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O presente relatório desenvolve-se no contexto da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II, do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Na primeira parte do relatório é feita uma descrição das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no 1.º e no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, assim como uma comparação crítica e reflexiva das duas práticas. Na segunda parte apresenta-se o estudo empírico desenvolvido com alunos do 2.º ano de escolaridade na prática pedagógica do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este intitula-se “Representações matemáticas, suas funções e relações na resolução de problemas: um estudo com alunos do 2.º ano de escolaridade” e teve como finalidade compreender a que tipo de representações estes alunos recorrem para resolver problemas, o papel desempenhado por essas representações nos processos de resolução dos problemas e as relações que estabelecem entre os diferentes tipos de representações. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa, tendo um carácter descritivo e interpretativo. Para recolher os dados privilegiaram-se as técnicas da observação participante e da entrevista a dois pares de alunos, tendo sido a análise de conteúdo a técnica utilizada para o tratamento dos dados. Os resultados da investigação permitiram verificar que os participantes no estudo, para resolver os problemas, recorreram a representações físicas, visuais, verbais e simbólicas. Na sua maioria, as representações físicas foram utilizadas para rever os processos de resolução e interpretar a situação dos problemas, as visuais para obter a solução dos problemas e as simbólicas e verbais para explicar e justificar os processos adotados ao longo das suas resoluções. Quanto às relações estabelecidas entre os diferentes tipos de representações, verificou-se que os alunos tiveram mais facilidade em estabelecer relações entre as visuais e físicas e entre as verbais e visuais, manifestando alguma dificuldade na utilização de tabelas e respetiva relação com os outros tipos de representações.
Abstract This report is developed in the context of the Supervised Teaching Practice II curricular unit of the Master’s degree in Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Maths and Science in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. In the first part of the report a description is made of the pedagogical practices developed in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education, as well as a critical and reflective comparison of both practices. In the second part the empirical study developed with the second-grade students in the pedagogical practice of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education is presented. This study is entitled “Mathematical representations, their functions and relations in problem solving: a study with 2nd grade students” and it was aimed to understand what kind of representations these students resort to solve problems, the role played by these representations in the problem solving processes and the connections established between the different kind of representations. This is a qualitative study, having a descriptive and interpretative character. In order to collect the data are privileged the techniques of participant observation and interview to two pairs of students, having been the content analyses the technique used for the data processing. The investigation results allowed to verify that the participants in the study used physical, visual, verbal and symbolic representations to solve the problems. For the most part, the physical representations have been used to review the solving processes and interpretate the problems situation, the visual representations have been used to obtain the problems solution and the symbolic and verbal representations have been used to explain and justify the processes used throughout its resolutions. As to the connections established between the different kind of representations, it has been found that the students find it easier to link visual and physical representations and between verbal and visual representations, showing some difficulty in using tables and its respective connection with the other kinds of representations.
Abstract This report is developed in the context of the Supervised Teaching Practice II curricular unit of the Master’s degree in Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Maths and Science in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. In the first part of the report a description is made of the pedagogical practices developed in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education, as well as a critical and reflective comparison of both practices. In the second part the empirical study developed with the second-grade students in the pedagogical practice of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education is presented. This study is entitled “Mathematical representations, their functions and relations in problem solving: a study with 2nd grade students” and it was aimed to understand what kind of representations these students resort to solve problems, the role played by these representations in the problem solving processes and the connections established between the different kind of representations. This is a qualitative study, having a descriptive and interpretative character. In order to collect the data are privileged the techniques of participant observation and interview to two pairs of students, having been the content analyses the technique used for the data processing. The investigation results allowed to verify that the participants in the study used physical, visual, verbal and symbolic representations to solve the problems. For the most part, the physical representations have been used to review the solving processes and interpretate the problems situation, the visual representations have been used to obtain the problems solution and the symbolic and verbal representations have been used to explain and justify the processes used throughout its resolutions. As to the connections established between the different kind of representations, it has been found that the students find it easier to link visual and physical representations and between verbal and visual representations, showing some difficulty in using tables and its respective connection with the other kinds of representations.
Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para
obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais
no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Resolução de problemas Representações matemáticas Funções das representações Relações entre representações Educação Matemática Solving problems Mathematical representations Representation functions Connections between representations Mathematic education
Mendes, L. M. (2022). Representações matemáticas, suas funções e relações na resolução de problemas: um estudo com alunos do 2.º ano de escolaridade (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: