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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Profissional Supervisionada II, incluída no currículo do Curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, e tem como finalidade apresentar, de forma crítica e reflexiva, o processo de intervenção desenvolvido em contexto de Jardim de Infância, durante um período de quatro meses, com um grupo constituído por 24 crianças com três anos de idade. Apresenta ainda a investigação de natureza qualitativa realizada na modalidade de estudo de caso, que surgiu de um processo reflexivo sobre a minha própria intervenção em situações de envolvimento das crianças com o risco no espaço exterior. Neste sentido procurei compreender quais as conceções da educadora cooperante e das crianças relativamente ao risco no espaço exterior e de que forma a ualidade deste espaço e a ação do/a adulto/a influencia o envolvimento das crianças com o risco. A recolha de dados envolveu diferentes técnicas e instrumentos, nomeadamente a
observação direta e indireta, registos escritos, registos fotográficos, entrevistas semiestruturadas e o instrumento “The Children’s Physical Environments Rating Scale”, tendo recorrido à análise de conteúdo para analisar os dados recolhidos. Com o presente estudo depreende-se que o envolvimento das crianças com o risco tem um papel essencial no seu desenvolvimento e aprendizagens, destacando-se o papel do/a adulto/a e a qualidade do espaço como aspetos fulcrais, na medida em que podem
condicionar ou promover esse envolvimento. Evidenciam-se ainda algumas
preocupações por parte dos/as adultos/as que interferem no comportamento das crianças, servindo o presente estudo também como incentivo à reflexão sobre o risco de não permitirmos que as crianças corram riscos.
No presente relatório é referido, ainda, o impacto que a formação inicial e todo o percurso de PPS (desenvolvido em contexto de creche e jardim de infância) tiveram na construção da minha identidade profissional.
ABSTRACT This report is part of the Supervised Professional Practice II course, included in the curriculum of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. Its purpose is to present, in a critical and reflective way, the intervention process developed in a kindergarten context over a period of four months, with a group of 24 three-year-old children. It also presents the qualitative research carried out in the form of a case study, which arose from a reflective process on my own intervention in situations involving children with risk in the outdoor space. In this sense, I sought to understand the conceptions of the cooperating educator and the children regarding risk in the outdoor space, and how the quality of the outdoor space and the action of the adult influence children's involvement with risk. Data collection involved different techniques and instruments, including direct and indirect observation, written records, photographic records, semi-structured interviews, and "The Children's Physical Environments Rating Scale" instrument, and content analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The present study suggests that children's involvement with risk plays an essential role in their development and learning, highlighting the role of the adult and the quality of the space as crucial aspects, as they can condition or promote such involvement. There are also some concerns on the part of adults that interfere with children's behavior, and this study also serves as an incentive for reflection on the risk of not allowing children to take risks. The report also refers to the impact that initial training and the entire PPS journey (developed in the context of daycare and kindergarten) had on the construction of my professional identity.
ABSTRACT This report is part of the Supervised Professional Practice II course, included in the curriculum of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. Its purpose is to present, in a critical and reflective way, the intervention process developed in a kindergarten context over a period of four months, with a group of 24 three-year-old children. It also presents the qualitative research carried out in the form of a case study, which arose from a reflective process on my own intervention in situations involving children with risk in the outdoor space. In this sense, I sought to understand the conceptions of the cooperating educator and the children regarding risk in the outdoor space, and how the quality of the outdoor space and the action of the adult influence children's involvement with risk. Data collection involved different techniques and instruments, including direct and indirect observation, written records, photographic records, semi-structured interviews, and "The Children's Physical Environments Rating Scale" instrument, and content analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The present study suggests that children's involvement with risk plays an essential role in their development and learning, highlighting the role of the adult and the quality of the space as crucial aspects, as they can condition or promote such involvement. There are also some concerns on the part of adults that interfere with children's behavior, and this study also serves as an incentive for reflection on the risk of not allowing children to take risks. The report also refers to the impact that initial training and the entire PPS journey (developed in the context of daycare and kindergarten) had on the construction of my professional identity.
Relatório de Prática Profissional Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Risco Espaço exterior Papel do/a adulto/a Desenvolvimento Prática profissional supervisionada Risk Outdoor space Role of the adult Development Supervised professional practice
Alves, A. L. M. (2023). O risco de (não) correr riscos: Envolvimento das crianças com o risco no espaço exterior: Conceções e práticas numa sala de Jardim de Infância (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: