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O presente Relatório de Estágio pretende descrever a prática pedagógica implementada
no período de estágio no âmbito doMestrado emEnsino da Dança da Escola Superior de Dança,
que se realizou no ano letivo 2022/2023, na Escola de Dança Lugar Presente.
Esta intervenção intitulada de ‘Despertar de Sentidos’, teve como objetivo primordial,
estimular a consciência psicomotora e corporal dos estudantes de dança, promovendo
simultaneamente a sua singularidade de movimento.
O projeto foi desenvolvido com os alunos da turma do 5.º ano e na turma de Ensino
Secundário do Ensino Artístico Especializado, na disciplina de Técnica de Dança Contemporânea, considerando-se que esta deve oferecer múltiplas experiências para que os alunos evoluam enquanto seres individuais e desenvolvam as suas capacidades técnicas, artísticas e criativas.
Para realizar a intervenção, partiu-se do pressuposto de que atualmente a Técnica de Dança Contemporânea se estabelece na ligação entre os processos físicos e mentais. Através destes pode-se desenvolver competências necessárias para a construção de um corpo mais consciente, disponível, sensível e capaz de agir e reagir perante diferentes eventos e consequentemente o desenvolvimento de movimento singular. Como ferramenta pedagógica principal optou-se pela manipulação do campo visual dos estudantes, considerando este como um sentido fundamental para o Ser Humano, que ao ser manipulado poderá Despertar outros
Foram aprofundados os princípios da Metodologia de Investigação-Ação pelo que, as
estratégias foram progressivamente adaptadas ao longo do processo. Os parâmetros de
avaliação tiveram como base os processos mentais na dança, o corpo exterior e o corpo no
espaço, estando presentes nos instrumentos de recolha de dados como, Diário de Bordo, Tabelas
de Observação e Registo Audiovisual.
A análise reflexiva dos resultados baseados nas informações compiladas durante e após a
aplicação do plano de ação, permitiu concluir que a estratégia delineada se traduziu numa
melhoria significativa da consciência psicomotora e corporal, da capacidade de perceção,
propriocepção e cinestesia e no aumento da atenção, concentração e confiança resultando num
progresso do movimento do aluno como ser individual.
ABSTRACT - This report aims to describe the pedagogical practice implemented during the internship period as part of the Mestrado em Ensino da Dança at the Escola Superior de Dança, which took place in the 2022/2023 academic year, at the Escola de Dança Lugar Presente. The main objective of this intervention, entitled 'Awakening the Senses', was to stimulate dance students' psychomotor and body awareness, while at the same time promoting their uniqueness of movement. The project was developed with 5th grade students and in the Secondary Specialized Artistic Education class, in the Contemporary Dance Technique subject, considering that it should offer multiple experiences for students to evolve as individual and develop their technical, artistic and creative abilities. The intervention was based on the assumption that Contemporary Dance Technique is currently based on the link between physical and mental processes. Through these, it is possible to develop the skills necessary to build a more conscious, available and sensitive body, capable of acting and reacting to different events and, consequently, the development of unique movement. As the main teaching tool, we chose to manipulate the students' visual field, considering this to be a fundamental sense for the human being, which, when manipulated, can awaken other senses. The principles of the Action Research Methodology were explored in depth, so the strategies were progressively adapted throughout the process. The evaluation parameters were based on the mental processes in dance, the external body and the body in space, and were present in the data collection instruments such as the Logbook, Observation Tables and Audiovisual Record. The reflective analysis of the results based on the information compiled during and after the implementation of the action plan led to the conclusion that the strategy outlined resulted in a significant improvement in psychomotor and body awareness, in the capacity for perception, proprioception and kinesthesia and in increased attention, concentration and confidence, resulting in progress in the student's movement as an individual being.
ABSTRACT - This report aims to describe the pedagogical practice implemented during the internship period as part of the Mestrado em Ensino da Dança at the Escola Superior de Dança, which took place in the 2022/2023 academic year, at the Escola de Dança Lugar Presente. The main objective of this intervention, entitled 'Awakening the Senses', was to stimulate dance students' psychomotor and body awareness, while at the same time promoting their uniqueness of movement. The project was developed with 5th grade students and in the Secondary Specialized Artistic Education class, in the Contemporary Dance Technique subject, considering that it should offer multiple experiences for students to evolve as individual and develop their technical, artistic and creative abilities. The intervention was based on the assumption that Contemporary Dance Technique is currently based on the link between physical and mental processes. Through these, it is possible to develop the skills necessary to build a more conscious, available and sensitive body, capable of acting and reacting to different events and, consequently, the development of unique movement. As the main teaching tool, we chose to manipulate the students' visual field, considering this to be a fundamental sense for the human being, which, when manipulated, can awaken other senses. The principles of the Action Research Methodology were explored in depth, so the strategies were progressively adapted throughout the process. The evaluation parameters were based on the mental processes in dance, the external body and the body in space, and were present in the data collection instruments such as the Logbook, Observation Tables and Audiovisual Record. The reflective analysis of the results based on the information compiled during and after the implementation of the action plan led to the conclusion that the strategy outlined resulted in a significant improvement in psychomotor and body awareness, in the capacity for perception, proprioception and kinesthesia and in increased attention, concentration and confidence, resulting in progress in the student's movement as an individual being.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Técnica de dança contemporânea Visão Singularidade de movimento Consciência corporal Consciência psicomotora Contemporary dance technique Vision Singularity of movement Psychomotor awareness Body awareness
Jogo, A.R.(2023). Despertar de sentidos: influência de exercícios de manipulação do campo visual no processo de aprendizagem da técnica de dança contemporânea nos alunos do 5.º ano e ensino secundário de dança na EDLP [Dissertação de Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Dança