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O presente relatório pretende partilhar, de forma crítica e reflexiva, todo o percurso
vivenciado ao longo da Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPS II), desenvolvida em
contexto de jardim de infância (JI) durante aproximadamente quatro meses. Para além de
reunir evidências da prática pedagógica, é também apresentado neste relatório, uma
investigação que surgiu ao longo deste período e, por fim, é ainda apresentada uma reflexão
sobre o processo de construção da minha identidade e profissionalidade.
Durante a prática em JI, surgiu de uma potencialidade do meio – integrar inúmeros
locais de interesse físico e cultural – um interesse pessoal em – reforçar uma aproximação do
jardim de infância à comunidade que o envolve – através de um plano de ação que
contribuísse para um maior contacto das crianças com a comunidade local e o meio
Desta forma, considerando os propósitos com que parti, optei por realizar um estudo
assente numa abordagem qualitativa ou interpretativa, orientado pelas diretrizes da
investigação-ação, combinando diferentes técnicas de recolha e análise de informação e de
dados qualitativos e quantitativos, de modo a: (i) compreender as potencialidades
pedagógicas do contacto com a comunidade local e o meio envolvente para as crianças, (ii)
promover um conjunto de ações pedagógicas em interação com a comunidade local e o meio
envolvente, (iii) analisar o envolvimento das crianças no contacto efetivo com a comunidade
local e ainda (iv) refletir sobre os contributos desse contacto e envolvimento para a
aprendizagem e desenvolvimento das crianças.
Para a recolha dos dados recorreu-se à observação direta participante – registada em
notas de campo –, a inquéritos por questionário às famílias das crianças, a entrevistas
semiestruturadas à educadora cooperante e à diretora pedagógica e, ainda à análise
documental. No que concerne ao tratamento dos dados e, considerando as características da
informação recolhida, foi privilegiada a análise de conteúdo.
Os dados reunidos indicam que a existência de uma relação positiva com a
comunidade e, de um contacto com o meio envolvente, oferece às crianças possíveis
aprendizagens não só sociais, como relativas às diversas áreas do seu desenvolvimento,
como potencia também o desenvolvimento das suas competências mais precisamente no
que respeita às dimensões cognitivas, sociais, culturais, físicas e emocionais.
ABSTRACT The present report pretends to share, in a critical and refexive manner, the whole journey undergone through the Supervised Professional Practice II (PPS II), developed in the context of the kindergarten (KG) during approximately four months. In addition to gather evidences of the pedagogical practice, it is also presented in this report, an investigation that emerged along this period and, finally, is also presented a reflexion over the proccess of the construction of my identity and professionalism. During the practice in KG, emmerged a potential of the environment – to integrate numerous locations of physical and cultural interest – a personal interest in – strenghten an approach of the kindergarten to the community that envolves it – through a plan of action that contributed to a greater contact of the children with the local community and the envolving environment. This way, considering the purposes with which I started out, I opted to conduct a study rooted on a qualitative or interpretive approach, oriented by the guidelines of the investigationaction, combining different techniques of data collection and analises of qualitative and quantitative data, in order to: (i) understand the pedagogical potentialities of the contact with the local community and the environment for the children, (ii) promoting a set of pedagogical actions in interaction with the local community and the sorrounding environment, (iii) analyzing the involvement of the children in the efective contact with the local community and even (iv) reflect over the contribution of that contact and involvement for the learning process and develoment of the children. For the collection of data it was resorted to the direct participating observation – registered in field notes -, to questionaires made to the families of the children, to semistructured interviews to the cooperating educator and to the pedagogical director and, even to a documental analises. In what concerns to the treatment of data and, considering the characteristics of the collected information, it was privileged the content analises. The collected data indicates the existence of a positive relationship with the community and, of a contact with the sorrounding environment, offering the children possible apprencticeships not only social, as also relative to the diverse areas of their development, also potentiating the development of their competences more precisely concerning the cognitive, social, cultural, physical and emotional dimensions.
ABSTRACT The present report pretends to share, in a critical and refexive manner, the whole journey undergone through the Supervised Professional Practice II (PPS II), developed in the context of the kindergarten (KG) during approximately four months. In addition to gather evidences of the pedagogical practice, it is also presented in this report, an investigation that emerged along this period and, finally, is also presented a reflexion over the proccess of the construction of my identity and professionalism. During the practice in KG, emmerged a potential of the environment – to integrate numerous locations of physical and cultural interest – a personal interest in – strenghten an approach of the kindergarten to the community that envolves it – through a plan of action that contributed to a greater contact of the children with the local community and the envolving environment. This way, considering the purposes with which I started out, I opted to conduct a study rooted on a qualitative or interpretive approach, oriented by the guidelines of the investigationaction, combining different techniques of data collection and analises of qualitative and quantitative data, in order to: (i) understand the pedagogical potentialities of the contact with the local community and the environment for the children, (ii) promoting a set of pedagogical actions in interaction with the local community and the sorrounding environment, (iii) analyzing the involvement of the children in the efective contact with the local community and even (iv) reflect over the contribution of that contact and involvement for the learning process and develoment of the children. For the collection of data it was resorted to the direct participating observation – registered in field notes -, to questionaires made to the families of the children, to semistructured interviews to the cooperating educator and to the pedagogical director and, even to a documental analises. In what concerns to the treatment of data and, considering the characteristics of the collected information, it was privileged the content analises. The collected data indicates the existence of a positive relationship with the community and, of a contact with the sorrounding environment, offering the children possible apprencticeships not only social, as also relative to the diverse areas of their development, also potentiating the development of their competences more precisely concerning the cognitive, social, cultural, physical and emotional dimensions.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a
obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Jardim de infância Comunidade local Meio envolvente Relação escola-comunidade Kindergarten Local community Sorrounding environment Relation school-community
Pires, A. F. R. (2019). Abrir as portas da sala para conhecer e aprender: A construção de uma relação com a comunidade local em jardim de infância (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: