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Neste relatório de estágio, que se integra na unidade curricular de Prática de
Ensino Supervisionada II (PES), são apresentadas a prática de ensino supervisionada e
uma investigação desenvolvida durante a prática no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB).
A PES é apresentada em linhas gerais, contemplando a caracterização do contexto
socioeducativo e a identificação da problemática e dos objetivos gerais de intervenção,
definidos a partir das potencialidades e das fragilidades dos alunos e do contexto.
A investigação é apresentada na segunda parte ou segundo capítulo deste
documento. O tema foi escolhido pelo interesse, curiosidade e relevância para os alunos,
uma vez que, para além de se avaliar a sua perceção do risco sísmico, se pretendia
contribuir para que os alunos compreendessem o fenómeno sísmico e desenvolvessem
uma cultura de segurança, ou seja, conhecessem medidas preventivas e interventivas de
autoproteção em caso de sismo e soubessem agir em conformidade.
Neste estudo participaram os alunos da turma do 3.º ano, na qual decorreu a PES
no 1.º CEB. A amostra era constituída por vinte e cinco alunos entre os 7 e os 9 anos.
A investigação contemplou várias etapas. Inicialmente, administrou-se um préteste
para avaliar a perceção dos alunos acerca da frequência e da perigosidade de três
riscos naturais (incêndios, inundações e sismos) e para avaliar os seus conhecimentos
face ao fenómeno sísmico em geral, ao risco sísmico na região de Lisboa e à prevenção
sísmica na escola. Em seguida, implementou-se um plano de intervenção, em contexto de
sala de aula e em outros espaços da escola, que terminou com a administração do pósteste
1. Três meses depois, foi administrado o pós-teste 2 para verificar se as
aprendizagens tinham perdurado, sinónimo de que tinham sido significativas para as
Os resultados da investigação revelaram que os objetivos do estudo foram
atingidos, uma vez que o conhecimento científico dos alunos acerca do fenómeno
sísmico, do risco sísmico na região de Lisboa e da prevenção sísmica na escola aumentou
e perdurou no tempo.
ABSTRACT This report, written within the Supervised Teaching Practice II curricular unit, introduces the supervised teaching practice and a research elaborated during the practice on primary school. The Supervised Teaching Practice is broadly introduced considering the characterization of the socio-educational context and the identification of the problem and the intervention goals, which were based upon students’ and context strengths and weaknesses. The research is presented at the second chapter of this document. Its subject was based on interest, curiosity and relevance for the students, once it was intended to evaluate seismic risk perception and, on the other hand, to contribute to students understanding of seismic phenomenon by promoting a security culture, based on obtaining knowledge of preventive and intervention measures for self-protection in case of an earthquake and to act in conformity. In this research were involved the students from the third-grade class where the primary school internship of Supervised Teaching Practice has took place. The sample was formed by twenty-five students between seven and nine years old. The research involved several steps. Primarily, it was applied an assessment test to evaluate students' perception of frequency and danger of three natural hazards (fires, floods and earthquakes) and to evaluate students’ knowledge of the seismic phenomenon, seismic risk in the Lisbon region and preventive measures at school. Secondly, it was implemented an intervention plan for the classroom and another school places, ending with an evaluation test. After three months, it was applied another evaluation test to confirm if knowledge still persisted meaning that it was relevant. Research results showed that the study objectives have been achieved since the students' scientific knowledge about the seismic phenomenon, seismic risk in the Lisbon region and preventive measures at school, has improved and lasted in time.
ABSTRACT This report, written within the Supervised Teaching Practice II curricular unit, introduces the supervised teaching practice and a research elaborated during the practice on primary school. The Supervised Teaching Practice is broadly introduced considering the characterization of the socio-educational context and the identification of the problem and the intervention goals, which were based upon students’ and context strengths and weaknesses. The research is presented at the second chapter of this document. Its subject was based on interest, curiosity and relevance for the students, once it was intended to evaluate seismic risk perception and, on the other hand, to contribute to students understanding of seismic phenomenon by promoting a security culture, based on obtaining knowledge of preventive and intervention measures for self-protection in case of an earthquake and to act in conformity. In this research were involved the students from the third-grade class where the primary school internship of Supervised Teaching Practice has took place. The sample was formed by twenty-five students between seven and nine years old. The research involved several steps. Primarily, it was applied an assessment test to evaluate students' perception of frequency and danger of three natural hazards (fires, floods and earthquakes) and to evaluate students’ knowledge of the seismic phenomenon, seismic risk in the Lisbon region and preventive measures at school. Secondly, it was implemented an intervention plan for the classroom and another school places, ending with an evaluation test. After three months, it was applied another evaluation test to confirm if knowledge still persisted meaning that it was relevant. Research results showed that the study objectives have been achieved since the students' scientific knowledge about the seismic phenomenon, seismic risk in the Lisbon region and preventive measures at school, has improved and lasted in time.
Relatório de Estágio realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II e
apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre
em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º
Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Cultura de segurança Educação para a cidadania Risco natural Risco sísmico 1.º ciclo do ensino básico Security culture Citizenship education Natural hazards Seismic risk Primary school