização de tecnologias
por crianças mais jovens, até 8 anos, em contexto familiar e na escola, na
presente sociedade. Que desafios? Que caminhos
Assim, juntámos vários investigadores, académicos e especialistas na área
das tecnologias digitais e crianças. Os autores dos capítulos são de vários
pontos do mundo, desde o Brasil, a Croácia, a Espanha, os Estados Unidos
da América, a Finlândia, a Grécia, Israel, a Lituânia, Portugal, o Reino Unido
e a Turquia, o que revela a importância, a atualidade e a necessidade
de investigação e refl xão sobre a utilização de tecnologias digitais
por crianças mais jovens. As temáticas exploradas vão desde a família,
à segurança digital, aos IoToys, à participação das crianças, à mediação parental (digital), à dependência, às tecnologias como promotoras de
aprendizagens, à robótica e à formação docente, sendo o tema transversal
as crianças e as tecnologias digitais. A maioria dos estudos apresentados
são qualitativos, alguns são quantitativos ou seguem o método misto, e
outros ainda consistem em revisões teóricas. Participaram nos estudos
pais, docentes e crianças.
Este ebook destina-se a famílias, a tutores, a docentes e a todos os
interessados nestes temas. Esperamos contribuir para a refl xão sobre
a utilização de tecnologias digitais por crianças mais jovens, tentando
delinear um caminho melhor para todos.
Agradecemos a todos os que contribuiram para este ebook.
Current day society is deeply distinguished by the integration of digital technologies in our lives. using them in their daily routines and looking for endless entertainment. These devices are the contemporary “magic wands”, capable of supporting children in entertainment, exploring their interests and curiosities, in simulations and even in socializing. On the other hand, children are exposed to online risks, such as inappropriate content for their age, collection of data for commercial exploitation, invasion of privacy and contact with strangers. The “digitisation” of childhood and the unprecedented rapid pace of technological development present new challenges for the several actors involved in protecting children rights, including parents and schools. Parents of these “digitods” are challenged to mediate this digital endeavor, navigating in an uncharted environment with no prior experiences of their own. Therefore, sometimes the path may be doubtful, especially in questions about privacy protection and access to opportunities, learning and play activities, virtual experiences and outdoor activities, mediated connections and social skills, co-use and definition f rules. School itself can no longer ignore the evolution of technologies in today’s society, it’s potential in the teaching process with children, as well as its role in promoting skills that will be necessary in the future. However, some teachers still see them as a barrier, lacking confiden e to adopt them in the classroom. This e-book is intended to refl ct on the use of technologies by younger children, up to 8 years of age, in the context of family and school, in contemporary society. Which challenges lay ahead? What are the best paths forward? Thus, we have gathered several researchers, scholars and experts in the field of “Digital Technologies and Children”. The authors of each chapter represent distinct locations, such as Brazil, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Israel, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America, which emphasises the global importance of the subject and need for research on the use of digital technologies by young children. A wide range of topics were explored: family, digital safety, IoToys, children’s participation, parental mediation of digital media, addiction, technologies as promoters of learning, robotics, teachers’ training and having children and digital technologies as a common feature. Most chapters report on qualitative research, but some of them use quantitative and mixed methods, while others are critical literature reviews. Parents, teachers and children participated in these research projects. This ebook is for families, caregivers, teachers and educators, and all those interested in the subject. We expect it to be a contribution to inspire thought and refl ction on the use of digital technologies by younger children and to try to find the best path or all. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this ebook.
Current day society is deeply distinguished by the integration of digital technologies in our lives. using them in their daily routines and looking for endless entertainment. These devices are the contemporary “magic wands”, capable of supporting children in entertainment, exploring their interests and curiosities, in simulations and even in socializing. On the other hand, children are exposed to online risks, such as inappropriate content for their age, collection of data for commercial exploitation, invasion of privacy and contact with strangers. The “digitisation” of childhood and the unprecedented rapid pace of technological development present new challenges for the several actors involved in protecting children rights, including parents and schools. Parents of these “digitods” are challenged to mediate this digital endeavor, navigating in an uncharted environment with no prior experiences of their own. Therefore, sometimes the path may be doubtful, especially in questions about privacy protection and access to opportunities, learning and play activities, virtual experiences and outdoor activities, mediated connections and social skills, co-use and definition f rules. School itself can no longer ignore the evolution of technologies in today’s society, it’s potential in the teaching process with children, as well as its role in promoting skills that will be necessary in the future. However, some teachers still see them as a barrier, lacking confiden e to adopt them in the classroom. This e-book is intended to refl ct on the use of technologies by younger children, up to 8 years of age, in the context of family and school, in contemporary society. Which challenges lay ahead? What are the best paths forward? Thus, we have gathered several researchers, scholars and experts in the field of “Digital Technologies and Children”. The authors of each chapter represent distinct locations, such as Brazil, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Israel, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America, which emphasises the global importance of the subject and need for research on the use of digital technologies by young children. A wide range of topics were explored: family, digital safety, IoToys, children’s participation, parental mediation of digital media, addiction, technologies as promoters of learning, robotics, teachers’ training and having children and digital technologies as a common feature. Most chapters report on qualitative research, but some of them use quantitative and mixed methods, while others are critical literature reviews. Parents, teachers and children participated in these research projects. This ebook is for families, caregivers, teachers and educators, and all those interested in the subject. We expect it to be a contribution to inspire thought and refl ction on the use of digital technologies by younger children and to try to find the best path or all. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this ebook.
Sociedade da informação Famílias Escolas Crianças até 8 anos Práticas digitais Information society Families School 0-8 children Digital practices
Brito, R., Dias, P. (2019). Introdução. In R. Brito & P. Dias (Coords.), Crianças, famílias e tecnologias. Que desafios? Que caminhos?. (pp. 5-7) .Lisboa: Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais. ISBN 978-989-8912-09-1 DOI:
CIED - Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais