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Neste artigo são discutidas as representações sobre o ensino da
gramática na aula de português L1, a partir dos resultados de um estudo
exploratório que envolveu professores e futuros professores em diferentes
situações de formação: professores do Ensino Básico, estudantes em
estágio profi ssional e estudantes de licenciatura. O estudo centrou-se
nas orientações curriculares para o ensino da gramática propostas em
Reis et al. (2009), que veicularam uma clara mudança de paradigma no
ensino da língua.
Embora surja um claro contraste entre professores e estudantes, no que
respeita a familiaridade com as orientações curriculares e estratégias
de ensino, constituem pontos convergentes a importância atribuída à
gramática e a frágil formação no domínio da linguística. Os resultados da
análise permitem discutir a relação entre as conceções dos professores e as
suas práticas, evidenciando quer fragilidades na formação de professores
quer mudanças conceptuais que podem conduzir a efetivas mudanças na
prática de sala de aula.
ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to discuss representations about grammar teaching of Portuguese L1 teachers. It draws on the exploratory study designed to identify the invariants and divergences in self-perceptions about L1 grammar teaching of trainees in different training situations: in-service teachers, pre-service teachers and bachelor’s students. The study focus on student’s and teacher’s acknowledgment of the Portuguese L1 Curriculum (Reis et al. 2009), which conveys a clear paradigm change in Portuguese language education, assuming that grammar teaching is based upon language awareness development. The results show an evident gap between students and teachers in what concerns the familiarity with the Portuguese L1 Curriculum and teaching strategies. However, some puzzling convergent points are the importance attributed to grammar and poor linguistics background. The results analysis draws attention to the relationship between teacher cognition and practice, highlighting fragilities in teacher education and potential conceptual changes that may lead to effective changes in classroom practices.
ABSTRACT The goal of this paper is to discuss representations about grammar teaching of Portuguese L1 teachers. It draws on the exploratory study designed to identify the invariants and divergences in self-perceptions about L1 grammar teaching of trainees in different training situations: in-service teachers, pre-service teachers and bachelor’s students. The study focus on student’s and teacher’s acknowledgment of the Portuguese L1 Curriculum (Reis et al. 2009), which conveys a clear paradigm change in Portuguese language education, assuming that grammar teaching is based upon language awareness development. The results show an evident gap between students and teachers in what concerns the familiarity with the Portuguese L1 Curriculum and teaching strategies. However, some puzzling convergent points are the importance attributed to grammar and poor linguistics background. The results analysis draws attention to the relationship between teacher cognition and practice, highlighting fragilities in teacher education and potential conceptual changes that may lead to effective changes in classroom practices.
Ensino de gramática Conhecimento explícito da língua Pensamento do professor Ensino de português L1 Grammar teaching Explicit knowledge of language Language teacher cognition Portuguese L1 teaching
Cardoso, Adriana, Pereira, Susana, Leite, Teresa, & Silva, Encarnação. (2018). From Initial Education to Portuguese L1 Classroom: conceptions about teaching and learning grammar. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 34(4), 1019-1043.