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A investigação desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto Estratégias de Intervenção
socioeducativa em contextos sociais complexos enquadra-se na avaliação das
políticas sociais e educativas, em particular no que diz respeito à segurança escolar em
contextos marcados pela diversidade e complexidade social e cultural. O processo de
avaliação centrou-se na análise das estratégias de intervenção socioeducativa relativas
ao problema da violência na escola, desenvolvidas em três escolas de um concelho da
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa.
Partindo do pressuposto que a violência na escola é um fenómeno multideterminado e
multifacetado, a pesquisa centrou-se numa abordagem que enquadra as esferas de
intervenção/ação das instituições formais e dos agentes sociais enquanto mecanismos
que estruturam e regulam as concepções e práticas de violência na escola.
A recolha e sistematização de informação centrou-se, por um lado, nas estratégias de
intervenção que têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas localmente pelas escolas, e, por outro,
nas perspetivas dos diferentes intervenientes, considerando-se os alunos, osprofessores, as direções escolares e representantes das entidades e instituições locais.
Metodologicamente, privilegiou-se o cruzamento de métodos de carácter extensivo e
intensivo, combinando técnicas como a Observação Direta, a realização de Entrevistas,
de Grupos Focais, de Questionários, e ainda, a Análise de Redes e a Análise
Documental. Numa fase posterior, os diversos intervenientes participaram na
discussão e análise dos resultados previamente recolhidos, e na validação conjunta de
uma metodologia de intervenção que define um conjunto de estratégias gerais de
combate às situações de violência na escola e nos territórios educativos. Esta
metodologia é o principal produto do projeto e resulta de um processo de avaliação
dinâmico e participado. A contribuição que se apresenta no VI Encontro do CIED
ocupa-se dos procedimentos de avaliação desenvolvidos no âmbito deste projeto.
Abstract: The research developed through the project Estratégias de Intervenção socioeducativa em contextos sociais complexos concerns the assessment of social and educational policies, particularly in what regards safety in school contexts marked by social and cultural complexity and diversity. The assessment focused on the analysis of the social and educational intervention strategies of three schools of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area on the problem of school violence. Assuming that school violence is a multidetermined and multifaceted phenomenon the research engaged an approach that includes the intervention/action of formal institutions and of social agents as mechanisms that structure and regulate conceptions and practices of school violence. The gathering and systematization of information was centered on the intervention strategies developed locally by the schools, on one hand, and the perspectives of the different stakeholders, on the other hand, considering students, teachers, school directors and representatives from the local organizations and institutions. The methodology intersected extensive and intensive methods, combining techniques such as Observation, Interviews, Focus Groups, Questionnaires, Social Network Analysis and Document Analysis. At the final stage, the various actors were involved on the discussion and analysis of the results, as well as the validation of an intervention strategy to deal with school violence. This strategy was the main result of the projectand resulted from a dynamic assessment and participative procedures. The presentation at the VI CIED Conference focused on the procedures and key outputs of this research project.
Abstract: The research developed through the project Estratégias de Intervenção socioeducativa em contextos sociais complexos concerns the assessment of social and educational policies, particularly in what regards safety in school contexts marked by social and cultural complexity and diversity. The assessment focused on the analysis of the social and educational intervention strategies of three schools of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area on the problem of school violence. Assuming that school violence is a multidetermined and multifaceted phenomenon the research engaged an approach that includes the intervention/action of formal institutions and of social agents as mechanisms that structure and regulate conceptions and practices of school violence. The gathering and systematization of information was centered on the intervention strategies developed locally by the schools, on one hand, and the perspectives of the different stakeholders, on the other hand, considering students, teachers, school directors and representatives from the local organizations and institutions. The methodology intersected extensive and intensive methods, combining techniques such as Observation, Interviews, Focus Groups, Questionnaires, Social Network Analysis and Document Analysis. At the final stage, the various actors were involved on the discussion and analysis of the results, as well as the validation of an intervention strategy to deal with school violence. This strategy was the main result of the projectand resulted from a dynamic assessment and participative procedures. The presentation at the VI CIED Conference focused on the procedures and key outputs of this research project.
Violência na escola Intervenção socioeducativa Avaliação de políticas School violence Social and educational intervention Policy assessment
CIED – Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais/Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa