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O presente relatório é parte integrante da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II (PES). No mesmo são retratadas as práticas realizadas no 1.º e no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) e a investigação desenvolvida durante a prática no 1.º CEB.
No presente documento apresenta-se a caracterização dos contextos da prática, a identificação das questões-problema e dos objetivos gerais de intervenção, definidos a partir das potencialidades e fragilidades dos grupos.
A investigação apresenta-se na segunda parte do documento. O tema de investigação emergiu da prática, indo ao encontro das necessidades e interesses dos alunos. Desta forma, quis-se compreender quais os contributos do trabalho interdisciplinar da Matemática com as Artes Visuais na promoção de uma melhor compreensão da tridimensionalidade. No estudo participaram os alunos da turma na qual decorreu a PES de 1.º CEB, sendo estes vinte e quatro alunos do 2.º ano de escolaridade, com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 8 anos.
No que diz respeito à intervenção realizada, dinamizou-se, durante três semanas, uma sequência de atividades pensadas de forma a desenvolver as aprendizagens e capacidades dos alunos, bem como atingir os objetivos definidos para a investigação. As atividades em questão envolveram trabalho individual e de grupo, utilizando diversos materiais, tanto da Matemática como das Artes Visuais, tendo um cariz evolutivo, proporcionando primeiramente aos alunos momentos de treino e exploração que depois colocariam em prática nas atividades seguintes.
Os resultados obtidos revelaram o cumprimento dos objetivos do estudo, sendo que os alunos realizaram aprendizagens tanto na área da Matemática como das Artes Visuais. Como tal, notou-se o contributo das experiências de composição artística visual para o desenvolvimento da constância percetual e da perceção das relações espaciais, bem como para o desenvolvimento da representação das perspetivas dos objetos, melhorando a sua compreensão da tridimensionalidade.
ABSTRACT This report is an integral part of the Curricular Unit (UC) of supervised teaching practice II (PES). It concerns the internships carried out in a primary and elementary schools (2nd and 6th grade) and a research study developed in a 2nd grade class. In this document, it is presented a characterization of the contexts of the internship, the identification of the problems and the general objectives of the intervention which were defined based on the potentialities and weaknesses of the groups. The research study is presented in the second part of the document. The research theme emerged from the practice, meeting the needs and interests of the students. Thus, we wanted to understand which are the contributions of the interdisciplinary work between mathematics and the visual arts are in promoting a better understanding of the tridimensionality. In the study, participated twenty-four students from the 2nd grade class, aged between 7 and 8 years. With regard to the intervention carried out, for three weeks, a sequence of activities designed to develop the students ' learning and capacities, as well as achieving the objectives defined for the investigation, has been streamlined. The activities in question involved individual and group work, using various materials, both mathematics and visual arts, having an evolutionary nature, first providing students with moments of training and exploration that later they would put into practice in the following activities. The results revealed the achievement of the objectives of the intervention and the study, and the students developed some apprenticing in the area of mathematics and visual arts. As such, it was noted the contribution of the experiences of visual artistic composition to the development of perceptual constancy and the perception of spatial relations, as well as to the development of the representation of the perspectives of objects, improving their understanding of the tridimensionality.
ABSTRACT This report is an integral part of the Curricular Unit (UC) of supervised teaching practice II (PES). It concerns the internships carried out in a primary and elementary schools (2nd and 6th grade) and a research study developed in a 2nd grade class. In this document, it is presented a characterization of the contexts of the internship, the identification of the problems and the general objectives of the intervention which were defined based on the potentialities and weaknesses of the groups. The research study is presented in the second part of the document. The research theme emerged from the practice, meeting the needs and interests of the students. Thus, we wanted to understand which are the contributions of the interdisciplinary work between mathematics and the visual arts are in promoting a better understanding of the tridimensionality. In the study, participated twenty-four students from the 2nd grade class, aged between 7 and 8 years. With regard to the intervention carried out, for three weeks, a sequence of activities designed to develop the students ' learning and capacities, as well as achieving the objectives defined for the investigation, has been streamlined. The activities in question involved individual and group work, using various materials, both mathematics and visual arts, having an evolutionary nature, first providing students with moments of training and exploration that later they would put into practice in the following activities. The results revealed the achievement of the objectives of the intervention and the study, and the students developed some apprenticing in the area of mathematics and visual arts. As such, it was noted the contribution of the experiences of visual artistic composition to the development of perceptual constancy and the perception of spatial relations, as well as to the development of the representation of the perspectives of objects, improving their understanding of the tridimensionality.
Relatório de Estágio realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II e apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Matemática Artes visuais Interdisciplinaridade 1.º ciclo do ensino básico Tridimensionalidade Math Visual arts Interdisciplinarity Primary school Tridimensionality
Costa, C. M. M. (2019). O contributo da interdisciplinaridade entre a matemática e as artes visuais para a compreensão da tridimensionalidade: Uma experiência no 2.º ano de escolaridade (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em:
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa