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O crescente fenómeno dos influenciadores digitais e das parcerias comerciais
realizadas entre estes e as marcas tem-se evidenciado em praticamente todas as indústrias,
e a indústria do fitness não é exceção. Os influenciadores de fitness têm-se tornado pontos
de referência e inspiração para os seus seguidores que, procurando atingir a sua melhor
versão física e psicológica, recorrem aos primeiros na esperança de obter informações e
recomendações fidedignas que os ajudem a alcançar esse objetivo. Não obstante, a forma
como a perceção dos mesmos pelos seus seguidores e a relação parassocial entre
influenciadores e seguidores estão relacionadas com os comportamentos e afetos dos
últimos, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à intenção de compra e ao bem-estar, é um
tópico que recebeu ainda pouca atenção por parte da academia.
Esta investigação tem como objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o
marketing de influência na área do fitness estudando a forma como os utilizadores do
Instagram se relacionam com os influenciadores de fitness que seguem, e os potenciais
efeitos dessa relação nos comportamentos de compra e bem-estar dos primeiros. São
examinadas relações entre variáveis como a atratividade do influenciador, a credibilidade
do influenciador, a relação parassocial entre seguidor e influenciador, a congruência
influenciador-seguidor, a congruência influenciador-produto, a intenção de compra do
seguidor, a satisfação com a vida do seguidor, os afetos positivos, e os afetos negativos
do seguidor. Seguiu-se uma metodologia quantitativa, materializada através de um
questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 142 participantes, todos eles seguidores de
influenciadores de fitness no Instagram e residentes em Portugal.
Os dados resultantes das análises realizadas sugerem que a atratividade, a
credibilidade, a relação parassocial, a congruência influenciador-seguidor, a congruência
influenciador-produto e os afetos positivos se relacionam positivamente com a intenção
de compra. Sugerem ainda que a atratividade, a credibilidade, a congruência
influenciador-produto e a congruência influenciador-seguidor se relacionam
positivamente com o bem-estar, sendo que a última aparenta ter em simultâneo uma
relação positiva e significativa com o mal-estar (afetos negativos).
ABSTRACT: The growing phenomenon of digital influencers and the commercial partnerships between them and brands has become evident in practically all industries, and the fitness industry is no exception. Fitness influencers have become role models and sources of inspiration for their followers who, seeking to achieve their best physical and psychological selves, turn to them in the hope of obtaining reliable information and recommendations to help them reach that goal. Nevertheless, how these influencers relate to the behaviors and emotions of their followers, especially regarding purchase intention and well-being, is a topic that hasn’t received a lot of academic attention so far. This research aims to deepen the understanding of influencer marketing in the fitness industry by studying how Instagram users engage with the fitness influencers they follow and the potential effects of this relationship on the purchase behaviors and well- being of the former. Relationships between variables such as influencer attractiveness, influencer credibility, parasocial relationships between follower and influencer, influencer-follower congruence, influencer-product congruence, follower’s purchase intention, follower’s life satisfaction, follower’s positive affect, and follower’s negative affect are examined. The study followed a quantitative methodology, implemented through a survey administered to a sample of 142 participants, all of whom are followers of fitness influencers on Instagram and live in Portugal. The data resulting from the conducted analyses suggest that attractiveness, credibility, parasocial relationships, influencer-follower congruence, influencer-product congruence, and positive affect are positively related to purchase intention. It is also suggested that attractiveness, credibility, influencer-product congruence, and influencer- follower congruence are positively related to well-being, with the latter apparently having a simultaneous positive and significant relationship with distress (negative affect).
ABSTRACT: The growing phenomenon of digital influencers and the commercial partnerships between them and brands has become evident in practically all industries, and the fitness industry is no exception. Fitness influencers have become role models and sources of inspiration for their followers who, seeking to achieve their best physical and psychological selves, turn to them in the hope of obtaining reliable information and recommendations to help them reach that goal. Nevertheless, how these influencers relate to the behaviors and emotions of their followers, especially regarding purchase intention and well-being, is a topic that hasn’t received a lot of academic attention so far. This research aims to deepen the understanding of influencer marketing in the fitness industry by studying how Instagram users engage with the fitness influencers they follow and the potential effects of this relationship on the purchase behaviors and well- being of the former. Relationships between variables such as influencer attractiveness, influencer credibility, parasocial relationships between follower and influencer, influencer-follower congruence, influencer-product congruence, follower’s purchase intention, follower’s life satisfaction, follower’s positive affect, and follower’s negative affect are examined. The study followed a quantitative methodology, implemented through a survey administered to a sample of 142 participants, all of whom are followers of fitness influencers on Instagram and live in Portugal. The data resulting from the conducted analyses suggest that attractiveness, credibility, parasocial relationships, influencer-follower congruence, influencer-product congruence, and positive affect are positively related to purchase intention. It is also suggested that attractiveness, credibility, influencer-product congruence, and influencer- follower congruence are positively related to well-being, with the latter apparently having a simultaneous positive and significant relationship with distress (negative affect).
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Marketing de influência Influenciadores de fitness Intenção de compra Bem-estar Influencer marketing Fitness influencers Purchase Intention Well-being
Dias, R.C.H. (2023). O papel dos influenciadores de fitness na intenção de compra e bem-estar dos seus seguidores [Dissertação de mestrado, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social]. Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social