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A Educação Artística (EA) tem sido uma preocupação de vários organismos internacionais,
nomeadamente da UNESCO, os quais têm vindo a definir orientações para a sua
implementação em todo o mundo, salientando a sua importância no desenvolvimento global
do indivíduo, acentuando a necessidade de programas que estimulem a diversidade de
expressões e da criatividade, considerando a EA como um instrumento capaz não só de
desenvolver capacidades individuais, mas, principalmente, de provocar a construção de
sociedades criativas, culturalmente conscientes e reflexivas.
Preconiza-se uma EA para todos, como parte integrante dos curricula escolares ou em
contextos de educação não formal e informal, evidenciando-se as suas dimensões estética,
sociocultural, crítica, cognitiva e de produção criadora. Através do domínio das linguagens
próprias das expressões artísticas, o indivíduo aumentará as suas competências de
comunicação, adquirindo um conhecimento de si e do seu envolvimento, pela agilização que
os mecanismos inerentes à produção artística articulam. Consciente desta problemática e para dar resposta a este repto, a Escola Superior de
Educação de Lisboa (ESELx) criou o Mestrado em Educação Artística (MEA), com as
especializações de teatro e artes plásticas na educação, proporcionando a muitos profissionais
destas áreas – docentes, animadores, atores, artistas plásticos, entre outros – uma
oportunidade para colmatarem lacunas constatadas após a formação inicial, ao mesmo tempo
que perspetivam abordagens atualizadas à EA.
No momento em que o MEA inicia a sua 4ª edição (as anteriores funcionaram nos biénios
2010-2012, 2011-2013 e 2013-2015), procura-se elaborar, nesta comunicação, um balanço do
percurso realizado ao longo destes anos, analisando (i) o plano de estudos e a forma como o
curso operacionaliza o quadro concetual em que assenta, (ii) os assuntos/temas, bem como os
contextos e os processos e técnicas de investigação, que mais têm captado o interesse dos
estudantes nos seus projetos ou dissertações e, ainda, (iii) os dados disponíveis sobre a
empregabilidade dos estudantes e a repercussão que a frequência do curso tem tido nas suas
atividades profissionais.
Arts Education (AE) has been a concern of several international organizations, including UNESCO, which have come to define guidelines for its implementation worldwide, emphasizing its importance in the overall development of the individual , emphasizing the need for programs to encourage the diversity of expression and creativity, considering the EA as a tool not only able to develop individual skills , but mainly to cause the construction of creative societies , culturally aware and reflective . The challenge is an AE for all as part of school curricula or non-formal and informal education contexts, demonstrating their aesthetic dimensions, sociocultural, critical, cognitive and creative production. Through the field of own language of artistic expression, the individual will increase their sensitive communication skills, gaining knowledge of themselves and of their involvement, by streamlining the mechanisms inherent in artistic production articulate. Aware of this problem and to respond to this challenge , the ESELx created the Master in Arts Education (MAE) , with specializations theater and visual arts in education, providing many professionals in these areas – teachers, animators, actors, artists, among others – an opportunity plugging gaps identified after the initial training, while envisage update approaches to AE. By the time MAE starts its 4th edition (earlier worked in the bienniums 2010-2012, 2011-2013 and 2013-2015), seeks to develop in this communication, a path of balance carried over the years, analyzing (i) the study plan and the way the course operationalize the conceptual framework on which, (ii) the issues/ topics, as well as the contexts and processes and research techniques that have most captured the interest of students in their projects or dissertations, and also (iii) the data available on the employability of students and the impact that the frequency of the course has had on their professional activities.
Arts Education (AE) has been a concern of several international organizations, including UNESCO, which have come to define guidelines for its implementation worldwide, emphasizing its importance in the overall development of the individual , emphasizing the need for programs to encourage the diversity of expression and creativity, considering the EA as a tool not only able to develop individual skills , but mainly to cause the construction of creative societies , culturally aware and reflective . The challenge is an AE for all as part of school curricula or non-formal and informal education contexts, demonstrating their aesthetic dimensions, sociocultural, critical, cognitive and creative production. Through the field of own language of artistic expression, the individual will increase their sensitive communication skills, gaining knowledge of themselves and of their involvement, by streamlining the mechanisms inherent in artistic production articulate. Aware of this problem and to respond to this challenge , the ESELx created the Master in Arts Education (MAE) , with specializations theater and visual arts in education, providing many professionals in these areas – teachers, animators, actors, artists, among others – an opportunity plugging gaps identified after the initial training, while envisage update approaches to AE. By the time MAE starts its 4th edition (earlier worked in the bienniums 2010-2012, 2011-2013 and 2013-2015), seeks to develop in this communication, a path of balance carried over the years, analyzing (i) the study plan and the way the course operationalize the conceptual framework on which, (ii) the issues/ topics, as well as the contexts and processes and research techniques that have most captured the interest of students in their projects or dissertations, and also (iii) the data available on the employability of students and the impact that the frequency of the course has had on their professional activities.
Educação artística Mestrado em educação artística Teatro na educação Formação pós-graduada Education in art Master in art education Theatre in education Visual arts in education Post-graduate education
Falcão, M., Leite, T., Pereira, T., Mendes, A. (2016) Educação artística na ESELx: trajetória de um mestrado in T., Pereira, A., A. Almeida, N., Vieira, M., C. Loureiro. Atas do VII Encontro do CIED – II Encontro Internacional, Estética e Arte em Educação. (203-221) Lisboa: CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais.
CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais