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O presente relatório pretende dar a conhecer ao leitor o percurso realizado ao longo da Prática Profissional Supervisionada II numa sala de jardim de infância, com um grupo com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos. Estas crianças apresentam alguma dificuldade no respeito pelas regras de vida de grupo, na partilha/cooperação e na sua autorregulação. Desta forma, a área da formação pessoal e social assumiu destaque nas intenções delineadas para a ação educativa.
Priorizando as interações sociais e encarando a prática reflexiva como algo indispensável para a ação de um educador importa ponderar acerca das interações do mesmo com as crianças. Assim, é indispensável haver uma constante introspeção que facilita a adequação da ação educativa ao grupo em questão.
Posto isto foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso de natureza mista, baseado na análise de registos de observação de 5 minutos realizados em dois momentos de grande grupo da rotina diária, a Reunião da Manhã e o Tempo Curricular Comparticipado - que ocorre da parte da tarde. Tendo em conta o tempo e relevância que estes dois momentos assumem na vida das crianças é importante aferir quais os tipos de interação que ocorrem mais em ambos.
Através do tratamento de dados foi possível categorizar as interações realizadas pela educadora cooperante em: (i) questionamento simples; (ii) questionamento aberto (iia) de exploração ou (iib) de sinalização; (iii) suporte;(iv) ampliação e (v) sinalização. De seguida analisou-se de forma rigorosa as interações, sustentando os resultados e conclusões obtidas com referencial teórico. A investigação em questão dá a conhecer que os tipos de interação divergem nos dois momentos, contudo com percentagens muito semelhantes entre si. Generalizando os dois momentos em análise, o questionamento de exploração, a sinalização e o questionamento simples, respetivamente, sobressaem nas interações da educadora. Pelo contrário, o questionamento aberto de sinalização é o menos presente. Especificando os dois momentos, enquanto o questionamento simples assume destaque na reunião da manhã, é o questionamento aberto de exploração que prevalece no momento estruturado da tarde.
Ao longo do documento a escrita reflexiva e crítica estarão presentes com o intuito de apresentar e compreender a prática de uma educadora e, principalmente, construir uma identidade profissional a partir da mesma.
ABSTRACT This report intends to inform the reader about the course taken during Supervised Professional Practice II with a group of preschoolers with ages between 3 and 6 years old. These children present some difficulty respecting the rules of group life, regarding sharing, cooperation and self-regulation. Consequently, the area of personal and social formation was highlighted when the definition of intentions for the educational action took place. Giving priority to social interactions and considering reflexive practice as something indispensable for the action of a preschool teacher, it is important to consider the adult’s interactions with the children. Therefore, it is imperative that there is a constant introspection, which facilitates the accommodation of the educational action to the group in question. Given that, it was developed a case study of a mixed nature, based on the analysis of 5-minute observation records carried out in two large group moments of the daily routine, the Morning Meeting and the Curricular Time-Sharing Course, which occurs in the afternoon. Given the timing and relevance of these two moments in the lives of children, it is important to gauge which types of interaction occur more often in both of them. Throughout data analysis, it was possible to categorize the interactions carried out by the educator based on simple questioning; open questioning (i) exploration or (ii) signaling; support; enlargement and signaling. Next they were analyzed narrowly, justifying the results and conclusions obtained with theoretical references. This research reveals that the types of interaction diverge at both times, but with very similar percentages. In general, given the two moments in analysis, the exploration questioning, the signaling and the simple questioning stand out in the interactions of the educator. On the contrary, open signaling questioning is the least present. Comparing the two moments, while the simple questioning becomes prominent in the morning meeting, the open questioning of exploitation prevails in the structured moment of the afternoon. Over the document, the writing will be reflexive and critical in order to evidentiate the practice of a preschool teacher and, above all, to be able to build a professional identity from it.
ABSTRACT This report intends to inform the reader about the course taken during Supervised Professional Practice II with a group of preschoolers with ages between 3 and 6 years old. These children present some difficulty respecting the rules of group life, regarding sharing, cooperation and self-regulation. Consequently, the area of personal and social formation was highlighted when the definition of intentions for the educational action took place. Giving priority to social interactions and considering reflexive practice as something indispensable for the action of a preschool teacher, it is important to consider the adult’s interactions with the children. Therefore, it is imperative that there is a constant introspection, which facilitates the accommodation of the educational action to the group in question. Given that, it was developed a case study of a mixed nature, based on the analysis of 5-minute observation records carried out in two large group moments of the daily routine, the Morning Meeting and the Curricular Time-Sharing Course, which occurs in the afternoon. Given the timing and relevance of these two moments in the lives of children, it is important to gauge which types of interaction occur more often in both of them. Throughout data analysis, it was possible to categorize the interactions carried out by the educator based on simple questioning; open questioning (i) exploration or (ii) signaling; support; enlargement and signaling. Next they were analyzed narrowly, justifying the results and conclusions obtained with theoretical references. This research reveals that the types of interaction diverge at both times, but with very similar percentages. In general, given the two moments in analysis, the exploration questioning, the signaling and the simple questioning stand out in the interactions of the educator. On the contrary, open signaling questioning is the least present. Comparing the two moments, while the simple questioning becomes prominent in the morning meeting, the open questioning of exploitation prevails in the structured moment of the afternoon. Over the document, the writing will be reflexive and critical in order to evidentiate the practice of a preschool teacher and, above all, to be able to build a professional identity from it.
Relatório de Prática Profissional Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar
Interações adulto-criança Momentos de grande grupo Prática reflexiva Investigação Adult-child interactions Large group moments Reflective practice Research
Nunes, R. A. S. (2019). "Como se pode usar a linguagem?" - Interação adulto-criança em momentos estruturados do JI (Dissertação de mestrado não publicada). Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa Disponível em: