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O presente relatório de estágio elaborado no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em ensino de Dança (8ª edição), da Escola Superior de Dança do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, pretende ser um relato aprofundado da prática pedagógica de estágio, implementada com alunas de 4º ano do curso de Dança da Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal (ADCS), na disciplina de Técnica de Dança Clássica (TDC). Visando um tema que surgiu da experiência da autora, foi seu desejo o ´entrelaçamento` entre duas áreas que lhe são familiares – TDC e Pilates, pretendendo investigar os contributos da articulação entre ambas, na consciência de centro e estabilidade pélvica, em alguns elementos técnicos da TDC: Battement glissé à la seconde, grand battement en cloche e grand battement à la seconde. À luz dos princípios da metodologia de Investigação – Ação, foi também sua intenção avaliar como o método de Pilates, poderia ser uma ferramenta vantajosa para os alunos de TDC, na promoção de um corpo consciente e estável. Porque se acredita que o ensino da dança, não é um processo estanque e ´parado` cronologicamente, tendo ciente a exigência e o rigor como parâmetros relevantes, considera-se pertinente a diversificação de estratégias de ensino, diferentes das convencionais, almejando o encontro da excelência técnica, com o contributo de uma abordagem somática.
A seleção dos instrumentos de recolha de dados, como as tabelas de observação, registo audiovisual/fotográfico, diários de bordo e questionário, permitiram recolher dados que priorizaram o foco na avaliação dos contributos da práxis. O recurso ao registo audiovisual de vídeo, teve o intuito de captar imagens da execução dos elementos técnicos na pré e pós intervenção, que permitiu verificar uma evolução geral de 66,6%. Em relação à avaliação por tabelas de observação, com parâmetros de avaliação como a consciência de centro, estabilidade pélvica/escapular e manutenção do en dehors, verificaram-se progressos de 70,8%. Em suma, considerando estes dois momentos avaliativos, pôde-se constatar uma evolução geral de 68,7%. Por fim, foi aplicado um questionário que revelou a aquisição de conhecimentos por parte da amostra (88% de respostas certas) e a sua opinião, concordando que os exercícios de Pilates auxiliaram para um entendimento maior da consciência e ação do centro, sentindo mais estabilidade, passando a utilizar os princípios fundamentais do método, nas aulas de TDC.
ABSTRACT - This internship report elaborated in the scope of the Master's course in dance education (8th edition), from the Escola Superior de Dança of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, intends to be an in-depth account of the pedagogical practice of the internship, implemented with students from the 4th year of dance course at the Contemporary Dance Academy of Setúbal (ADCS), in the discipline of Classical Dance Technique (TDC). Aiming at a theme that emerged from the author's experience, her desire was to 'intertwine' between two areas that are familiar to her - TDC and Pilates, aiming to investigate the contributions of the articulation between both, in the center awareness and pelvic stability, in the technical elements of the TDC: Battement glissé à la seconde, Grand battement en cloche and Grand battement à la seconde. In the light of the principles of the Research - Action methodology, it was also his intention to evaluate how the Pilates method could be an advantageous tool for students of TDC, in promoting a conscious and stable body. Because it is believed that the teaching of dance is not a chronologically watertight and 'stopped' process, being aware of the requirement and rigor as relevant parameters, it is considered pertinent to diversify teaching strategies, different from conventional ones, aiming at meeting technical excellence with the contribution of a somatic approach. The selection of data collection instruments, such as observation tables, audiovisual / photographic record, logbooks and questionnaire, allowed the collection of data that prioritized the focus on the evaluation of the praxis contributions. The use of the audiovisual video record was intended to capture images of the execution of the technical elements in the pre and post intervention, which allowed to verify a general evolution of 66.6%. In relation to the evaluation by observation tables, with evaluation parameters such as center awareness, pelvic / scapular stability and maintenance of the en dehors, progress was verified by 70.8%. In short, considering these two evaluative moments, it was possible to verify an overall evolution of 68.7%. Finally, a questionnaire was applied that revealed the acquisition of knowledge by the sample (88% of correct answers) and their opinion, agreeing that the Pilates exercises helped to better understand the center's awareness and action, feeling more stability and who started to use the fundamental principles of the method, in the classes of TDC.
ABSTRACT - This internship report elaborated in the scope of the Master's course in dance education (8th edition), from the Escola Superior de Dança of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, intends to be an in-depth account of the pedagogical practice of the internship, implemented with students from the 4th year of dance course at the Contemporary Dance Academy of Setúbal (ADCS), in the discipline of Classical Dance Technique (TDC). Aiming at a theme that emerged from the author's experience, her desire was to 'intertwine' between two areas that are familiar to her - TDC and Pilates, aiming to investigate the contributions of the articulation between both, in the center awareness and pelvic stability, in the technical elements of the TDC: Battement glissé à la seconde, Grand battement en cloche and Grand battement à la seconde. In the light of the principles of the Research - Action methodology, it was also his intention to evaluate how the Pilates method could be an advantageous tool for students of TDC, in promoting a conscious and stable body. Because it is believed that the teaching of dance is not a chronologically watertight and 'stopped' process, being aware of the requirement and rigor as relevant parameters, it is considered pertinent to diversify teaching strategies, different from conventional ones, aiming at meeting technical excellence with the contribution of a somatic approach. The selection of data collection instruments, such as observation tables, audiovisual / photographic record, logbooks and questionnaire, allowed the collection of data that prioritized the focus on the evaluation of the praxis contributions. The use of the audiovisual video record was intended to capture images of the execution of the technical elements in the pre and post intervention, which allowed to verify a general evolution of 66.6%. In relation to the evaluation by observation tables, with evaluation parameters such as center awareness, pelvic / scapular stability and maintenance of the en dehors, progress was verified by 70.8%. In short, considering these two evaluative moments, it was possible to verify an overall evolution of 68.7%. Finally, a questionnaire was applied that revealed the acquisition of knowledge by the sample (88% of correct answers) and their opinion, agreeing that the Pilates exercises helped to better understand the center's awareness and action, feeling more stability and who started to use the fundamental principles of the method, in the classes of TDC.
Relatório final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Técnica de dança clássica Pilates Consciência de centro Estabilidade pélvica Somatismo Classical dance technique Pilates Center consciousness Pelvic stability Somatism
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Escola Superior de Dança
Escola Superior de Dança