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Numa perspetiva de Educação Inclusiva, a proposta e o desenvolvimento de
atividades teatrais, entendidas como estratégias de trabalho pedagógico, tentam ir ao
encontro das necessidades básicas dos jovens, visando a sua autonomia e
proporcionando uma melhoria na qualidade de vida dentro dos círculos familiar, escolar
e social.
Este estudo focou-se no interesse de compreender tanto o contributo do teatro
para o desenvolvimento da comunicação verbal e não verbal e para a inclusão de jovens
com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE), como o papel do professor/encenador
em todo esse processo.
Trata-se de um estudo de caso, centrado num grupo de teatro cujos elementos
são jovens com NEE. A metodologia incluiu processos e técnicas de recolha de dados,
como a entrevista e a observação direta em contexto de atividade teatral, bem como de
tratamento de dados, designadamente a análise de conteúdo.
Os resultados deste estudo permitem-nos concluir que, neste contexto e durante
o período de observação, o teatro, em particular através da teatralização de textos
criados a partir de sugestões dos participantes ou de situações por si vivenciadas,
contribuiu de forma significativa para o desenvolvimento da sua comunicação verbal e
não verbal. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, parece-nos também possível afirmar
que o teatro é uma resposta educacional consistente para a inclusão de jovens com
NEE e que o professor/encenador tem em todo o processo um papel preponderante,
tanto no desenvolvimento da comunicação como na promoção de estratégias de
Tendo em conta as respostas aos objetivos do estudo, parece possível concluir
que o teatro pode constituir não apenas um meio capaz de estabelecer um processo de
comunicação, mas também de possibilitar uma conduta mais dinâmica e pró-ativa em
termos de inclusão social.
Abstract From an Inclusive Education perspective, the proposal and development of theatrical activities, known as pedagogical work strategies, seek to meet the basic needs of the young, aiming at their autonomy and providing an improvement in the quality of life within the familiar, school and social. This study focused on the interest of understanding the theatre contribuition to 1) the development of verbal and non-verbal communication and 2) the inclusion of young people with special educational needs (SEN). It also focused on the role of the teacher/ director in this whole process. This is a case study, centered on a theater group whose elements are young with SEN. The methodology included processes and data collection techniques, such as interviewing and direct observation in the context of theatrical activity, as well as data processing, namely content analysis. The results of this study allow us to conclude that, in this context and during the period of observation, theater, in particular through the theatricalisation of texts created from the participants' suggestions or situations experienced by them, contributed significantly to the development of their verbal and non-verbal communication. According to the results obtained, we are also able to affirm that theater is a consistent educational tool for the inclusion of young people with SEN. Furthermore, the teacher / director plays a predominant role throughout the process, both in the development of communication and in promotion of inclusion strategies. Taking into account the answers to the objectives of the study, it seems possible to conclude that theater can not only be a channel capable of establishing a communication process, but also of enabling a more proactive and dynamic behaviour in terms of social inclusion.
Abstract From an Inclusive Education perspective, the proposal and development of theatrical activities, known as pedagogical work strategies, seek to meet the basic needs of the young, aiming at their autonomy and providing an improvement in the quality of life within the familiar, school and social. This study focused on the interest of understanding the theatre contribuition to 1) the development of verbal and non-verbal communication and 2) the inclusion of young people with special educational needs (SEN). It also focused on the role of the teacher/ director in this whole process. This is a case study, centered on a theater group whose elements are young with SEN. The methodology included processes and data collection techniques, such as interviewing and direct observation in the context of theatrical activity, as well as data processing, namely content analysis. The results of this study allow us to conclude that, in this context and during the period of observation, theater, in particular through the theatricalisation of texts created from the participants' suggestions or situations experienced by them, contributed significantly to the development of their verbal and non-verbal communication. According to the results obtained, we are also able to affirm that theater is a consistent educational tool for the inclusion of young people with SEN. Furthermore, the teacher / director plays a predominant role throughout the process, both in the development of communication and in promotion of inclusion strategies. Taking into account the answers to the objectives of the study, it seems possible to conclude that theater can not only be a channel capable of establishing a communication process, but also of enabling a more proactive and dynamic behaviour in terms of social inclusion.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau
de mestre em Educação Especial
Teatro Comunicação verbal e não verbal Inclusão Professor Encenador Theater Verbal and non verbal communication Inclusion Teacher Director
Fernandes, M. M. P. (2018). O teatro na educação inclusiva: estudo de caso sobre o desenvolvimento da comunidade verbal e não verbal (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: