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Ao longo dos anos, o consumidor tem marcado a forma das empresas atuarem e divulgarem os seus produtos. Conquistar o consumidor, que cada vez é mais exigente, tornou-se uma das principais estratégias para as empresas e, para isso, a criação de sítios próprios que as representem na internet (websites, página em redes sociais) tornou-se um fator obrigatório para qualquer setor de negócio.
Para a presente dissertação foi escolhido o mercado do comércio eletrónico, mais concretamente o setor do turismo, para procurar conhecer quais são os fatores que influenciam a intenção de compra de turismo online em Portugal.
Como turismo online considera-se a reserva pela internet, em websites de empresas de transporte, hotéis, agências de viagens ou websites agregadores de transporte e/ou alojamento turístico.
Para conhecer a opinião dos inquiridos sobre a intenção de compra de turismo online em Portugal, foi disponibilizado um inquérito por questionário online, tendo-se obtido uma amostra por conveniência de 205 inquiridos.
Os resultados dos inquéritos permitiram confirmar todas as hipóteses da investigação. Desta forma, a oferta, a conveniência, as reviews online em páginas especializadas, o cancelamento de reserva, a experiência em compras online, a facilidade de uso dos websites, o preço, as redes sociais, o word-of-mouth e o electronic-word-of-mouth, a confiança e a publicidade são fatores que influenciam o consumidor na intenção de compra de turismo online em Portugal.
ABSTRACT: Over the years, the consumer has marked the way companies act and promote their products. Conquering increasingly demanding consumers has become one of the key strategies for businesses, and creating websites that represent them on the Internet (websites, social networking sites) has become a mandatory factor for any business sector. For the present dissertation the e-commerce market, more specifically the tourism sector, was chosen to seek to know the factors that influence the intention to buy tourism online in Portugal. As online tourism is considered the reservation by internet, in websites of transport companies, hotels, travel agencies or websites aggregators of transport and / or tourist accommodation. In order to know the opinion of the respondents about the intention to purchase online tourism in Portugal, an online questionnaire survey was made available, and a sample was obtained for convenience of 205 respondents. The results of the investigations confirmed all the hypothesis of the investigation. In this way, the offer, the convenience, the online reviews on specialized pages, the booking cancellation, the online shopping experience, the ease of use of websites, the price, the social networks, the word-of-mouth and electronic-word-of-mouth, the trust and the publicity are factors that influence the consumer´s intention of buying online tourism in Portugal.
ABSTRACT: Over the years, the consumer has marked the way companies act and promote their products. Conquering increasingly demanding consumers has become one of the key strategies for businesses, and creating websites that represent them on the Internet (websites, social networking sites) has become a mandatory factor for any business sector. For the present dissertation the e-commerce market, more specifically the tourism sector, was chosen to seek to know the factors that influence the intention to buy tourism online in Portugal. As online tourism is considered the reservation by internet, in websites of transport companies, hotels, travel agencies or websites aggregators of transport and / or tourist accommodation. In order to know the opinion of the respondents about the intention to purchase online tourism in Portugal, an online questionnaire survey was made available, and a sample was obtained for convenience of 205 respondents. The results of the investigations confirmed all the hypothesis of the investigation. In this way, the offer, the convenience, the online reviews on specialized pages, the booking cancellation, the online shopping experience, the ease of use of websites, the price, the social networks, the word-of-mouth and electronic-word-of-mouth, the trust and the publicity are factors that influence the consumer´s intention of buying online tourism in Portugal.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como requisito parcial para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Marketing Comércio electrónico Turismo online Agências de turismo Agências de turismo Consumidores online Intenção de compra Portugal eCommerce Online tourism Tourism agencies Online consumer Purchase intention
AZENHA, Priscila Andreia Pinto – Os fatores influenciadores da intenção de compra online de turismo em Portugal. Lisboa: IPL, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, 2017. Dissertação de mestrado.