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No centro desta reflexão teórica situa-se a conjuntura sociopolítica que fez (re)emergir o 1.º ciclo do
ensino básico como “problema” de política educativa, ou seja, como terreno prioritário para o Estado, através do
Governo, formular e executar um “modelo” de operacionalização da política de “Escola a Tempo Inteiro” (ETI).
Analisamos esta política reportando-a a referenciais de representação de um “novo modelo educativo” (dimensão
educativa), de um “novo paradigma de escola pública” (dimensão política) e de uma “nova conceção de
administração da educação” (dimensão administrativa). O recurso ao quadro heurístico da “análise das políticas
públicas” permite pôr em evidência as representações e a ação governativas.
Abstract: At the centre of this theoretical reflection is the socio-political conjuncture that (re)emerged the 1st. cycle of basic education as an education policy “problem”, that is to say, a priority ground to the State, through the Government, create and implement an operational “model” for “full-time school” policy. We analyse this policy by referring to the referential representation of a “new educational model” (educational dimension), a “new paradigm of public school” (political dimension) and a “new conception of educational administration” (administrative dimension). The use of the heuristic framework of “public policy analysis” allows us to highlight the representations and governmental action.
Abstract: At the centre of this theoretical reflection is the socio-political conjuncture that (re)emerged the 1st. cycle of basic education as an education policy “problem”, that is to say, a priority ground to the State, through the Government, create and implement an operational “model” for “full-time school” policy. We analyse this policy by referring to the referential representation of a “new educational model” (educational dimension), a “new paradigm of public school” (political dimension) and a “new conception of educational administration” (administrative dimension). The use of the heuristic framework of “public policy analysis” allows us to highlight the representations and governmental action.
1.º ciclo do ensino básico Política educativa Escola a tempo inteiro 1st cycle of basic education Educational policy Full-time school