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  • Using metaheuristics-based methods to provide sustainable market solutions, suitable to consumer needs
    Publication . Santos, Ricardo; Abreu, António; Monteiro, Joaquim
    Nowadays the buildings sector is one of the key sectors to achieve sustainability, with the correspondent consumers, in particular, the household consumers, having the need to perform sustainable choices every day, regarding the appliances to be acquired from the market. This is not only due to government’s growing concerns about sustainability but also with the consumers on having sustainable solutions, given the different economic, social (including their comfort) and environmental needs. However, the existence of several electrical appliances on market, with all their different issues, brands and models, together with the several tradeoffs referred before, difficult the consumer’s choices, on having sustainable solutions in the market. Therefore, this work, presents an approach, by using Multi-Attribute Value Theory (MAVT), integrated with metaheuristics, which uses Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) to provide suitable and sustainable market solutions to a consumer, according to its own needs. Based on the achieved solutions and considering the relative importance, given to each consumer, and regarding each dimension of sustainability, it’s possible to achieve several savings, namely electrical and water consumption, CO2 emissions, among others. A case study shall be shown, to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach.
  • On the role of value systems to promote the sustainability of collaborative environments
    Publication . Abreu, António; Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.
    The establishment of a common value system is an important element for the sustainability of collaborative networks. However, since the networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, it is natural that each member has its own set of values and effort to align the various value systems is therefore necessary. In this context, the role of value systems in the virtual organization breeding environment is discussed under the assumption that the promotion of cooperation is based on the reciprocity mechanism. Example scenarios are included in the discussion and illustrations are given based on data from real networks.
  • A Fuzzy Logic model to enhance quality management on R&D units
    Publication . Abreu, António; Santos, Ricardo; Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, José
    Nowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), are becoming even more competitive, with the public ones, facing at the same time a greater restriction on public funding. Therefore, HEIs, have to be more effective and more efficient as well, on pursuing their own goals, which includes Research and Development (R&D) units as well. Such demands can be achieved, by enhancing R&D`s global performance. Therefore, the use of a framework such as European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), can bring value to an organization with the characteristics of a R&D unit. This work presents a new integrated method based on EFQM model, by using Fuzzy Logic, to enhance the organizations overall performance. The applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a case study in a R&D unit, where an initial performance evaluation takes place, by using RADAR`s Logic approach. The proposed method, based on Fuzzy Logic, is then applied, followed by the identification of the strength points as well as the improvement areas, according to the EFQM framework. Then, the improvement actions with high priority are determined, followed by the correspondent action measures.
  • Applying social network analysis to identify project critical success factors
    Publication . Nunes, Marco; Abreu, António
    A key challenge in project management is to understand to which extent the dynamic interactions between the different project people—through formal and informal networks of collaboration that temporarily emerge across a project´s lifecycle—throughout all the phases of a project lifecycle, influence a project’s outcome. This challenge has been a growing concern to organizations that deliver projects, due their huge impact in economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Inthiswork,aheuristictwo-partmodel,supportedwiththreescientificfields—project management, risk management, and social network analysis—is proposed, to uncover and measure the extent to which the dynamic interactions of project people—as they work through networks of collaboration—across all the phases of a project lifecycle, influence a project‘s outcome, by first identifying critical success factos regarding five general project collaboration types ((1) communication and insight, (2) internal and cross collaboration, (3) know-how and power sharing, (4) clustering, and (5) team work efficiency) by analyzing delivered projects, and second, using those identified critical success factos to provide guidance in upcoming projects regarding the five project collaboration types.
  • Aplicação do six sigma business scorecard na gestão de ecossistemas de inovação
    Publication . Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, José; Abreu, António
    No atual contexto, as empresas para serem competitivas têm de desenvolver capacidades de inovação de elevado desempenho que lhes permitam responder rapidamente às necessidades do mercado. No entanto, a ausência de ferramentas e metodologias que permitam avaliar o desempenho dos projetos de inovação de uma forma integrada continua a ser um obstáculo. O artigo começa por discutir os princípios do Six Sigma e do Balanced Scorecard para a avaliação do desempenho. Em seguida, são discutidas as vantagens do Six Sigma Business Scorecard como instrumento de suporte à avaliação do desempenho em projetos de inovação. Por último, são discutidas as vantagens do desenvolvimento no contexto de um ecossistema colaborativo. In the present context, companies to be competitive must develop high-performance innovation capabilities that enable them to respond quickly to market needs. However, the lack of tools and methodologies to assess the performance of innovation projects in an integrated way remains an obstacle. The article begins by discussing the principles of Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard for performance evaluation. Next, the advantages of the Six Sigma Business Scorecard are discussed as a tool to support the evaluation of performance in innovation projects. Finally, the advantages of development in the context of a collaborative ecosystem are discussed.
  • Management of innovation ecosystems based on six sigma business scorecard
    Publication . Calado, João Manuel Ferreira; Requeijo, José; Abreu, António; Dias, Ana
    In the present context, companies to be competitive must develop high-performance innovation capabilities that enable them to respond quickly to market needs. However, the lack of tools and methodologies to assess the performance of innovation projects in an integrated way remains an obstacle. The paper begins by discussing the principles of Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard for performance evaluation. Next, the advantages of the Six Sigma Business Scorecard are discussed as a tool to support the evaluation of performance in innovation projects. Finally, the advantages of their application in the context of a collaborative ecosystem are discussed. It is illustrated that the BSC ensures that top management pays attention at any time to the specific elements of the Six Sigma implementation that are not working as planned, providing a link between strategy and quality initiatives assuring customers satisfaction in innovation projects.
  • A new approach to provide sustainable solutions for residential sector
    Publication . Santos, Ricardo; Matias, Joao; Abreu, António
    An energy-efficient appliance normally presents a lower energy con-sumption compared to a less efficient one, with a higher initial investment, alt-hough this not always happens. Additionally, each appliance, presents very dif-ferent features, leading to some difficulties on its choice by the consumer (deci-sion-agent). On the other hand, each consumer, has specific and distinguished needs from other consumers, namely of social, economic or environmental nature. Even by adopting these criteria, this is not an isolated guarantee of an optimal solution for the consumer. It is then necessary to complement this approach with multicriteria, combined with optimization techniques. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), could be used as an optimization technique, to provide sustainable solutions to the consumer, from the market. In this paper, it’s presented an approach that integrates both concepts, where at the end, it shall be presented a case study, to demonstrate the application of the proposed method.
  • Organizational and methodological influence of risk management in projects
    Publication . Gomes, Diogo Francisco; Dias, Ana Sofia Martins da Eira; Navas, Helena; Abreu, António
    Project risk management is essential to manager`s decision making and business success, because it allows the manager to identify, analyse and decide on the most appropriate way to respond to different adversities that may arise during the development of new products, services, processes, projects, continuous improvement, etc. This requires a mind-set that risks have a major influence on the bottom line and use analytical methods or risk management software. It is essential to integrate the entire organizational structure into risk mitigation intervention. The purpose of this paper is to address some of the important topics to consider for well implemented and successful risk management. An approach is taken at both organizational and methodological levels.
  • Proposal of a Conceptual/Functional Model to Support New Product Development Design
    Publication . Dias, Ana Sofia Martins da Eira; Abreu, António; Matias, João Carlos de Oliveira; Dias, João Carlos Quaresma
    Innovation and creativity are fundamental for new product development (NPD). NPD processes are a key factor for the survival of firms, in a market that nowadays is very competitive, instable and aggressive. Thus, life cycle of products it is becoming shorter, and that also due to the markets globalization. So, the development of models that can support NPD processes became a real and needed challenge. This paper aims to propose a comprehensive model of functional nature, which integrates the strategic, organizational and procedural levels, as well as the set of factors to take into account in NPD projects. Based on literature review, a comprehensive and integrated conceptual model is obtained through a deductiveinductive pathway. The conceptual model is validated in the industrial environment through four explanatory case studies, regarding the implementation of new products and services, both incremental and disruptive. After validation the conceptual framework becomes functional. And it was referred as “Systemic and Integrated Model of NPD” - SIMNPD. As a result, it is a tool to measure and evaluate processes, projects and products, dedicated to companies that innovate, design and develop new products.
  • Performance indicators for collaborative networks based on collaboration benefits
    Publication . Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.; Abreu, António
    Collaborative networks are typically assumed to bring clear benefits and competitive advantage to the participating members. However, the identification and characterisation of objective and measurable collaboration benefits is an important element for the wide adoption of this paradigm. Departing from a brief categorisation of the intuitive advantages of collaboration, this paper introduces an approach for the analysis of benefits in collaborative processes, introducing a number of performance indicators. The potential application of the indicators derived from this analysis is then discussed in the context of a virtual organisation’s breeding environment. Finally, experimental results based on data from two existing collaborative networks are presented and discussed.