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Para evidenciar a importância da utilização das novas tecnologias no desenvolvimento do ensino vocacional de dança, mais especificamente, no âmbito da composição coreográfica, projetou-se um estágio profissionalizante, tendo como base a metodologia investigação-ação. Inerente a este estágio, encontra-se a elaboração de um relatório final previsto no Regulamento do Mestrado em Ensino de Dança, da Escola Superior de Dança. É neste contexto que surge a prática de lecionação realizada no ano letivo de 2015/2016, com a turma do 2º ano de dança, do curso profissional de intérprete de dança contemporânea, do Balleteatro Escola Profissional. Este estágio teve como principal objetivo recorrer ao uso das novas tecnologias para estimular e desenvolver um processo de composição coreográfica, criando um canal interdisciplinar criativo, uma simbiose entre o vídeo e a dança. Neste sentido, na disciplina Oficina de Dança recorreu-se ao trabalho em modo site-specific, isto é, partiu-se do espaço da Estação de São Bento para criar uma obra coreográfica, cuja captação de imagens possibilitasse a conceção de um trabalho final de vídeo-dança, intitulado Linha Amarela. Este processo culminou na realização e apresentação final de uma Instalação no Coliseu do Porto, aberta a toda a comunidade escolar. Através do método qualitativo, recorreu-se a técnicas como o inquérito e a observação para fundamentar e tirar conclusões de todo o trabalho desenvolvido, sendo de realçar o impacto positivo que este projeto teve na aquisição de novas competências e descobertas por parte dos alunos.
ABSTRACT: In order to highlight the importance of the use of new technologies in the development of the vocational dance education, specifically in what concerns choreographic composition, a professional traineeship, based on the action-research methodology, recently took place. Inherent to it is the preparation of a probationary report, as established in the Regulation of the College of Dance’s Master in Dance Education. It thus arises the practice of teaching carried out in the academic year of 2015/2016, with the 2nd year dance class, within the professional course of contemporary dance interpreter of the Vocational School Balleteatro. This traineeship aimed to resort to the use of new technologies as to stimulate and develop a process of choreographic composition, generating a creative interdisciplinary channel, a symbiosis of video and dance. We therefore worked, within the Dance Workshop subject, in site-specific mode: the São Bento train station was used as the starting point from where a choreographic work was created, enabling the capture of images which allowed the conception of a final video-dance endeavor, entitled “Yellow Line”. This process culminated in the final completion and presentation of an Installation at the Oporto Coliseum, open to the whole school community. To support and draw conclusions from all the work that was developed we resorted, through the qualitative method, to techniques such as survey and structured observation which also allowed us to realize the positive impact that this project had in the acquisition of new skills and findings by the students.
ABSTRACT: In order to highlight the importance of the use of new technologies in the development of the vocational dance education, specifically in what concerns choreographic composition, a professional traineeship, based on the action-research methodology, recently took place. Inherent to it is the preparation of a probationary report, as established in the Regulation of the College of Dance’s Master in Dance Education. It thus arises the practice of teaching carried out in the academic year of 2015/2016, with the 2nd year dance class, within the professional course of contemporary dance interpreter of the Vocational School Balleteatro. This traineeship aimed to resort to the use of new technologies as to stimulate and develop a process of choreographic composition, generating a creative interdisciplinary channel, a symbiosis of video and dance. We therefore worked, within the Dance Workshop subject, in site-specific mode: the São Bento train station was used as the starting point from where a choreographic work was created, enabling the capture of images which allowed the conception of a final video-dance endeavor, entitled “Yellow Line”. This process culminated in the final completion and presentation of an Installation at the Oporto Coliseum, open to the whole school community. To support and draw conclusions from all the work that was developed we resorted, through the qualitative method, to techniques such as survey and structured observation which also allowed us to realize the positive impact that this project had in the acquisition of new skills and findings by the students.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Dança Vídeo-dança Composição coreográfica Site-specific Dance Videodance Choreographic composition