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Este relatório final surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática de
Ensino Supervisionada II e encontra-se divido em dois tópicos principais. O primeiro
dedicado à descrição da prática pedagógica desenvolvida no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
e no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, bem como uma análise crítica a ambas, e o segundo
destinado à apresentação de um estudo realizado na turma de 4.º ano do 1.º CEB na
área da Matemática.
O objetivo geral do estudo foi Descrever e compreender as estratégias de cálculo
mental com números racionais mobilizadas pelos alunos, tendo em conta o percurso
que realizaram na aprendizagem desses mesmos números. Tendo em conta este
objetivo, foi utilizada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa e optou-se pela realização
de um estudo caso. Para operacionalizar o estudo, surgiram as seguintes questões: (i)
Que estratégias utilizam os alunos no cálculo mental com números racionais?, (ii) Que
representações mobilizam os alunos nessas estratégias de cálculo? e (iii) Como se
relacionam as estratégias utilizadas com o percurso realizado na aprendizagem?
Para conseguir responder às questões de investigação foram realizadas
entrevistas aos alunos e à professora cooperante. As entrevistas aos alunos foram
realizadas de forma a responder às questões (i) e (ii) e a entrevista à professora
cooperante para responder à questão (iii). A análise dos dados foi realizada através da
análise de conteúdo, recorrendo à categorização dos dados baseada no quadro teórico
Após a análise, é possível afirmar que os alunos privilegiaram a representação
do número racional em percentagem, recorrendo, essencialmente, ao estabelecimento
da relação parte-parte e à regra memorizada da divisão por 10, associada ao 10%.
Desta forma, todas as estratégias de cálculo derivam do percurso de aprendizagem
ABSTRACT This final report comes within the scope of the Curricular Unit (UC) of Supervised Teaching Practice II and is divided into two main topics. The first one is dedicated to the description of the pedagogical practice developed in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and in the 2nd Cycle of Basic, as well as a critical analysis to both. The second one is intended to present the study carried out in the fourth grade of the 1st Cycle of Basic in the area of Mathematics. The main goal of the study was to describe and understand the mental strategies mobilized by students to calculate with rational numbers, considering their learning of the same numbers. Aiming this goal, a qualitative methodology was used and a case study was chosen. In order to operationalize the study, the following question were stated (i) What strategies do students use in mental calculation with rational numbers? (Ii) What representations are mobilazed by students in these calculation strategies? and (iii) How are the strategies used and the learning process related? In order to be able to answer this research questions, the students and the cooperating teacher were interviewed. The interviews performed to the fourth graders were conducted in order to answer questions (i) and (ii) and the one performed to the cooperating teacher aimed to answer question (iii). Data analysis was performed through content analysis, using categorization of data based on the theory presented. After the analysis, it is possible to conclude that students privilege the representation of the rational number in percentage, essentially, establishing the partpart relation and memorizing rule of division by 10, associated with 10%. Therefore, all the calculation strategies derive from the learning course carried out.
ABSTRACT This final report comes within the scope of the Curricular Unit (UC) of Supervised Teaching Practice II and is divided into two main topics. The first one is dedicated to the description of the pedagogical practice developed in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and in the 2nd Cycle of Basic, as well as a critical analysis to both. The second one is intended to present the study carried out in the fourth grade of the 1st Cycle of Basic in the area of Mathematics. The main goal of the study was to describe and understand the mental strategies mobilized by students to calculate with rational numbers, considering their learning of the same numbers. Aiming this goal, a qualitative methodology was used and a case study was chosen. In order to operationalize the study, the following question were stated (i) What strategies do students use in mental calculation with rational numbers? (Ii) What representations are mobilazed by students in these calculation strategies? and (iii) How are the strategies used and the learning process related? In order to be able to answer this research questions, the students and the cooperating teacher were interviewed. The interviews performed to the fourth graders were conducted in order to answer questions (i) and (ii) and the one performed to the cooperating teacher aimed to answer question (iii). Data analysis was performed through content analysis, using categorization of data based on the theory presented. After the analysis, it is possible to conclude that students privilege the representation of the rational number in percentage, essentially, establishing the partpart relation and memorizing rule of division by 10, associated with 10%. Therefore, all the calculation strategies derive from the learning course carried out.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção
de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências
Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Estratégias de cálculo mental Números racionais Representações dos números racionais Mental calculation strategies Rational numbers Representations of rational numbers
Mendonça, B. J. S. (2019). Cálculo mental com números racionais: um estudo numa turma de 4.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em:
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa