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O presente relatório foi construído a partir de um Estágio Profissional, inserido no Mestrado
em Ensino de Dança (11º Edição), da Escola Superior de Dança do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Decorreu ao longo do ano letivo 2022/2023 na Escola Artística de Dança do Conservatório Nacional,
na disciplina de Técnica de Dança Clássica.
Tendo em conta a nossa experiência em ensino de dança, podemos considerar que a Técnica
de Dança Clássica é dotada de competências que definem a sua eficácia, técnica, estética, e
expressividade artística. Ambas podem caminhar em simbiose e podem ser aperfeiçoadas na
formação do jovem bailarino. O estudante de dança que trabalhe estas competências, futuramente
poderá tornar-se um bailarino profissional completo e usufruir da sensibilidade da arte no seu
O nosso relatório de estágio tem como temática “As metáforas visuais como instrumento de
expressão artística nos processos de aprendizagem da Técnica de Dança Clássica”. Partindo da
questão: Como pode a imagem apoiar o desenvolvimento da expressividade no estudante na
técnica de dança clássica? Aplicámos estratégias pedagógicas, umas elaboradas em primeira
instância pelo investigador e outras a partir dos resultados obtidos através dos alunos inseridos no
O que nos desafiou a realizar este trabalho, foi o interesse que temos pelo tema e a sua
aplicação física, pois pela experiência que temos no ensino em Dança, por vezes encontramos
estudantes que revelam pouca capacidade de se expressar como seres humanos expressivos que
Com base na metodologia de investigação-ação, recorremos a ferramentas de recolha de
dados para análise, e posterior reorganização das estratégias aplicadas. Foram usadas, grelhas de
observação, questionários, captação de vídeo e diário de bordo.
O público-alvo tinha idades compreendidas entre os 12 e 13 anos de idade, 8 alunas do 3º Ano
A, da Escola Artística do Conservatório Nacional, Lisboa. A escolha da turma em estudo prende-se
com a oportunidade que estes alunos nos oferecem, pois encontram-se numa fase de
desenvolvimento pertinente para desenvolver competências técnicas e socio-emocionais nas aulas
de TDC.
ABSTRACT - This report was built from a Professional Training, part of the Master in Dance Education (11th Edition), in the School of Dance of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. It took place during the school year 2022/2023 in the Artistic School of Dance of the National Conservatory, in the Classical Dance Technique subject. Considering our experience in teaching dance, we can say that the Classical Dance Technique is endowed with skills that define its effectiveness, technique, aesthetic, and artistic expressiveness. All of them can work in symbiosis and can be perfected in the training of the young dancer. The dance student who works on these competences in the future will be able to become a complete professional dancer and enjoy the sensibility of art in his/her movement. The theme of our internship report is "The visual metaphors as an instrument of artistic expression in the learning processes of Classical Dance Technique". Starting from the question “how can image support the development of expressiveness in the student in classical dance technique?”, we applied pedagogical strategies, some elaborated in the first instance by the researcher and others from the results obtained by the students inserted in the study. What challenged us to carry out this work was the interest we have for the theme and its physical application, due to our previous experience in teaching Dance, when we sometimes found students that revealed little ability to express themselves as expressive human beings. Based on the methodology of action research, we used data collection tools for analysis, and subsequent reorganization of the strategies applied. Observation grids, questionnaires, video recording and a logbook were used. The target audience was aged between 12 and 13 years old, 8 students of the 3rd Year A, from the Artistic School of the National Conservatory, Lisbon. The class under study was chosen because of the opportunity these students offer us, as they are at a relevant stage of development to develop technical and socio-emotional skills in DCT classes.
ABSTRACT - This report was built from a Professional Training, part of the Master in Dance Education (11th Edition), in the School of Dance of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. It took place during the school year 2022/2023 in the Artistic School of Dance of the National Conservatory, in the Classical Dance Technique subject. Considering our experience in teaching dance, we can say that the Classical Dance Technique is endowed with skills that define its effectiveness, technique, aesthetic, and artistic expressiveness. All of them can work in symbiosis and can be perfected in the training of the young dancer. The dance student who works on these competences in the future will be able to become a complete professional dancer and enjoy the sensibility of art in his/her movement. The theme of our internship report is "The visual metaphors as an instrument of artistic expression in the learning processes of Classical Dance Technique". Starting from the question “how can image support the development of expressiveness in the student in classical dance technique?”, we applied pedagogical strategies, some elaborated in the first instance by the researcher and others from the results obtained by the students inserted in the study. What challenged us to carry out this work was the interest we have for the theme and its physical application, due to our previous experience in teaching Dance, when we sometimes found students that revealed little ability to express themselves as expressive human beings. Based on the methodology of action research, we used data collection tools for analysis, and subsequent reorganization of the strategies applied. Observation grids, questionnaires, video recording and a logbook were used. The target audience was aged between 12 and 13 years old, 8 students of the 3rd Year A, from the Artistic School of the National Conservatory, Lisbon. The class under study was chosen because of the opportunity these students offer us, as they are at a relevant stage of development to develop technical and socio-emotional skills in DCT classes.
Relatório final de estágio, apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança
Expressividade Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional Técnica de Dança Clássica Imagem Adolescência Expressivity Dance School of the National Conservatory Image Adolescent Classical dance
Tibúrcio, A. F. (2023). As metáforas visuais como instrumento de expressão artística no processo de ensino-aprendizagem: na técnica de dança clássica na turma do 3º ano da Escola Artística de Dança do Conservatório Nacional [Dissertação de Mestrado, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa]Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Dança