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A investigação em curso visa compreender a influência da implementação de um
conjunto de tarefas no desenvolvimento do conceito de ângulo em alunos do 5.º ano
de escolaridade, procurando responder às seguintes questões: a) Que conceções
revelam alunos do 5.º ano de escolaridade relativamente ao conceito de ângulo?; b)
Que estratégias utilizam os alunos do 5.º ano de escolaridade na exploração das
tarefas utilizadas?; e c) Que aspetos do conceito de ângulo são desenvolvidos pelos
alunos através da realização das tarefas propostas? A presente comunicação incide na
primeira questão do estudo.
Optou-se por uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa de paradigma interpretativo
com a modalidade de experiência de ensino. Selecionou-se quatro alunos para
constituir o grupo-alvo. Procedeu-se à avaliação diagnóstica das conceções de ângulo
dos quatro alunos através da realização, no 1.º Período do ano letivo de 2011/12, de
entrevistas clínicas semiestruturadas individuais, gravadas em vídeo. Além das
entrevistas, foram usadas, como técnicas de recolha de dados, a observação
participante das aulas, videogravadas, bem como a análise de documentos. Para
analisar os dados, foram elaboradas categorias analíticas.
Os resultados relativos à avaliação diagnóstica evidenciam conceções erradas de
ângulo e respetiva amplitude: (a) os ângulos são os lados de polígonos (1 aluna); (b) o
comprimento dos segmentos representativos dos lados está relacionado com o
tamanho dos ângulos (2 alunos); (c) o comprimento do arco marcando o ângulo está
relacionado com o tamanho dos ângulos (3 alunos); (d) nos polígonos côncavos, sãoângulos apenas os de amplitude inferior a 1800 (3 alunos); (e) em figuras que não são
polígonos, os ângulos são os espaços entre os segmentos de reta e as linhas curvas (1
aluno); (f) o ângulo é a área entre dois segmentos representativos dos lados (4 alunos);
e (g) os ângulos retos são apenas os posicionados na posição usual horizontal/vertical
(1 aluna).
Abstract: The ongoing research aims to understand the influence of the implementation of a set of tasks in the development of the concept of angle in 5th grade students, trying to answer the following questions: a) What conceptions of angle reveal 5th grade students?; b) What strategies do 5th grade students use in tasks exploration?; and c) What aspects of the concept of angle are developed by students through the realization of the proposed tasks? This communication focuses on the first question of the study. We opted for a qualitative approach of interpretive paradigm with the use of teaching experiment. Four students were selected to constitute the target group. We did the diagnostic evaluation of angle conceptions of these four students by conducting videotaped individual semi-structured clinical interviews, in the 1st Period of 2011/12. Besides the interviews, we used the participant observation of videotaped classes and the analysis of documents, as techniques of data collection. To analyze the data, analytic categories were developed. The results for the diagnostic evaluation reveal misconceptions of angle and of angle amplitude: (a) the angles are the polygon sides (1 student); (b) the length of the segments representing the angle sides is related to the size of the angles (2 students); (c) the arc length marking the angle is related to the size of the angles (3 students); (d) in the concave polygons, only the angles with amplitude less than 180° are considered as angles (3 students); (e) in figures that there are not polygons, the angles are the spaces between straight segments and curved lines (1 student); (f) the angle is the area between the two segments representing the angle sides (4 students); and (g ) the right angles are only perceived when placed in the horizontal/vertical usual position (1 student).
Abstract: The ongoing research aims to understand the influence of the implementation of a set of tasks in the development of the concept of angle in 5th grade students, trying to answer the following questions: a) What conceptions of angle reveal 5th grade students?; b) What strategies do 5th grade students use in tasks exploration?; and c) What aspects of the concept of angle are developed by students through the realization of the proposed tasks? This communication focuses on the first question of the study. We opted for a qualitative approach of interpretive paradigm with the use of teaching experiment. Four students were selected to constitute the target group. We did the diagnostic evaluation of angle conceptions of these four students by conducting videotaped individual semi-structured clinical interviews, in the 1st Period of 2011/12. Besides the interviews, we used the participant observation of videotaped classes and the analysis of documents, as techniques of data collection. To analyze the data, analytic categories were developed. The results for the diagnostic evaluation reveal misconceptions of angle and of angle amplitude: (a) the angles are the polygon sides (1 student); (b) the length of the segments representing the angle sides is related to the size of the angles (2 students); (c) the arc length marking the angle is related to the size of the angles (3 students); (d) in the concave polygons, only the angles with amplitude less than 180° are considered as angles (3 students); (e) in figures that there are not polygons, the angles are the spaces between straight segments and curved lines (1 student); (f) the angle is the area between the two segments representing the angle sides (4 students); and (g ) the right angles are only perceived when placed in the horizontal/vertical usual position (1 student).
Conceito de ângulo Conceções matemáticas Avaliação diagnóstica Concept of angle Mathematical conceptions Diagnostic evaluation
CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais/Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa