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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Profissional Supervisionada II (PPSII), do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar (MEPE), da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (ESELx). Considerado um documento reflexivo, caracteriza a prática pedagógica vivenciada ao longo de quatro meses, numa sala de jardim de infância, com um grupo de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os cinco anos.
Deste modo, pretendo descrever, fundamentar, analisar e avaliar a prática desenvolvida neste contexto educativo, especificamente, a caracterização do contexto educativo e dos respetivos intervenientes, as intenções definidas para a prática, a investigação desenvolvida e, consequentemente, a construção da minha profissionalidade enquanto futura educadora de infância.
No decorrer da PPS II, surgiu o interesse em realizar uma investigação sobre o papel do adulto na gestão emocional da vida em grupo, com os seguintes objetivos de investigação: (i) Compreender as conceções dos participantes sobre os conceitos de empatia e entreajuda; (ii) Compreender as conceções da equipa educativa sobre o papel das suas ações, especificamente as atitudes de cuidado e empatia, na vida do grupo de crianças; (iii) Identificar situações de empatia e entreajuda no grupo de crianças. No sentido de encontrar respostas para os objetivos definidos, foi realizada uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, cujas técnicas de recolha de dados foram a observação direta participante, a entrevista semiestruturada e o grupo de discussão, materializadas em instrumentos como notas de campo e os guiões das entrevistas e do grupo de discussão. Os resultados do estudo revelam atitudes empáticas e de entreajuda entre as crianças, assim como, diferentes conceções sobre os conceitos de empatia e entreajuda, por parte dos adultos participantes. Os resultados revelam ainda estratégias utilizadas pelos adultos para o desenvolvimento socioemocional das crianças e para a gestão emocional do grupo.
The present report emerges within the scope of the curricular unit Supervised Professional Practice II (SPP II), of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education (MEPE), at the Lisbon School of Education (ESELx). Regarded as a reflective document, it characterizes the pedagogical practice experienced over four months in a kindergarten classroom with a group of children aged between three and five years old. Thus, the aim is to describe, justify, analyze, and evaluate the practice developed in this educational context, specifically focusing on the characterization of the educational context and its participants, the intentions defined for the practice, the research conducted, and consequently, the construction of my professionalism as a future pre-school educator. During SPP II, an interest emerged in conducting research on the role of the adult in managing the emotional life of the group, with the following research objectives: (i) To understand the participants' conceptions of empathy and mutual assistance; (ii) To understand the educational team's conceptions of the role of their actions, specifically attitudes of care and empathy, in the life of the children's group; (iii) To identify situations of empathy and mutual assistance in the children's group. In order to find answers to the defined objectives, a qualitative research was conducted, with data collection techniques such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and group discussion, materialized in instruments such as field notes and scripts for interviews and group discussion. The results of the study reveal empathetic attitudes and mutual assistance among the children, as well as different conceptions about the concepts of empathy and mutual assistance, on the part of the participating adults. The results also reveal strategies used by adults for the socioemotional development of children and for the emotional management of the group.
The present report emerges within the scope of the curricular unit Supervised Professional Practice II (SPP II), of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education (MEPE), at the Lisbon School of Education (ESELx). Regarded as a reflective document, it characterizes the pedagogical practice experienced over four months in a kindergarten classroom with a group of children aged between three and five years old. Thus, the aim is to describe, justify, analyze, and evaluate the practice developed in this educational context, specifically focusing on the characterization of the educational context and its participants, the intentions defined for the practice, the research conducted, and consequently, the construction of my professionalism as a future pre-school educator. During SPP II, an interest emerged in conducting research on the role of the adult in managing the emotional life of the group, with the following research objectives: (i) To understand the participants' conceptions of empathy and mutual assistance; (ii) To understand the educational team's conceptions of the role of their actions, specifically attitudes of care and empathy, in the life of the children's group; (iii) To identify situations of empathy and mutual assistance in the children's group. In order to find answers to the defined objectives, a qualitative research was conducted, with data collection techniques such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and group discussion, materialized in instruments such as field notes and scripts for interviews and group discussion. The results of the study reveal empathetic attitudes and mutual assistance among the children, as well as different conceptions about the concepts of empathy and mutual assistance, on the part of the participating adults. The results also reveal strategies used by adults for the socioemotional development of children and for the emotional management of the group.
Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Desenvolvimento emocional Empatia Entreajuda Papel do Adulto Emotional development Empathy Mutual assistance Role of the Adult
Gabriel, S. A. S. (2024). O papel do adulto na gestão emocional da vida em grupo: conceções dos adultos e crianças da sala azul (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: