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O enquadramento legal do contrato de trabalho plurilocalizado no ordenamento jurídico português e a análise em concreto de uma situação típica destes contratos: o trabalho desenvolvido a bordo de plataformas petrolíferas é o tema deste nosso trabalho. Será plurilocalizada toda a relação laboral que por algum dos seus elementos, ou por alguma das suas circunstâncias, se encontra em contacto com mais do que uma ordem
jurídica e que por isso mesmo se desenvolve dentro do âmbito de eficácia possível de várias ordens jurídicas.
Este trabalho é um estudo interdisciplinar que traça uma linha transversal entre três ramos de direito: o Direito do Trabalho, o Direito Internacional Privado e o Direito Comunitário. Na primeira parte, abordaremos o enquadramento legal do contrato de trabalho plurilocalizado no ordenamento jurídico português analisando quatro momentos fundamentais : 1. Uma fase inicial, durante a vigência dos artigos 41º e 42º do Código Civil.
2. Uma segunda fase, condicionada pelas regras comunitárias a partir de 1994, com a entrada em vigor da Convenção de Roma no ordenamento português. 3. Uma terceira fase, com o aparecimento do Código do Trabalho – Lei 99/2003 de 27.08. 4. A situação na actualidade, resultante da revisão do Código do Trabalho,
operada pela Lei 7/2009 de 12.02 e da entrada em vigor do novo Regulamento Comunitário nº 593/2008 de 17.06.08 (Roma I). Na segunda parte, analisaremos o contrato de trabalho desenvolvido a bordo de
plataformas petrolíferas, quanto a nós um caso paradigmático de contrato de trabalho plurilocalizado. É muito específica a natureza deste tipo de trabalho subordinado. Tendo em conta as suas particularidades não é fácil, por vezes, determinar qual lei substantiva que será aplicável a estes contratos de trabalho. Procurámos analisar e demonstrar qual o critério, ou critérios, que melhor se apresentam para determinar a lei competente para reger estes contratos.
This thesis shall examine the legal framework of the international employment contract in the Portuguese legal system and shall analyse a typical example of this type of contract: the work rendered on oil platforms. Any employment relationship is considered international when – owing to any of its elements or any of its circumstances – it finds itself in contact with more than one legal system and which, for this very reason, arises within the scope of various legal orders. This study covers several fields, necessarily connecting three major branches of law: Employment Law, Private International Law and Community Law. In the first part of this thesis, we shall examine the legal framework of the international employment contract in the Portuguese legal system and analyse four basic periods: 1. An initial stage while Articles 41 and 42 of the Civil Code were in force. 2. A second stage after 1994, subject to Community rules, when the Rome Convention came into effect in Portugal. 3. A third stage initiated by the appearance of the Labour Code – Law 99/2003 of 27.08. 4. The current situation which results from the revision of the Labour Code due to Law 7/2009 of 12.02 and the appearance of the new Community regulation no. 593/2008 of 17/06/08 (Rome I). In the second part of this thesis, we shall examine employment contracts on oil platforms, in our view a typical example of an international employment contract. The nature of this type of work is extremely specific. Bearing these particularities in mind, it is not always a simple matter to determine which substantive law shall be applied to these kinds of employment contracts. It is our objective to analyse and demonstrate what criterion or criteria are best in order to determine the applicable law that governs these contracts.
This thesis shall examine the legal framework of the international employment contract in the Portuguese legal system and shall analyse a typical example of this type of contract: the work rendered on oil platforms. Any employment relationship is considered international when – owing to any of its elements or any of its circumstances – it finds itself in contact with more than one legal system and which, for this very reason, arises within the scope of various legal orders. This study covers several fields, necessarily connecting three major branches of law: Employment Law, Private International Law and Community Law. In the first part of this thesis, we shall examine the legal framework of the international employment contract in the Portuguese legal system and analyse four basic periods: 1. An initial stage while Articles 41 and 42 of the Civil Code were in force. 2. A second stage after 1994, subject to Community rules, when the Rome Convention came into effect in Portugal. 3. A third stage initiated by the appearance of the Labour Code – Law 99/2003 of 27.08. 4. The current situation which results from the revision of the Labour Code due to Law 7/2009 of 12.02 and the appearance of the new Community regulation no. 593/2008 of 17/06/08 (Rome I). In the second part of this thesis, we shall examine employment contracts on oil platforms, in our view a typical example of an international employment contract. The nature of this type of work is extremely specific. Bearing these particularities in mind, it is not always a simple matter to determine which substantive law shall be applied to these kinds of employment contracts. It is our objective to analyse and demonstrate what criterion or criteria are best in order to determine the applicable law that governs these contracts.
Dissertações e teses Lusíada. Direito
Contrato de trabalho plurilocalizado Contrato de trabalho internacional Lei aplicável Trabalho a bordo de plataformas petrolíferas Convenção de Roma Regulamento (Roma I) Código do Trabalho