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O presente relatório insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática de Ensino
Supervisionado II, do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de
Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
A criação de um ambiente em sala de aula assente nos alunos como principais
agentes da sua aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de competências investigativas
são problemáticas que têm merecido a reflexão e estudo por parte da comunidade
académica. No entanto, no que respeita ao ensino da História, ainda predominam
métodos de ensino centrados no professor, fazendo com que as competências
históricas não sejam devidamente desenvolvidas nos alunos. Neste sentido, a
literatura para a infância assume-se como uma estratégia possível para atingir aquilo
que se espera que seja o ensino da História, através da descoberta, envolvendo o
aluno em processos de construção do seu próprio conhecimento.
O estudo desenvolvido neste relatório centrou-se numa turma do 6.º ano de
escolaridade. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo a partir das práticas implementadas
durante o Projeto de Intervenção, recorrendo a metodologias quantitativas. De forma a
responder às seguintes questões (i) que competências históricas se devem
desenvolver nos alunos?; (ii) de que forma a literatura para a infância pode
serimplementada em qualquer contexto escolar? e (iii) de que forma se pode tornar os
alunos investigadores em História, através da literatura para a infância?, recorreu-se à
utilização de um Roteiro de Leitura e à análise de um projeto interdisciplinar entre a
História e Geografia de Portugal e o Português, em que o produto final foi um livro de
histórias sobre História de Portugal.
Recorrendo a uma metodologia mista, com base em técnicas qualitativas e
quantitativas, realizou-se a análise dos dados obtidos, tendo-se concluído que a
literatura para a infância contribui para a aquisição de competências históricas
essenciais, nomeadamente, as competências investigativas, de leitura e análise de
fontes, e de comunicação. No entanto, é necessário ter em conta as características de
um estudo desta natureza, com limitações várias, nomeadamente, o tempo letivo
disponível e dificuldades de gestão do grupo na sala de aula.
ABSTRACT This report was prepared under the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice II within the Master’s qualificationin the 1st Level of Basic Educationand in the disciplines of History and Geography of Portugal andPortuguese in the 2nd Level of Basic Education. How to set an atmosphere within the classroom were students are the prime agents of their own learning abilities as well as responsible for the development of investigative skills, have been questions pondered and studied by the academic community. However, when considering History teaching, we can find that the methodsused are still focussed on the teacher, crippling the chances for students to fully develop their historical aptitudes. This is why literature, especially during the infancy, assumes a plausible strategy to achieve what is expected of History teaching, trough selfdiscovery, allowing the student to be involved in the construction of his own knowledge. The study developed in this report focussed on a class of the 6thyear of schooling. It was developed based on the implemented practices during the Intervention Project, using quantitative methodologies. In order to get these questions answered (i) which history proficiencies should be developed in the students?; (ii) how can children's literature be implemented in any academic context? Finally (iii) how to encourage students to be History Investigators using children’s literature? It was used a Reading Guide as well as an analysis of an interdisciplinary project that combined Portuguese and History to create a book of histories about the History of Portugal. Compiled in a chart, the data was analysed and was concluded that children's literature can contribute for the acquisition of essential skills in the learning of history. However, it’s needed to bear in mind the characteristics and limitations of a study with this nature, mainly the available time within the school programme as well as the difficulties managing every single personality inside a classroom.
ABSTRACT This report was prepared under the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice II within the Master’s qualificationin the 1st Level of Basic Educationand in the disciplines of History and Geography of Portugal andPortuguese in the 2nd Level of Basic Education. How to set an atmosphere within the classroom were students are the prime agents of their own learning abilities as well as responsible for the development of investigative skills, have been questions pondered and studied by the academic community. However, when considering History teaching, we can find that the methodsused are still focussed on the teacher, crippling the chances for students to fully develop their historical aptitudes. This is why literature, especially during the infancy, assumes a plausible strategy to achieve what is expected of History teaching, trough selfdiscovery, allowing the student to be involved in the construction of his own knowledge. The study developed in this report focussed on a class of the 6thyear of schooling. It was developed based on the implemented practices during the Intervention Project, using quantitative methodologies. In order to get these questions answered (i) which history proficiencies should be developed in the students?; (ii) how can children's literature be implemented in any academic context? Finally (iii) how to encourage students to be History Investigators using children’s literature? It was used a Reading Guide as well as an analysis of an interdisciplinary project that combined Portuguese and History to create a book of histories about the History of Portugal. Compiled in a chart, the data was analysed and was concluded that children's literature can contribute for the acquisition of essential skills in the learning of history. However, it’s needed to bear in mind the characteristics and limitations of a study with this nature, mainly the available time within the school programme as well as the difficulties managing every single personality inside a classroom.
Relatório da prática do ensino supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
História Literatura para a infância Literatura Competências históricas Aprendizagem por descoberta Literature Children's literature History History proficiencies Discovery learning
Adam, B. A. O. (2019). Aprender História de Portugal através de histórias: experiências didáticas no 1.º e 2.º CEB (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em:
Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa