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Os dispositivos wearable, como os smartwatches, têm transformado a maneira como os
consumidores interagem com a tecnologia. Esta dissertação procura analisar a relação entre
os consumidores e os smartwatches, explorando fatores que influenciam a adoção, o uso, o
impacto desses dispositivos na vida quotidiana e como se caracteriza a jornada do
consumidor destes dispositivos.
O estudo tem como base a entrevista individual em profundidade efetuada a doze utilizadores
de smartwatches portugueses, das gerações Y e Z.
Os principais resultados revelam que a adoção de smartwatches é influenciada pela utilidade
percebida, facilidade de uso, design estético e compatibilidade com o estilo de vida do
utilizador. Além disso, o estudo identifica os principais usos desses dispositivos, que vão
além da simples monitorização de atividades físicas, abrangendo notificações,
funcionalidades de saúde, e conexão com smartphones. Além disso, esta dissertação examina
como se caracteriza a jornada do consumidor, a relação emocional dos consumidores com os
seus smartwatches e como esses dispositivos se tornam parte integrante de sua identidade
No contexto de um mundo cada vez mais conectado, compreender a dinâmica da relação
entre os consumidores e os smartwatches é crucial para as empresas. O estado de arte desta
matéria, demonstra que ainda é pouco explorada, principalmente no contexto português. Este
estudo contribui para o conhecimento nesse campo em rápido crescimento e fornece insights
valiosos para o marketing destes dispositivos.
ABSTRACT: Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, have transformed the way consumers interact with technology. This dissertation aims to analyse the relationship between consumers and smartwatches, exploring factors that influence the adoption, usage, and impact of these devices in daily life and how the consumer journey of these devices is characterised. The study is based on in-depth individual interviews conducted with twelve Portuguese smartwatch users from the Y and Z generations. Key findings reveal that the adoption of smartwatches is influenced by perceived utility, ease of use, aesthetic design, and compatibility with the user's lifestyle. Additionally, the study identifies primary uses of these devices that extend beyond simple physical activity monitoring, including notifications, health features, and smartphone connectivity. Furthermore, this dissertation examines how the consumer journey is characterised, consumers' emotional attachment to their smartwatches and how these devices become an integral part of their digital identity. In the context of an increasingly connected world, understanding the dynamics of the relationship between consumers and smartwatches is crucial for companies. The state of the art of this subject demonstrates that it is still under-explored, especially in the Portuguese context. This study contributes to the knowledge in this rapidly growing field and provides valuable insights for the marketing of these devices.
ABSTRACT: Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, have transformed the way consumers interact with technology. This dissertation aims to analyse the relationship between consumers and smartwatches, exploring factors that influence the adoption, usage, and impact of these devices in daily life and how the consumer journey of these devices is characterised. The study is based on in-depth individual interviews conducted with twelve Portuguese smartwatch users from the Y and Z generations. Key findings reveal that the adoption of smartwatches is influenced by perceived utility, ease of use, aesthetic design, and compatibility with the user's lifestyle. Additionally, the study identifies primary uses of these devices that extend beyond simple physical activity monitoring, including notifications, health features, and smartphone connectivity. Furthermore, this dissertation examines how the consumer journey is characterised, consumers' emotional attachment to their smartwatches and how these devices become an integral part of their digital identity. In the context of an increasingly connected world, understanding the dynamics of the relationship between consumers and smartwatches is crucial for companies. The state of the art of this subject demonstrates that it is still under-explored, especially in the Portuguese context. This study contributes to the knowledge in this rapidly growing field and provides valuable insights for the marketing of these devices.
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Smartwatch Wearables Internet of things Consumidor Gerações Y e Z Consumer Generations Y e Z
Mendes, M.F.T. (2023). A relação do consumidor português das gerações Y e Z com os wearables: O caso dos smartwatches [Dissertação de mestrado, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social