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Constituindo-se como a primeira abordagem às Artes Plásticas, oferecida aos estudantes de
primeiro ano, da Licenciatura em Educação Básica, da ESELx, a Unidade Curricular na qual
se integra o presente projeto fomenta a aquisição e a mobilização de conhecimentos de
natureza técnica no âmbito de práticas bi e tridimensionais.
Tendo por base o estudo da frottage, a realização que partilhamos, desenhou-se numa
abordagem de índole projetual desenvolvida com estudantes de licenciatura e crianças do
primeiro ciclo do Ensino Básico. Considerando a frottage como princípio gráfico e sígnico, de
sentido táctil e icónico, foram convocados por via das práticas, conhecimentos históricos e
plásticos, operacionalizaram-se elementos e princípios abstractos, foi produzida ação
reflexiva e crítica, fomentou-se investigação fundada na prática, conceptualizou-se um
projeto expositivo para a disseminação do conhecimento adquirido. A pretexto da análise
dos personagens criados no século XVI por Jheronymus Bosch, organizou-se um mundo de
formas imaginárias, de base material e cientificamente informada, ponto de partida para o
conjeturar de outras perspectivas sobre a(s) realidade(s), fomentando a produção de
pensamento reflexivo, desenvolvendo literacia e cultura visuais, alavancando ação projetual
em educação, iniciação à investigação, e inovação.
Abstract As the first approach to the Plastic Arts, offered to first year students at ESELx's Basic Education Degree, the UC in which this project is integrated promotes the technical knowledge acquisition and mobilization within the bi and three-dimensional practices scope. Based on the frottage study, the work we shared was designed in a project-oriented approach developed with undergraduate students and children from the first cycle of Basic Education. Considering the frottage as a graphic and signic principle, with a tactile and iconic sense, historical and plastic knowledge were summoned by the practices, abstract elements and principles were operationalized, reflexive and critical action was produced, research based on practice was fomented, and an exhibition project for the dissemination of the knowledge was conceptualized. Under the pretext of the analysis of the characters created in the sixteenth century by Jheronymus Bosch, a world of imaginary, materially and scientifically informed forms was organized, starting point to conjecture other perspectives on the reality (s), fomenting the production on reflexive thinking, developing visual literacy and culture, leveraging design action in education, initiation to research, and innovation-action.
Abstract As the first approach to the Plastic Arts, offered to first year students at ESELx's Basic Education Degree, the UC in which this project is integrated promotes the technical knowledge acquisition and mobilization within the bi and three-dimensional practices scope. Based on the frottage study, the work we shared was designed in a project-oriented approach developed with undergraduate students and children from the first cycle of Basic Education. Considering the frottage as a graphic and signic principle, with a tactile and iconic sense, historical and plastic knowledge were summoned by the practices, abstract elements and principles were operationalized, reflexive and critical action was produced, research based on practice was fomented, and an exhibition project for the dissemination of the knowledge was conceptualized. Under the pretext of the analysis of the characters created in the sixteenth century by Jheronymus Bosch, a world of imaginary, materially and scientifically informed forms was organized, starting point to conjecture other perspectives on the reality (s), fomenting the production on reflexive thinking, developing visual literacy and culture, leveraging design action in education, initiation to research, and innovation-action.
Artes plásticas Frottage Processos criativos Investigação Práticas Visual arts Creative processes Research Practices
Antunes, Sandra & Ferreira, Joana & Matos Joana (Dezembro, 2019). “Naturália, Práticas Comparadas”. In Custódio, Pedro Balaus (dir.). EXEDRA Revista Científica. Número Temático: IV Encontro de Investigação e Práticas em Educação. ESEC: Coimbra, 2019, p. 52-67. URL: