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Em Portugal, a maior parte dos quebra-mares utilizados para proteção portuária são do tipo de taludes. Estes quebra-mares têm um comportamento dúctil e são constituídos maioritariamente por materiais granulares. Neste sentido, e com o objetivo de observar o comportamento destas estruturas, o Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) tem vindo a desenvolver, desde 1986, uma metodologia de observação sistemática de obras marítimas (OSOM), modernizada em 2015 e agora designada OSOM+. O programa OSOM+ é caraterizado essencialmente pela recolha de informação relevante da estrutura em campanhas de observação visual e de observação aérea, com a utilização de VANT (drone). Nas campanhas de observação visual, o observador dispõe de uma plataforma online onde, através de preenchimento de fichas de inspeção, obtém os diversos estados do quebra-mar em estudo (estado atual, de evolução e de risco), permitindo sugerir prazos para execução de obras de reparação/reabilitação, se necessário. Este trabalho pretende aplicar a metodologia OSOM+ para caraterizar o estado dos quebra-mares de Portimão e Faro-Olhão, sob jurisdição da Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, comparando os resultados obtidos, com os do LNEC, para os mesmos quebra-mares.
Most of the breakwaters used for harbor protection in Portugal are rubble-mound breakwaters. These breakwaters have a ductile behavior and are built mostly with granular materials. In this sense and with the objective of observing the behavior of these structures, the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) has been developing, since 1986, a methodology for systematic observation of maritime works (OSOM), updated in 2015, and now called OSOM+. The OSOM+ program is essentially characterized by the collection of relevant information from the structure in visual observation campaigns and aerial campaigns with the use of UAV (drone). In the visual observations campaigns the observer has at his/her disposal a web platform where, by filling in inspection forms, the various conditions of the breakwater are obtained (current, evolution and risk conditions), allowing to suggest deadlines for the execution of repair / rehabilitation works. This work aims to apply the OSOM+ methodology to characterize the condition of the Portimão and Faro-Olhão breakwaters, under the jurisdiction of the Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, S.A, and comparing the results obtained within the scope of this work with those of LNEC, for the same breakwaters.
Most of the breakwaters used for harbor protection in Portugal are rubble-mound breakwaters. These breakwaters have a ductile behavior and are built mostly with granular materials. In this sense and with the objective of observing the behavior of these structures, the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) has been developing, since 1986, a methodology for systematic observation of maritime works (OSOM), updated in 2015, and now called OSOM+. The OSOM+ program is essentially characterized by the collection of relevant information from the structure in visual observation campaigns and aerial campaigns with the use of UAV (drone). In the visual observations campaigns the observer has at his/her disposal a web platform where, by filling in inspection forms, the various conditions of the breakwater are obtained (current, evolution and risk conditions), allowing to suggest deadlines for the execution of repair / rehabilitation works. This work aims to apply the OSOM+ methodology to characterize the condition of the Portimão and Faro-Olhão breakwaters, under the jurisdiction of the Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, S.A, and comparing the results obtained within the scope of this work with those of LNEC, for the same breakwaters.
Relatório de estágio de natureza profissional para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Quebra-mares Observação sistemática Obras marítimas OSOM+ Faro-Olhão Portimão Breakwaters Systematic observation Maritime works OSOM+ Faro-Olhão Portimão
GONÇALVES, Rúben Jorge Pereira - Observação sistemática de obras marítimas - quebra-mares de Faro-Olhão e Portimão. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2023. Dissertação de Mestrado.