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Anastácio Centeno, Maria João

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  • One more story: a media project to add value to the intangible culture of territories
    Publication . Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Centeno, Maria João; Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Rodrigues, Ricardo Pereira; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Neves, Rúben de Almeida
    ABSTRACT: This article aims to provide knowledge of a project that by using construction of stories and narratives enhances the experience of a place. Since 2016, a multidisciplinary team based at the School of Communication and Media Studies of the Lisbon Polytechnic has been developing a digital mediation platform called «Landscape Museum» that is configured as an artistic and cultural solution to increase the value of territories. One of the stages to produce the platform involves developing an application (app) with multimedia content for mobile devices in which information and communication technologies are used as an innovative means to intervene in territories. One More Story is the project responsible for producing multimedia content for this application. It has been developed by cataloguing and documenting «landscape points» together with a written and audiovisual record of them. The first phase consisted of creating written, photographic, audio and video contents about the selected places. This content then provides the user with information relevant to a reading of the landscape, highlighting elements of its ‘narrative’. The aim is to provide support for the visit and reading of sites with landscape value, crossing information about the landscape, its location and the user’s own experience. The content that has been produced so far will also be used in other types of format, thereby allowing different narratives and different languages that are complementary. These can enable interlinking and symbiosis between digital and analogue environments in a transmedia communication system.
  • Narratives and place experience(s): basis for a landscape museum
    Publication . Abreu, João; Carvalho, Margarida Ribeiro Ferreira de; Centeno, Maria João; Pina, Helena Figueiredo; Rezola, Maria Inácia; Reis, Matilde; Cavaleiro Rodrigues, José; Simões-Ferreira, Isabel
    Landscape is a heritage that concerns everyone. Economic development, efficient sustainability and an inclusive social and territorial growth require a cultural transformation based on knowledge, innovation and a reinforced articulation of synergies. The project proposes the creation of a culturally mediated digital platform between landscape and the people of a specific territory. The project is practice-oriented, flexible, open and "alive" in its very essence as it results from the interaction over time of natural and human factors that shape our landscape.