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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II (PES II), integrada no Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) e em Matemática e Ciências Naturais do 2.º CEB. Este integra a descrição, análise e reflexão da prática pedagógica de ensino supervisionada vivenciada em 1.º e em 2.º CEB, bem como a investigação realizada com uma turma de 3.º ano do 1.º CEB, no contexto de um estabelecimento de ensino privado na região de Lisboa. A presente investigação teve como principal objetivo compreender os processos realizados pelos alunos face à regulação e autorregulação das aprendizagens no trabalho realizado em parcerias, durante o Tempo de Estudo Autónomo. Neste sentido, delinearam-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: i) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos face a uma parceria eficaz, no âmbito do Tempo de Estudo Autónomo; ii) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos face à seleção do colega a apoiar ou a ser apoiado; iii) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos face à seleção dos conteúdos e competências curriculares a serem trabalhadas nas parcerias desenvolvidas; iv) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos face às estratégias de trabalho utilizadas no decorrer das parcerias; v) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos quanto às aprendizagens realizadas durante o trabalho de parcerias; vi) Caracterizar as perceções dos alunos quanto à avaliação das parcerias; e vii) Identificar que mudanças podem ocorrer na regulação e autorregulação das aprendizagens no trabalho em parcerias, decorrente das estratégias implementadas. De acordo com os objetivos do estudo, a metodologia utilizada é de natureza qualitativa, com procedimentos próximos da metodologia de investigação-ação, tendo sido utilizadas diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, tais como a aplicação de questionários, a análise documental e a observação participante. O tratamento de dados foi efetuado com recurso à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que os alunos demonstraram uma melhoria na regulação e autorregulação das aprendizagens no trabalho em parcerias. As estratégias e instrumentos implementados, como as Listas de Verificação Intermédias, as apresentações e as conversas informais, contribuíram para que os alunos trabalhassem com maior responsabilidade, autonomia e intencionalidade, bem como escolhessem os colegas mais indicados para as parcerias; também para que as avaliassem de forma mais detalhada e reflexiva, tivessem maior consciência das aprendizagens adquiridas durante esse tempo, além das dificuldades que persistiram, e se responsabilizassem mais pelo sucesso das parcerias.
This report was developed as part of the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice II, which integrates the curriculum of the Master’s in Teaching of 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. The report integrates the description, analysis, and reflection of the supervised teaching practice in 1st and 2nd cycles, as well as the investigation led on a grade 3 class, within the scope of a private school in Lisbon. The investigation’s goal was to comprehend the students’ processes facing the learning regulation and self-regulation of partnership work during Autonomous Learning Time. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: i) Characterize students’ perceptions of effective partnerships in relation to Autonomous Learning Time; ii) Characterize students’ regarding the selection of peers to support or to be supported; iii) Characterize student’s perceptions regarding the selection of the curriculum topics and skills to be developed in the partnerships; iv) Characterize students’ perceptions in relation to work strategies employed during partnerships; v) Characterize students’ perceptions regarding the learning outcomes achieved through partnership work; vi) Characterize student’s perceptions regarding partnerships’ evaluation; vii) Identify the changes that may occur in the regulation and self-regulation of learning in partnership work as a result of the implemented strategies. According to the investigation’s objectives, the chosen methodology is qualitative in nature, with procedures closely resembling action-research methodology. Several data collection techniques were used, including the administration of questionnaires, document analysis, and participant observation. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis. The study’s results demonstrated an improvement in the regulation and self-regulation of students’ learning in partnership work. The used strategies and instruments, such as Intermediate Checklists, informal conversations, and presentations, contributed to students working with greater responsibility, autonomy, and intentionality; also, choosing the more suitable partners for collaborations, assessing them in a more detailed and reflective way, gaining a greater awareness of the learning acquired during that time, as well as the challenges that persisted, and taking more responsibility for the success of the partnerships.
This report was developed as part of the curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice II, which integrates the curriculum of the Master’s in Teaching of 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. The report integrates the description, analysis, and reflection of the supervised teaching practice in 1st and 2nd cycles, as well as the investigation led on a grade 3 class, within the scope of a private school in Lisbon. The investigation’s goal was to comprehend the students’ processes facing the learning regulation and self-regulation of partnership work during Autonomous Learning Time. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: i) Characterize students’ perceptions of effective partnerships in relation to Autonomous Learning Time; ii) Characterize students’ regarding the selection of peers to support or to be supported; iii) Characterize student’s perceptions regarding the selection of the curriculum topics and skills to be developed in the partnerships; iv) Characterize students’ perceptions in relation to work strategies employed during partnerships; v) Characterize students’ perceptions regarding the learning outcomes achieved through partnership work; vi) Characterize student’s perceptions regarding partnerships’ evaluation; vii) Identify the changes that may occur in the regulation and self-regulation of learning in partnership work as a result of the implemented strategies. According to the investigation’s objectives, the chosen methodology is qualitative in nature, with procedures closely resembling action-research methodology. Several data collection techniques were used, including the administration of questionnaires, document analysis, and participant observation. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis. The study’s results demonstrated an improvement in the regulation and self-regulation of students’ learning in partnership work. The used strategies and instruments, such as Intermediate Checklists, informal conversations, and presentations, contributed to students working with greater responsibility, autonomy, and intentionality; also, choosing the more suitable partners for collaborations, assessing them in a more detailed and reflective way, gaining a greater awareness of the learning acquired during that time, as well as the challenges that persisted, and taking more responsibility for the success of the partnerships.
Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Movimento da escola moderna Tempo de estudo autónomo Trabalho em parcerias Regulação e autorregulação da Aprendizagem Modern school movement Self-study time Working in partnerships Regulation and self-regulation of learning
Alegria, S. F. V. (2024). Os processos de regulação e autorregulação das aprendizagens no trabalho em parcerias durante o tempo de estudo autónomo, numa turma de 3º ano de escolaridade (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: