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Nascimento, Vanda Maria dos Santos
Consciente de que à prática da Dança (em contex-
tos de formação ou profissionais) se encontram
associados episódios de dor ou de sofrimento, é
proposto neste artigo, perceber os contextos da
dor na Dança, onde o corpo se revela como base
e instrumento fundamental do discurso artístico,
identificar as tipologias de dor mais comuns nos
seus praticantes e, finalmente, apontar algumas
estratégias que se consideram boas práticas para minorar essas dores.
ABSTRACT - Aware that the practice of Dance (in training or professional contexts) is associated with episodes of pain or suffering, it is proposed in this article to understand the contexts of pain in Dance, where the body reveals itself as a fundamental basis and instrument of artistic discourse, to identify the most common types of pain in its practitioners and, finally, point out some strategies that are considered good practices to mitigate these pains.
ABSTRACT - Aware that the practice of Dance (in training or professional contexts) is associated with episodes of pain or suffering, it is proposed in this article to understand the contexts of pain in Dance, where the body reveals itself as a fundamental basis and instrument of artistic discourse, to identify the most common types of pain in its practitioners and, finally, point out some strategies that are considered good practices to mitigate these pains.
Corpo Dança Dor Body Pain Dance
Nascimento, V. (2024). A dor na dança: identificar tipologias de dor e apontar (algumas) estratégias para as minorar. Cadernos IS-UP, Nº 5(2024), 48-55
Cadernos do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP)